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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
I am truley sorry about the lack of posting, and visits. Its just been a real down time lately. The thing that sucks is that I am spending a lot more time on-line. But I just havent been coming to MyO, chalk it up to being really lazy. I again apologize. I think I made it to sites tonight.
Well, I hope that you dont think less of me.
Adios Amigos.
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Im sorry, I prostrate myself before you and beg your forgiveness. I know its been a week since I posted, and visited sites. But nothing interesting has happened. NO news on the job front. The cable is canceled, but they havent been around to turn it off, so FREE CABLE until they realize im not paying anymore. Its their fault, if they want to charge me more, too damn bad. I wont pay.
Other than that, I got nothing.
So Ill speak to you later
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
We apologize for the delay.
Just kidding, I will be sure to check out sites tomorrow.
My mom and grandma went to visit my uncle in Indiana for like the next week. So I have full reign of the house. Nothing will come of it probably. I just like being alone recently. She really hasnt gone anywhere lately and its good that she and my grandma got out.
Ill be back around tomorrow.
and Dont Fear the Reaper
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Its a sad day. I had to call today and get my cable turned off. I just cant afford it anymore. 50 bucks a month is too much. So as of Monday, no more [adult swim]. It really sucks. After I get a new job, I might get it turned back on, or get a dish.
But this is the last week of indulging myself in anime on Cartoon Network.
Ill have to stick to my movies and the season of Inuyasha I bought my brother.
Dont Fear the Reaper
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
It took long enough. but I finally reached 1000 visits. Thanks so much.
I think that my popularity has gone up recently too.
My New year was fun last night, I had some rum and cokes, champagne at midnight, and that is about it.
Today is kind of a cool down period. Tomorrow, the last Bears game of the season. I will be watching that tomorrow.
Well, Later
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Friday, December 31, 2004
so, how many of you will be drinking tonight besides me?
If not, that is cool too. I only seem to drink on holidays and other really special occasions.
Well, Ill talk to you all later.
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
ok, in case anyone was wondering what I look like. Here a pic. Now I must warn you, you may not want to look, your image of me in your mind is most likely not what you will see. And as a result, you might not want to talk to me again...
So now if you really want to see, here it is:
Note: I am the guy on the right, the guy on the left is Jules, Blue Oyster Cult's new drummer.
Has the suspense gotten to you yet?
YES! Ill make you wait a little longer, the picture was taken aat the bar during the concerts after party. Everyone was BLITZED. It was uber-fun.
Ok, ok, Ive made you suffer enough.

Dont Fear the Reaper
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Were sorry to interrupt your current Otaku for this important announcement.
Just kidding ^_^
Ive been kinda busy these last couple of days. A lot of running around, a ton of housework, playing Star Ocean, and my grandma having a heart test done this morning.
Im drawing a blank right now..................! Oh, I got to talk to my new friend from the concert yesterday! She and I have a lot in common, taste in music, we both like playing poker, and her aunt likes my dad.(I dont know how that will play out, but we'll see.)If the aunt comes to see my old man, she can bring Vivien to see me^_^ I like how that works out. I got some gift cards to Suncoast, so I will probably be getting some new anime soon!YAY!
Well gotta go,
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
Ho HO fucking Ho. Just Kidding guy.
I love this holiday.
I will come back later to tell you what I got but for now. The Christmas Card for all of you.
I wish you all the Happiest of Holidays.
Here is a cool greeting from TheOtaku's main page.

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Friday, December 24, 2004
The christmas card site locked out. It wont let me get any more christmas cards for you. Oh, well.
Today was my day with my mom and brother. My mom got me this HUGH sword. Heavy too, I felt like Inuyasha before he killed Ryokotsai(sp?) or Sanosuke carrying the zanbatao. My brother also got me some swords. Which brings my collection up to....*thinking*....*thinking*....5or 6
Very cool.
I also got Ghost in the Shell for the PS2. Very cool game so far.
Ill be back tomorrow.
Dont Fear the Reaper.
I found a pic

Merry Christmas
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