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.... California...
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I've been drawing since I was eleven and let's just say I've come a long way.
Anime Fan Since
I was a little kid
Favorite Anime
Too many to list
To become a manga artist
Drawing, playing video games, watching anime, writing stories.
...... Drawing?
Monday, January 19, 2004
Alright... I lied.
I do have quizzes. ^^;;;;
Which Final Fantasy X-2 character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
PAINE!!!! YAY!!!!
 Dark shadow. Something has drawn you into darkness in the past, and you're now trying to get out of it. The darkness is already inside you, and getting it out will be hard, but if you try, maybe one day you can be who you want to be again. Don't give in!!!
Please rate ^^
What kind of dark person are you? brought to you by Quizilla
This is pretty cool. ^^

What Anime Type Are You?
So i'm manga huh? That's interesting... I always thought that my style was more anime-like. Then again... my manga is very complicated.

What Anime Vampire Are You?
Ooh Miyu. Cool. ^^

What Cosplay Type Are You?
*laughs* Really???
 Goddess of the Moon. You are usually somewhat sad or solemn, but no one knows why. You love the luminous glow of the moon.
What Goddess Are You? (Girls) (Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
If you say so! :-D
 you are blue angel
what coler angel are you?(with anime pics girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
What Maiden are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 goddess of guidance a born leader, u have no trouble making up ur mind
Which goddess or magic are YOU?(Anime pics)plz rate brought to you by Quizilla
Hmmm.... I see...
 You're the double of the silent protagonist. Silence is your key to victory. With your ellusive, stealthy ways, you achieve your ultimate goal; to save the world. You don't need or want recognition. You just want every person of the world to be happy and safe.
Anime Stunt Double (For Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Okay that sounds like me.
 You are Earth! Steady,strong, and smart. You know that the decisions that you make are good ones and stick to it.Keep it up!
::..::..Whats your anime element?..::..:: brought to you by Quizilla
Um yeah....
What Maiden are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Cool name. ^^
Your very mysterous and rare. Your usally laid back and very quit. Your shy,cool,com and lazy. You always seem like your hidding a big secert. You keep to yourself alot, even with friends.Rate^- ^
What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^NEW!!! brought to you by Quizilla
Oh I see. She looks kind of sad...
 (anime)What kind of anime female are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Yeah. ^^;;; Still more coming.
 You are Kaoru Kamiya (from Ruroni Kenshin). You are a little lonly on the inside, but you manage to handle that and make friends. ^^ Don't hit me, but you can be a tiny bit bossy and rude at times, but then again you also can be very generous and kind.
<<>>What Female Anime Charater Are You<<>> brought to you by Quizilla
Bossy? Yeah I can be. ^^ Hopefully not as much as Kaoru-dono though. ^^
 Coolness! You are a peacemaker. You are able to smooth every fight. You are neutral and you don't see just black and white.Nothing worries you, you're always cool and calm.
Why do people admire you? brought to you by Quizilla
Yeah? I like that. ^^
 What color nail polish are you? (With Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
Um... what? ^^;;; I'm lost.
If you were in an anime what kind of girl would you be?(anime pics and MANY results) brought to you by Quizilla
Gothic? Really? ^^;;; I mean I wear black but not all the time.

Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria.
Happy and Gothic... hmm...
 Yuki (Year of the Rat)
Which Fruits Basket character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Year of the rat. Well that makes sense since that was the year I was born in. ^^
What Otaku Rank are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Woohoo!!! I'll take that as a compliment.
 You're the HERO! That's right! The main character! You seem to have an eye for someone, so you decide to put all your effort to protect the one who you have feelings for. You seem to never think that you fit in quite right, you have felt that you are somewhat of an outcast, and yet you promise so much in your future. The someone who you care much about is un noticeable to you because of your tremendous ego, but it doesn't matter because once someone messes with that person, play time's over. Things always seem the right way, until you wake up on that fateful morning and you are sent out on your destiny...
What Type Of Anime Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
It's Carrot! He's such a nerd.
 Fairy/Sprite Wings
What Kind of Wings are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I'm a fairy? ^^;;;
img src="" border="0" alt="Ooh... You're bad..."> Pure Evil... You like being evil now, do you? Shame... With a smile you could be really nice person..
What Type of Anime Girl are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Um what? ^^ Pure evil huh? How did I get that? ^^;;;
 You love the sea, and you are calm and sometimes want to be left alone.....
What Are You Goddess Of<>Results:Anime Pictures<> brought to you by Quizilla
Oh water huh? ^^
 ~Otaku~ You are a fun loving, tomboyish girl! You love anime and video-games, and can hang out as youself around your friends. You are unique and individual and don't care much about what others think of you. You take great pleasure in kicking everyone's ass in your favourite video game! Shame on you...n.n;
What Type Of Girl Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
HA HA HA! That's right and proud of it!
 The Diehard
- You are The Diehard, the ultimate Otaku. You have seen practically every anime you can get your greedy little hands on. You waste all your spending money on DVDs, VHS, posters, cards, keychains, Mangas, Artbooks, T-Shirts, CDs and Models! You've probably cosplayed at least a couple times, and never miss a convention. You are unhealthily obsessed with anime. You live and breath it. All you're hard work pays off since you are ontop of everything that is Anime... But, being The Diehard comes with a price.. For one, it probably pisses you off when you've known about an anime for a long time then it comes to American TV and becomes "popular" (Gundam Wing, Spirted Away, CardCaptor Sakura, etc.). The Dubbie fans probably annoy you too, since they lack the anime intelligence to hold a decent conversation with you.. Sure you've got the experience, but try and be a little bit nicer to The Dubbies, I am sure you were one too, long long ago in a galaxy far far away...
What Level of "Otaku-ness" are you? brought to you by Quizilla
You would think you would have already figured out what an anime freak I am... simply by looking at all these quizzes.
What Kind Of Anime Kisser Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Woo hoo another one! ^^ Are you sick of looking at these quizzes yet??
You are very stubborn yet passionate. You tend tonot get along very well but you are stil loved whether you realize it or not. You love to cook and/or adore food. You are attracted to Suzumis and Ayas turn on your mojo. ;P
One word to describe you:
Which Ayashi no Ceres Character Are You?(Now with Graphics!) brought to you by Quizilla
Stubborn is so me. >:-D Ha ha ha! ^^
 You are Purple.
Purple is the color of royalty, spirituality and wisdom. In tune with yourself, others and surroundings makes for a good thinker. Just be careful not to let it go to your head.
What Color Best Represents Your Personality? brought to you by Quizilla
Okay I think this one is the last one. ^^
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