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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
no...one...commented! Jeez, what's wrong with me, is it something I said. I mean, what the f*ck. Oh well, Im really not that mad. Im just curious as to why no one commented.
Oh, I got to 1100 visits to my site, thanks to all who came, and even greater thanks to those who keep coming back to read my nonsense.
So take care.
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
shit, maybe I should try to start playing poker for a living when I turn 21 in a couple of months. This is now my 2nd win in a row, and thanks to everyone who wished me luck. It worked, especially because I was almost the first one out. It was truley a great night.
And so now this means that I have GAS MONEY! YAY!
See, I lived up to my promise, I updated.
Now you cant call me a liar.
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
Do you think that my lack of posting and serious lack of friends is the reason why my rank in MyO is down to like 463?
I dont know, probably. But anywho, I dont seem to care anyway.
Still no god damn word on the job front this is becomming quite painful and wreaking having on my state of mind.
Poker is tomorrow night, and Im hoping for two weekely wins in a row, at least then Ill have some fucking gas money.
I do promise that tomorrow night, or at least Saturday morning I will tell you how Hole 'Em turned out.
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Friday, February 11, 2005

HOLY SH*T! I did not realize its been a week since my last showing.
I will not apologize though, I now feel that there is too much of that going on here. I realize I seem cold, but I do also realize that if youre busy with whatever you cant come around as much as you would like.
I did win at poker last Friday, so YAY, but that money went straight to bills. And also there is no news on the job front.
Now for the really bad news, I may end having to move in like 7 or 8 weeks. I cant find a job and its driving me nuts. To make a long story short. My mom hasnt worked in almost a year and a half, because of a botched surgery. She has used up all of her retirement money, cant afford to pay the bills, and in 6 weeks will have to sell our trailer. And I dont think I can live at my dads with him and my brother, it just wont work out.
I just may end up moving to the Wisconsin Dells, at least there I could find some Hotel work, or at the casino.
I might let talk about it more, but I doubt it. This is something that I need to work out myself.
I will be stopping back MyO every now and then.
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Friday, February 4, 2005
Well now, if it isn't Brock Samson.
(I have no clue why I just typed that.)
Tonight is poker night, where 6 of my family and friends(and myself) play no limit Texas Hold 'Em the game made famous by ESPN. I need to step up my game, I havent been doing to well lately.
I have been playing some Dungeons and Dragons recently. I even got myself a pewter miniature and painted him. I think its awesome if I do say so myself.
Ive also been putting in more applications, but nothing yet. Something needs to come in soon, or I will be up shit creek without a paddle.
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Monday, January 31, 2005
I was able to check sites that were updated this morning(as of 7:00)
I cant sleep, so thats why Im up now, instead of sawing logs. In a couple of hours I will be getting a new window for my Buick. Its about damn time. But thankfully and much to the shigrin of Anatema, it didnt snow and all I have to worry about is the 20 degrees of cold as the -5 wind chill that I have to drive through to get the new window put in.
Oh well, its just shit you gotta deal with.
I do believe the next project will have to be either the exhaust(hole in line, very loud) or the suspension(air ride(Ill explain later if I feel like it), doesnt work quite right anymore.)
Alas, I have to wait until I can get some bloody money.
Ive taken enough of your time.
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Saturday, January 29, 2005
No new window yet, Im just thankful that it hasn't snowed in the last couple of days. I did however fix my door. Just $5.00 and four hours(its cold) to fix my door so I dont have to slam it anymore. I did get another glass cut on my arm. ITS OK SO DONT WORRY ABOUT IT! I just sneezed all over my monitor.
Anyway, I may wait until monday to get the new window. I just need to be patient, and hope it doesnt snow. ^_^!
May the force be with you
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
WOW, has this been a couple of days!
I dont know what kind of days, but they have been interesting to say the least.
Yesterday, I went out and filled out a couple of more applications. Bought Samurai X: Reflections. It basically runs through some on Kenshins fights, it goes through the story arcs that arent on TV. It shows Kenshin and Kaoru's son Kenji. It has a different animation, and style differences from the TV show, But I still reccomend it.
That was yesterday.
Today, was a different kind of day.
Ill set it up for you. My car's driver's side door is heavy, so the hinges and pins are bent. So I have to shut it harder than normal. Well, today I shut the door a little harder than I should have. And
There is a lot of automotive glass flying by my face. I got a nice cut on my chin and an even better one on my nose. They bled for a little bit, their better now. But what an experience! If you ever have the chance. Dont, auto glass is expensive.
Now its too late for anything to be done, so in the morning, Ill clean it out. Get the door worked on, and then go and get the window fixed.
Im tired. I think Ill play some Star Ocean(im on disc 2) and then watch some [adult swim] and go to bed.
Guys, Dont Fear the Reaper. And take care of your cars. They will fight back if you treat them like shit.
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
Another one of the quizzes that Edward1066 found.
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
I saw this on Edward1066's site and it looked fun, I havent done one of these in a while.
Now that is my kind of ending. And how did they know that was my job?
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