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myOtaku.com: Sciros Darkblade

Monday, June 7, 2004

I have 2 final exams Monday:
Computer Architecture

They will both suck so bad I'm going to cry. The Database final I hear is very difficult, and I have it at 9:30 a.m. so I'm sure I won't exactly enjoy it. The Comp Architecture one is with a professor I've already had for a previous class (Intro to Operating Systems) and that final was horrendous (imagine an open-note, open-book exam that is still difficult as hell, and then imagine that notes and books are not allowed, and you'll get a vague idea of the sort of exam it is; I knew how to answer 1 out of the 13 questions). The Comp Architecture exam is at 1:30 p.m.

Oh well, those are the only exams I have left, so after that I'm going to get together with as many friends as I can and we're gonna all have a big drunken orgy.

Also I have decided to become a Pokemon master. I got PKMN Ruby, my brother got PKMN Sapphire, and another friend of mine got PKMN Sapphire. I used to be a PKMN Master back when PKMN Yellow was around. I had a level 100 Surfing Pikachu, even (and I freaking earned him though some mean game requirements, not some stupid PKMN Freak convention or something). I was totally hardcore, and built the absolute best team I could think of. It was pretty much unbeatable. But then PKMN Silver came out and that game sucked so bad that I stopped playing PKMN until June 2004.

But I'm gonna be all hardcore about Ruby/Sapphire and Fire Red/Leaf Green (in terms of building the best team, not "catching them all" like an idiot; most PKMN suck so much I can barely stand to look at them). Although I won't be lame and replay the games 3x each so I can make a team of 3 Mewtwos and 3 Rayquazas (the 00ber PKMN from the games). Doing that is soooo lame.

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