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myOtaku.com: Scyz-o-frenic

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

   Trailer Incident
On Sunday my klutziness finally got the better of me. While me and one of my best friends were driving up an extremely steep hill on the back of the trailer on the back of our quad my hands slipped and I went flying off! It was so funny now that I looked back at it cause I used to always watch James Bond movies and when they would do those rolls after jumping off something I would laugh and say that was unrealistic but I realized thats all you really do after you fly off something moving. You roll. I rolled alway the way down the hill before my friend had noticed I fell off (cow). She freaked completely and the whole time I just sat there dazed... and the only outcome of this incident was a sprained wrist... and a weird urge to laugh everytime anyone askes my about my wrist.


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