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myOtaku.com: Sciros Darkblade

Sunday, November 21, 2004

So I didn't get wasted yesterday... Instead I went to see National Treasure with my girlfriend. But she decided to get drunk before we left for the theater, so she was acting all weird for a while. Laughing at everything Joker-venom style, trying to bite my hand, just being *all over* me. Like one of those overly playful dogs, haha. But the movie's crappiness eventually sobered her up I think. Well, it wasn't a *bad* movie, but it was definitely mediocre. The most primitive plot progressions ever... well, it's a Disney film and unlike Pirates it really did feel like one from time to time. It's PG which didn't help.

As usual Sean Bean was awesome. Sean Bean rules and everyone knows it. And he [HUGE spoiler considering it's Sean Bean]didn't die![/ummm end of spoiler]

I know my MyO looks a bit bland right now. I will put up a nice logo eventually. Don't you worry. It'll be ultra sweet and Sciros-ish.

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