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I don't really remember... good question
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Friday, August 5, 2005
Ah, sweet Anime
I saw this and I had to post it up, well if it works that is. *sweatdrop* I pray it does, I mean I got the banner above to work so I will hopefully with this also!
Pray to Kami (God) it works!!! *gets down on knees and prays for picture to show up*
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
Ah, sweet Anime
I saw this and I had to post it up, well if it works that is. *sweatdrop* I pray it does, I mean I got the banner above to work so I will hopefully with this also!
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Uhhh... I can explain why the thing *points up to the thing* is NOT Hiei related in any way, but it was so gosh darn cute and the web site is awsomeness in a soup can. Harry Potter in Powerpuff stlye rock ma socks off. Go there, you shall see why!
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
I am now dubbing this site my Hiei shrine! I will hopefully figure out how to get more pictures to add. I feel happy. Also the Yu Yu Hakusho Convention is a guild I'm in. I wish they did have real conventions for Yu Yu Hakusho, but sadly I don't think they do. But it had Hiei on it so I had to add it to my site. As such...
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
I JUST got back from my families years to some random state. This year South Dakota. I was going to give you peopl a warning about me leaving for awhile but a huge storm came upon Indiana and thus killing my internet connection. I tired and I have been updating ALL f my blogs and I don't feel like typing it all again. I might put it up later. If you can't wait or something go to my Xanga it has to most detailed entry. Same user name. Just go to
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOW DOWN TO HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got the new book! Squee!!!!!*hugs Hiei and goes off to dance in happiness some more*
I'm currently on the 7th chapter. But waiting in line was horrible. My foot fell asleep multiple times, but during the whole wait I read 10 books(all manga)so I just saved $100 from just reading them. AND THIS TIME I GET TO READ IT FIRST!!!!! For the past two times Years 4 and 5 my sister has gotten to read them first, but not this time! I got dibs on it first.
So my sister is sulking in the corner of her room due to lack of Harry Potter-ness. She's been yelling at me to finish it, and threatening to take it from me. I found out a long time ago they're just empty threats. I don't care. I can just get my parents to get it back for me if that happens.
Hey Hiei I bet your jelous that I'm getting to read Harry Potter huh?
Hiei: no.
*glares intently at Hiei*...*chases Hiei with a dictionary*
Sign: Mellissa is out hurting Hiei and will be back as soon as she can. Please some back tomarrow. *thwap!* And Hiei may be thrown into a lake to never be found again.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Here's a Quiz brought to you Via JeT224
Just as the title says:
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friens?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you think I'm a good friend?
5. What is your favorite anime?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. If there is something I could change about my site, what would it be?
18. What kind of person do you think I am... honestly... I won't take it personaly if you hate me...
19. Do you think that I am a big time Yu Yu Hakusho fanatic?
20. Do you like the Red Sox?
I hope at least one person might comment, also check out an earlier post from me just below if you want to!
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I have major drawing block. I can't draw anything! *sigh* And since most of the time during summer break I draw, I have nothing to do. merg....
None of my friends have contacted me via phone at all and some of my friend from Ohio said they would visit and like last summer with the same promise, none of them have come. I'm lonely. But I guess I have to get used to being lonely with High School just around the corner. All my friends here are probly going to hang out with all their friend from the other Middle Schools and I'm left alone. Worst part is that I was just getting over it and getting used to actually having friends for once. *sigh* Just one more step to being an adult I guess.......
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Monday, July 11, 2005
...this is when boredom sinks in...
Um... yeah nothing to do around here. When ever I go over to my friends house she's not home so I have nothing to do. Except wander blindly around to internet. *sigh* That and my sister won't shut up. Tis annoying.
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Howl's Moving Castle
I just recently got to see Howl's Moving Castle! Any of you who are looking into seeing it I HIGHLY recommend it! The art is amazing. I got to see it with my Aunt and Uncle. AND they brought me a bunch of Manga. My Aunt gets it free because she works with this company that let's here get free books and stuff so she gets me manga every time she visits! Sometimes I have to admit that my family is really cool. Well they ones that aren't living with me. Like my Dad, Mom, and sister. They can go away. *makes shooing motions*
Hopefully if I can figure it out I can get some picture from Howl's Moving Castle on here... hopefully. I stink when it comes to knowing how to use computers...
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