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Bellevue, NE
Member Since
Paper Route
Real Name
Sarah Elizabeth
I play trumpet
Anime Fan Since
2nd grade
Favorite Anime
Ronin Warriors
To play French Horn, and to travel the world
reading, swimming
music, drawing landscapes
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, August 30, 2004
Why does school have to start so early. It's stupid. Because maybe if they let us be able to sleep longer, than maybe we could pay more attention because we wouldn't be so tired.
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
~~Music by
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Horse Racing and Bed Shopping
Yesterday I watched about 7 horse races. The race was on for about 2 hours. That's the reason why I didn't update. Mom, puss070, and I got a paper route, and yesterday we wlked to find our route. It's VERY long. Mom and puss070 are starting to think getting one was a bad idea, but I don't think that. Mom also took us to IHOP yesterday. And to Furniture Mart. We had to go there, because mom and dad have been thinking about getting me a smaller bed so I can have more space in my bedroom. And I found this really cool bunkbed that I wanted. It had the bed on top, and instead of a bottom bed, there was a desk and some drawers. There was also a closet type thing underneath the bed. Mom says that I probally can't get it because she thinks I'm to old for a bunk bed. And I think that's a very stupid reason not to get it.
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Friday, August 27, 2004
Yesterday, right after school, was a dance for all middle school's in the Bellevue District. That lasted untill si. Then I had to wait till mom came to pick me up. So I didn't get home untill around 6:30. Then I had to take a bath, watch Big Brother, and do my homework. So, as you can see, I had no time to get on myO. But I will hit all your sites today!
Also, yesterday, the Honer Band thingy wasn't auditions. It was just me and another dude that signed up for it going into the little office with Mr. Cassart, and he telling us what we should practice more on And, I got to use power tools yesterday! And I get to use them today as well! After today, and maybe tommorrow, my Co2 racecar will be all done! Except for the painting. Dad said that he has some spray paint in the garage. So I'm going to bring it home and make it all colorful!
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
I signed for this thingy called Honer Band. And what they do is, after the auditions, they take the top 82 students in the state, and hey go to some place, and they play a song together. And the auditions are today! And I also found out yesterday, that I made Jazz Lab Band. But right now I need to go practice my trumpet some more.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
It's 7:33 right now, and there's this really bad storm outside. Sometimes when it thunders. I can fell the house vibrate. I'd better get off the comp. before mom finds out I'm on. I'll visit all your sites after school.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Right now it is 5:34, and the only homework I have finished is my English. And I've been home for almost an hour! In English we are reading the book called Freak the Mighty. And we were only supposed to read to chapter 4, but I decided to read the whole book. It's really good, but really sad. I cried at the ending. But I still have to do my Math homework, and my History homework. So I definatly won't be getting to anyone's sites today. Stupid homework. Plus, I have to read 30 minutes for my reading log.
Also, I talked to matt3402 yesterday. Mom let me call him. He just got in a little trouble. But it's over now. We sat together at lunch today.
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Monday, August 23, 2004
I'm REALLY sorry if I haven't been getting to all of your sites these past few days. It's not that I'm busy or anything. But I have to GOOD reasons why I couldn't get to some of your sites. 1: Mom likes to turn the computer off really early with the exscuse that we've been on it long enough. And we can't turn it back on! So if you happen to update after mom turns the comp. off, I don't get the chance to get to visit you. But, the main reason why I can't get to certain sites is because dad put a content block on the comp. It keeps my brother and I from going to any place that has any hint of porn, adult, mature, gambling chat sites gambling, and I'm sure there are some others, but those are the only ones I've come acrossed. So if any of you happen to have any of those on your posts, I sadley can't visit you. I hate the stupid thing.
I also plan on changing my music tonight or tommorrow morning.
And lastly, my friend matt3402 is someone that I go to school with, and I always eat lunch with him. But lately, he hasn't been around at lunch time. I know he is at school, because I see him sometimes on my way to my classes. And I don't think he is sitting with anyone else because I would see him come out of the place in the lunch room where we get our food and walk to a different table. I'm kinda worried about him.
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Sunday, August 22, 2004
Today mom and I have to mow the lawn. And we have to give our really fat cat Patches a bath. The reason we have to bath her with WATER is because since she is soooo fat, she isn't able clean all of herself. Which means her skin and fur gets all oily and has bad dandruff. The vet also said that she had to be put on diet food. Poor Patchy had to go on a diet.
But, mom's going to take puss070 and I to see the movie Without a Paddle.
Also, I probally won't be able to get to every1's site today, but I'll try!
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
Yesterday, while I was walking home from my bus stop after school, I saw this cute little grey baby bird sitting on the side walk crying. I searched my back pack for something to carry it home with, but I couldn't find anything, so I ran home to get some napkins to carry it with, but mom and puss070 were in the car waiting for me. Mom said that I could help it once we got back from the movie she wanted to see. But she was so slow, we didn't get home untill 7:30. And by time we got home, it was gone. But there were feathers just like his in the storm drain. So I guess that means he fell in the drain and drowned, and floated away. Poor birde. f he would have lived, I would have gotten a shoe box and made it nice and soft for him, and taken care of him. I even had a name for him I wanted to name him Michigan.
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