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Friday, December 3, 2004
Still looking for work. Ill check back with Sam Goody either on Saturday or on Monday.
Well, Later
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
25 days till Christmas. (After today)
Hope you all get what you want.
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Friday, November 26, 2004
Hit the Fucking Nail on the Head
I tried to get to sites today. If I missed yours, sorry @_@!.
I took this personality quiz, the subject says it all.
Global Personality Test Results | Stability (39%) moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious. Orderliness (55%) medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun. Extraversion (44%) moderately low which suggests you are reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive. | Take Free Global Personality Testpersonality tests by similarminds.com
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Mine is ok so far. Thanks for asking. I also want to thank you for the words of encouragement yesterday. It helped me a lot. Well Im off to watch the rest of Turkey day football.
To see you off, a pic from Full Metal Alchemist.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
I got bad news and good news.
Bad news, I got fired from my job at SEARS last Friday. Ive just been too depressed to say anything until now.
Good news, I had an interview at Sam Goody Monday. I should know something after the Holiday weekend.
Im sorry about not being around, and not visiting sites. It has just been a really shitty week, but somehow, I'm still smiling. Still keeping upbeat, I guess that is better than sitting in my bedroom not getting out of bed.
I got my brother the first season of Inuyasha on DVD. I used a cupon and got it for 85 bucks, not 105 like it would have cost.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
As I just commented on Tigress' page.
Some of you may know that most of the new Batman movie was filmed in Chicago. Now when a movie filmed in Chicago and there is a need for some chase scenes, they film it on the Amstetz Expressway. That is a stretch of road that really goes nowhere, but people use it all the time. Now this stretch of road is less than one mile away from my house! ^_^ It is next door from the park I went to all the time growing up. They also filmed the original Blues Brothers there, a movie with Billy Bob Thorton and John Cusak.
Well, Later
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Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Well, I must have too much time, I posted two days in a row.
I awoke at 6:30 am to be at work at 8
when I checked my schedule, I found out that I didnt need to get to work until 4! 4 damn it! I stayed awake, I wanted to get back to sleep. But because of my shower, I STAYED AWAKE! It sucks.
I had two long days at work and am elated that I get to sleep in tomorrow.
Well, until next time, take care of yourselfs and each other.
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Monday, November 15, 2004

THATS RIGHT! My hometown team, THE CHICAGO BEARS won their third straight game against the Tennesee Titans. 19-17, it was only the second game in NFL history to end with a saftey.(two point play with the offense getting tackled in their end zone)
But I had to work about a 10 hour day yesterday and miss the game.
I will always have SPORTCENTER though.
Well, later
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Everyone else is doing it, so in my need to be loved by everyone, here goes.
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. Do you love me?
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Monday, November 8, 2004
I took my car to a shop today. It was pouring out smoke, It may just be the water pump and not that much to fix. Other than that, I am off of work until Friday. I guess that I only am working weekends at Sears.
Oh well, enough bitching, Ill talk to you later
EDIT: Its going to cost like 300 bucks to fix my car @_@! This sucks. ITs gotta be fixed though.
More tomorrow.
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