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myOtaku.com: Scyz-o-frenic

Monday, April 30, 2007

Let me just get this off my chest... THE GOLF COURSE IS NOW OPEN!!! Woot! I got to try out my new golf set and might I say- mighty fine!! Just go along with my okay...?
As I know all you are just dying to know about my feild trip! Of course you know we went to Brazil to see the IMax... let me just tell you that I could swear in some parts of that movie, the room started to spin. I accidently kicked one kid in the head who was in front of me and was continueously grabbing hold of the guy's hand beside me (his names Chase, really funny guy). I bought this bracelet that had a dead bug in it- its awsum!, Uh some honey sickle things, which are so sickeningly sweet that they taste good, A replica of a T-Rex skull and stuff that makes a water solidify almost immediatly. And near the edge of the trip I felt EMO...
Hm- what else can I bore you with. Oh yeh!! My two best friends are completely hating on each other and I'm stuck listening to both of them talk about the other behind the other's back! Honestly, I don't see a point- does anyone else get it? If so just answer me... and help me figure out what to do!- Honestly I'm avoiding both of them so I won't have to be sucked in! Help?


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