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The Deep Darkness of my Heart
Member Since
To make others Happy, yet I am the lonely and hurtful one.
Real Name
Finishing Elem. sch. and gaining more lonliness from the darkness.
Anime Fan Since
Little gal with CCS and Pokemon
Favorite Anime
D.N.Angel, Gundam Seed, Yu Yu Hakusho, InuYasha, Princess tutu, Card Captor Sakura, Pokemon, Digimon, Naruto, Chrono Crusade, FMA, FMP ,Bleach,Love Hina, Angelic Layer, and lots more just ask me
Finish school and to discover other anime and other beings that feel the same as I am.
drawing and watching anime
Singing in Japanese and being the most quiet yet lonely person out of all my entire classes
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
My Art: Sasuke

Well here just try to compare it.....

Well I know it doesn't look alike but well it's my first time. well just hope you like it and well about my drawing conditions I draw big and so sometimes I don't draw the other parts of the picture. Well I am still practicing lots andlots but well still I guess all my drawings suck...
But I drew this cause I was bored and if you ask why the picture is like that well I have no scanner so I took a picture and downloaded in.
" Hope ya all like it"
Mena Hikari
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Sorry if I haven't been updating other than videos.....well today is Easter Day and well today we had a party here at my house and damn there were lots of games...and I was forced to hunt for eggs two times but at least got a prize but it is lame it is just markers.Well it is useful for my drawing activities. Speaking of activities today is the day I finally started drawing a character from naruto which is sasuke it looks pretty weird but I did my best. Maybe if I have time today I could put it up right now I am looking for my camera......well wat it looks like is well I copied the drawing from a video...well I will explain it when I am finished looking for my camera.....
Well so hows you're Easter day? mine was just plain, fun, boring and tiring.....well right now I am still on my Spring Break so I have one more day before school and mehn I haven't slept well I nots my room and whole house is a mess so I have lots to do before school comes espeacially even fix my bag and materials mehn I lost my pencil and sharpener I guess when there is school I am always organized now during break I am just so sleepy and tired even lazy but i will fix my stuff no matter wat caused I really have to study cause gosh SAT 10 is coming and I am really scared.....
Well I won't have much time to check others sites cause plenty to do before school..
Hope you have the greatest Easter Day!!!!!
Ps: I will put my drawing up as soon as I find my camera.
.........@Mena Hikari@.......... | |
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Hiya guys!!!!!!!!!
Well sorry I haven't been updating my site lately....well I am just always bored every single day...I know everybody hates school but somehow it is so boring without it....
Huh....I feel like I wanna change my site again or should I add something to my site huh see pretty bored....
Well just pm or comment me for any suggestions on wat scene or things I should change on my site.....
~Mena | |
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Saturday, April 8, 2006
Sakura and Syaoran
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LoVe HiNa
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Friday, April 7, 2006
Pieces Of Me (Dnangel)
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The end of school and the beginning of SPRING BREAK
Yey, finally Spring break, now I can finally relax, and have fun and even visit everybodies' site.
Morning: I was very speechless but glad to see everybody happy....then when the bell rang..I was walking with Paul then later before we went to our homebase he told me that he will miss me during the Spring break then we went to our class.
Homebase: Did half of lesson 100 and had free time...... I was actually drawing and continueing my story about Dnangel.
1st period: Took a test had much of a freetime and that time I kinda talk to Paul....cuz you I'm shy...
2nd period: Freetime again......watched movie.
3rd period: Freetime once again, but again all I did is draw a mini angel Daisuke.
4th period: Did some L.A work then check my science teacher...he wasn't in his class so I totally didn't finish my poster board....Then later I went to my friend Madeline she was kinda cryin for some reason but she cheered up.....
And I made my decision that we're like best friends so I gave her a card saying "Have a great vacation!!"
5th period: Did work and damn I didn't finish it....
6th period: Did presentation on our project and I have to finish the poster during my break and men.....I freaken left the poster board.
2nd step: Well the class started out with everybody askin for freetime....then my math teacher asked that we do a role play...but I didn't participate even Paul but Jerri did...
Well Group 1 was about rumors of a stinky boy and that they didn't like him....he acted really funny
Then Group 2 was funny but a bit to fast and wierd...but Tyra slapped
Finally Group 3 it started out with rumors then a fight after fight after fight after fight but it was funny...Lurissa kept knocking herself
Then when we have to was like this...
Group 1: 8votes
Group 2: 1votes
Group 3: 3votes
After the vote Paul sat at the front seat near my desk .....later we started to stare at each other I felt like I really and deeply love him.
After School: Met Nikki and Jacob they said that their field trip was fun and tiring. Then when they left me and Paul again walked between the buses and I knew wat to say to him before we go, first I gave him the card I made then later I finally got the courage to hug him and say goodbye and that I will miss him..
* Then here I am starting my Spring Break and right now I think he ummm kinda gotten freaked out when I hugged him.
The End
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