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myOtaku.com: Secret Obsession

Monday, December 19, 2005

My life so far

Alright, My grades up til now were sucky so I'm not gunno bother with them. I'll do resent years.

My 6th grad year I met my best friend Katrina Meyer, she goes to Benjimen Logan and plans to join the JVS next year for school. 7th grade I met Natilya Ratcliff she lives in Columbus and goes to to a Private school, plus my friend Tawnya Jenkins too we are the THREE T's but neverthe less. 8 and 9th grade wasa waist of my life, no real friends sept them.

10th grade I worked for my school and made better friends with Nick and Terry they go out here now to Pickaway Ross CTC.

11th grade I love it here in this JVS I have goodfriends I've newly made John ,Andrew JB Bob and Hatfield, well I think they are ^^ i'm not sure what they think of me.

I've delt with being made fun of all of my life, but for that I've become the loyal loving friend that people come to for help, but never the less, two deaths in my family has crush my heart, I havent been happy for along time since Friday when I spent all day in lab with John and the othersfrom CST 1 and 2 My Papua whom died at 84 and my cusion Christapher died at 16 from drug over dose... But that's my life right now! I hope you'll have a better one though ^^


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