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Saturday, November 27, 2004
Stupid Fat Cat
Last night, she woke me up(cause I put her in my room cause I wanted her to sleep with me) and I petted her a bit cause I thought she just wanted attention. Then, she got and layed on my pillow. She does that sometimes. She layed there for a while, then, when I rolled over, she got up and put her front paws on my amr(cause I was laying on my side) and I told her to get off, and I asked what she wanted, but she didn't move. So I got up and opened my door, I figured she had to use the cat box and wanted me to open the laundry room door for her. But I had to shove her off the bed. Then she walked by herself to the laundry room. But this morning, when mom let the cats up before going to the grocery store with Ryan, Patches came straight up to my bed. Then she got on my pillow, and slowly spred herself out to take up the whole pillow. And she wouldn't move! So I had to get up. Nowe she is streched out on the desk chair. I have to sit on the edge of it. But pretty soon, I'm going to push her off.
Here's a cool pic I drew on Paint. If you tell me your favorite color, I'll draw you one!

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Thursday, November 25, 2004
The fish in the fishtank next to the computer keep swimming up to the glass and looking at me. I think they're watching me.
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Monday, November 22, 2004
MINDYS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last night, mom called outside and said that when she called, she heard a cat howl back. So we all went outside to try and find her, and it was dark, so it was hard to see even with the flashlight. We concluded that Mindy was underneath our shed. Mom said that mindy could die under there cause of the cold and that she hadn't eaten for a long time. But we had to go inside cause we can't lift the shed, and it was to late for someone to come and help us. But when mom went to the front door a bit later and called Mindy was there. Mom gave her stinky (some soft cat food that Mindy LOVES) and then I took her with me downstairs and she rubed and rubed all over my legs (cause I was on the computer) So I put her on the desk and let her rub my head while I tried to read the fanfic i had been trying to finish for a while. She likes to rub on my head after I take a shower. She kinda brushes my hair with her teeth and rubs her head on my hair. Mom says she's weird, but I like it. It feels good. Kinda like a head massage. Plus Mindy likes the smells of the shampoos I use(except my older T-Gel, she likes the new kind of T-Gel better)
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Sunday, November 21, 2004
MINDYS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last night, we let Mindy outside because she likes to go out at night. She's to scared during the day. And when I went to bed at 9:30 last night, I flicked the light on to see if she wanted to come in. We traned her to do that. If she see's the light on, and she wants to come in, she comes to the patio door. But she didn't come. I wasn't to worried cause normally she doesn't come in untill around 10:15. But then mom and I fell asleep, so when Patches woke me up in the middle of the night cause she had to use the litter box, I walked her downstairs, and noticed the cat's rooms door open. So I put Patches in there, told mom, then I went to the patio door, and turned on the light. Again, she didn't come. Put I was tired then, so I didn't wait for very long. This morning, I kept hearing Ryan saying how Mindy wasn't inside. That she hadn't come when he called in either the front or back yard. So, I got up and got dressed and everyhting. And I walked around the block looking and calling for her. Then, Ryann, our friend Austin, and his friend, and I all split up looking for her. We searched Leanard Lawrence, the elementry school near our house, I searched the feild across the street and all down my street on the right side. But none of us found her. When we one time came back to the house to discuss some stuff, there was a long haired gray cat that we mistook for Mindy. And when I was walking along our street, I kept calling for her. And I started to cry. I say some birds that I thought was Mindy, amd I keep hearing her cry that she makes when she wants out of the cat room. But what really makes me mad is, if I say someone looking for thier pet, and they were crying, I would immediatly help. But as I was searching for Mindy, a lot of people walked and drove by, and they just looked at me like I was an Idiot. I rea;;y hope Mindy's okay. Later, mom said after we eat and Ryan and I finish vacuuming, mom said that we will all go out walking and looking for her. And later, when it's a little darker, mom said if we haven't found her, that we will drive around for a bit. Mom also said that since Mindy was outside so long last night, that she probally is hiding someplace where she can stay warm. Like my grandma's cat Meow did. She was gone for 2 days. And she was underneath their neighbors deck. I hope that's the case. I really want my baby back.
This is a pic I found that looks exactly like her.

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Saturday, November 20, 2004
Yesterday, after school, mom picked me up and took Ryan, Ellen, and I to see a movie. We went to Apple Bee's for dinner. I had to go to Wal-Mart to get batteries for my watch and some more T-Gel. Then we got to see The Incredebles. It was Awsome. Then when we got home, I watched TV with Ellen till her mom came to get her. Mom let Patches sleep with me.
Today, Ryan and I went to the commecary with mom because she said that she would take us to Blockbuster if we went with her. And while they were getting food, I went over to the BX to see if they had the Yu-Gi0Oh movie. They didn't. But they had Wolf's Rain! So I got that, and some cookies for Ryan so he wouldn't complain so much. Then, I got some Pringles at the Commecary. Mom then took us to Kripy Kreme's. I don't really like that place. But I got a creme filled donut. Then we went to Blockbusters. I wanted to get some more Neon Genisis Evangelion DVD's, but they were out. So instead, I got Hidalgo, Dragons Fire and Ice, and Touching Wild Horses. I haven't watched them yet though. I finished my Wolf's Rain DVD a while ago. Now I'm bored. I can't wait for Toonami.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Sorry I am posting so late. My computer just now let me on myO. And the stupid ContentControl thing dad has on the computer won't let me on the computer after 9:30. Cause, 2 night ago, I was on the computer waiting for it to be 9:30 cause that's when my show is on, and, this little yellow square slowly creeps up from the corner, and says I won't be allowed on the computer in 5 min. It popped up 2 more times, then, when it was 9:30, nothing happened. So I went to another site to test it, and the blocking thing came up saying I wasn't supposed to be on the internet at that time. What should I care if I'm not supposed to be on the internet. I was supposed to delete my account on myO, but I still sneak on here, and, as you can see, I haven't deleted it. But then it would'nt let me on anything. So I turned the computer off. Doesn't matter to me though. At 9:30 is the show I watch everynight, Static Shock. Very good show. And, after that(10:00)is my bedtime. So, it's not like it really matters much.
I also changed my music.
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Monday, November 15, 2004
kay, I've been wanting to post this, but I just now around to it.
People always ask mw, why do you read so much, don't you have a life? I do. But in my past life(that's what I call my 9 years I spent in North Dakota) I had no friends. People that became my friend were teased because they were my friend, and so, they left me, and joined the others in teasng me. I had imaginary friends all through forth grade. And when Ryan, my little brother, was born, mom and dad were always with him. I was always depressed. I couldn't stand all this loneliness! But I never thought of Suicide. I lot of people on myO have been saying that the idea of Suicide has crossed their minds. But that brings me to the answer to the book question. Instead of thinking of killing myself, I created basicly another life for myself. I read, and read, and read. I loved all the new people I met. The things I learned.
I spent 9 years alone, derpressed. But I never thought of suicide. Instead, I found something else to focuse my attention on. And, yes, I do have a life.
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Sunday, November 14, 2004
Remember all the nice things I told you about Mindy? Well, most peoples wouldn't think about her that way if they saw me brush her. She hates being brushed. And she hates being outside in the day time. And, she hates being held down. The whole time I was brushing her yesterday, she was growling, and hissing, and swatting at Patches(Poor fat cat) and trying to escape mt grasp. I have to brush her very fast. Because eventually she manages to roll over on her back, and she screams. It's kinda like a high pitched yowl that the whole neighborhood hears. Peoples on the street walking by give us some strange looks when they hear her. Then she tries to swat me and tries to hurt me. If it were Ryan or mom, she would have bit them. But they're to chicken to even try to brush her. They watch her from inside the deck door. Mindy doesn't bite me, though.
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
I'm not feeling to good right now, so I'll just leave you with a quiz. I'll be more talkative tommorrow.
?? Which Natural Wonder Or Disaster Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
My friend, matt3402, isn't able update his site. So he's going to let me do it! He writed down the posts in a notebook, then I come home and add the post for him!
Ryan, my brother, is sick(as usual) so mom and I had to split his part of the paper route. Also, in about 2 weeks, the paper boss guy is haveing us deliver paid papers to everyone to try to get them to subscribe. If they do, we get 5 extra dollars in that paycheck.
My b'day was okay. I invited Ellen to come. She is our 5 year old neighbor that we babysit. She and I are really good friends. It would be better though if she was older. We took her bowling with us. She loved it! It was her first time bowling other than at school.(Iasked her which was better, school, our the regular bowling alley, and she said the bowling alley) She was really good too! Better than Ryan. She and I got chicken strips to eat. She got really excited when I showed her the Finding Nemo game boy advance game I got. At first we thought it was the same as hers, but it isn't! It is really confusing. I let her play it untill her mom came to get her once we got home. She really enjoyed my consert though! It was a jazz band concert. I was playing my trumpet. She kept asking why I left instead of sitting with them. Then, after we got home, I had finished my homework, and she had played enough of my game, we watched Static Shock. We love that show. It's on at 9:30 here. I watch it every night. We seem to have a lot in common despite being 9 years different.
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