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myOtaku.com: Scyz-o-frenic

Thursday, April 19, 2007

   Swearing... AGAINST THE LAWS???
Seriously, I resently heard that in the larger cities around my small loner town they are creating a law where you can't swear in public!! You'll get fined some amount of monay! Is that pathetic or is that pathetic???
I told my best friend, who is in love with cussing, that and this was our conversation (the other best friend had asked us to talk about an issue on camera for her Language class so this is the one we chose):
Me: So did you hear about that 'effed up bylaw where ya can't swear in public?
BFFL#1: Fuck that shit! (Can't you already tell that the one recording this couldn't hand it in to the teacher)
Me: I know you wouldn't last in the city without getting fined for an hour!
BFFL#2 (she's behind the camera): I know I can just see her!
Me Immitating BFFL#1: Fuck! Police officer hears you and comes over to give you a warning you to mind your language or you'll get fined. You again Kay I'll remember that shit next time. The police officer gives you a ticket. You: Fuck! You get another ticket You: This is some retarded shit!.....

Then we proceed to go on for abit with BFFL#2 laughing behind a shaking camera and me being Bitched out by BFFL#1.

Yeh, but seriously thats a retarded bylaw.... lolz, but it was an interesting topic...

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