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Quiz Results
Tokyo, Japan
Member Since
Killing to ensure justice!
Real Name
Amane Misa
Gotten over Kira and his dumbass "charm"
Anime Fan Since
I first read a manga when I was 5 so 1995
Favorite Anime
To kill Kira!!
Thinkking of ways to kill Kira
Using my Deathnote to be the new Kira!
Greetings, and welcome to my site. My name is Amane Misa, but you can call me Kira, or at least Kira's lover ^_^ Anyway, please take a look around and sign my guestbook, if you do, then I will happily sign yours back! If you feel like someone needs to die, please include that in your guestbook signature. Thanks.
Fear myO pride!!!!
Monday, March 13, 2006
Ok well unfortunately, I don't have time to do a pic or anything this morning, because school starts in 15 minutes so I g2g!!! seeyaz all around laterz though ><;;
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Friday, March 10, 2006
hiyaz......unfortunately, I don't have time to announce results or pic of the day or anything for the weekend...I have to go to my step-dad's mother's place for her birthday, so I won't be able to do anything online all weekend >_< Sorriez I'll try to make up for it on Monday or so, kk? I hope you have a good weekend!!! BYE!!
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Thursday, March 9, 2006
Okkeday question of the day!!!
today's poll question is:
Who is your favorite naruto ninja?
I will announce the results tonight if I get the chance! If not, then tomorrow!! Remember to add your answer into your comment ^^
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Da pic ov da day...LMAO XD
okay well not much to say but enjoy ^^ (oh and fear my bad grammar!!!!)

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Reccomending Monkeys?!?
Ok...I will not point fingers or give names, but some one said I should reccomend a crappy site, just so it will get more hits. It ended up being his own. Listen people, the point of this is to award those with good sites that they put effort into, not to simply shine a light on an undeserving site...Another issue, dont beg to win!!! If you do , I just might forget your site is there when I'm judging --__--zzz Ok anyway today's winner is:
Yashi Katasan93!!!!!!!
I absolutely love your videos, but im pissed about kakashi having so many masks XD Well congrats!!!!! the link to her site is:
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Wednesday, March 8, 2006
Poll Results!
Unfortunately, I dont have any fancy HTML to do stuff with, thus I will tell you the results the old fashion way....IN SONG!!!!! jk jk jk ^^;; Anyway heres the results:
1st Place: Rurouni Kenshin
2nd Place: Samurai Champloo
3rd Place: Tie! Samurai 7 and Samurai Deeper Kyo
4th Place: Also tie! Samurai X and Ninja Scroll
Well those are the results, took em straight outta the comments. Dont like it? tough next time comment and try to make a difference, then again with all the kenshin fans, i guess it was kinda hard to...oh well!!
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Schedule for the day...
Well again, today I will try to do some fan art, but no promises (damn those teachers and their hawk eyes....) Oh Oh!!! I got an idea!! Why don't I do a poll of the day too? Ok Ok from now on I'm gonna do a question once per day for you allz to answer^^ Today's riveting question is:
What is your favorite Samurai anime?
Don't forget to answer in your comment!!!
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Site of the Day!!! (Hey get away from that curtain!!! There is no one behind it!!!!)
Lets seeeeee......oh right I need to do the site recommendation thingie this morning!! Okay went around looking down my friends list ( I still think its to long --__-- zzz) and saw a strangely alluring site. I don't know if it was the layout, the pictures, or the awesome color scheme, but I felt like mentioning them!! And the winner is.....
OJaganshi!!!!!!! If you wanna know why u won, read the above, if not, well just give yourself a pat on the back because you are the site of the day ^_^ You can find her site at this link:
Again congrats and blah blah blah LOL hope all you others have batter luck next time!! Who nows, amybe I should reccommend my own site...
._. JK XD
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Pic of the Day for Wednesday....Hey that rhymes ^^;;
Well, as of yesterday, I now had over 100 people see my site in just 5 days ^^;; To be honest I don't know if thats good or what(now i feel like a really bad n00b >_<) but so far I've really loved it here ^^ oh and to answer your question on the friend's list, All names put on their, unless the person just absolutely pisses me off, will stay there till I have to leave the site for whatever reason. Actually, probably about once or twice a week (if i got the time) I will go down my list and visit every site to leave a comment!!! The only reason I don't do it everyday is because I might need an entire weekend to finish that everlasting, ungodly list!! Ok well found today's pic relatively easy compare to all the others, so I do hope you like this one ^_^

Kk well please comment and try not to let crazy wizards and scarecrows take you into a magical castle, its a pain in the ass to get out!!! (Howl is awesome =^_^=)
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Tuesday, March 7, 2006
Reccomendation time!!!
Ok as you know, since I have started this, I reccomend one site every morning, thus here is the results!! And the winner is: (dramatic gasp)
I just absolutely loved all your pics today^^ Congratualtions and you deserve a pat on the back. Ok well you can find her site at this link:
Again Congrats and better luck next time to everybody else!!!
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My Friends List
I'm sure most of you are wondering about my awfully extended friends list ^^;; Well actually those are the names of all the people whos guestbooks Ive signed!! Unfortunately, not all of them sign back (otherwise I'd have at least a hundred sigs by now!!!)
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Pic a Click!!!
yup ok well I'm starting off the morning pretty good ^^ Found an awesome pic (pic of my character =^^=) so I hope you allz like it!! i'll try to get everything in this morning, but the clock is ticking @__@

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Another morning, Another attempt...
yeah yeah well again I got school so I'm rushing to get all these things done so you can look at my pretty pics all day long ^^ So how are you all doing? Ok well if I get time after putting in the pic of the day, and do the site reccomendation, then I'm gonna go aroudand look at cosplay probably. Unfortunately, I don't think this is gonna be a very active day for me....oh well it's worth trying ^_^;; So look around and don't forget to comment!!!
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