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Got my class 7 learners. Still unable to drive though.
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The beginning of time...
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Naruto, Hellsing, Cowboy Bebop
Get back into my "Short Story Mode"
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Alright back in action. ^.~
Im feeling a little better, thanks guys. ^_^ It gets kind of wierd when i am sick, all the noises around me get amplified 10 times louder then they are suppose to be at night. Kinda scary.
Anyways... I had my birthday party on Sunday. Invited some friends over, watched Ice Age. Its cute, but not as exciting as i thought it would be. I love Scrat though, the little... chipmunk?... Or a rat i really don't know. He's crazy though.
Then we went to a park and played tag. Yeah, i know, we're too old. We all got tired real fast and ended up just throwing pebbles at each other and then hiding. o.O''' We went to a restruant around 6:30 and ate soooo much. Then they dragged out a cake and sang for me. My face was tomatoe red and they have pictures to prove it. -.-'' But it was very nice.=3
Well guys, bedtime again. *YAwns and stretches* Hope you all have a great day tomorrow, and talk to you then. *Hugs and kisses*
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Sunday, April 9, 2006
Hey guys
Im sorry i haven't had time to go around today, i got really sick at work today and i guess i need alot of rest now. I promise i will get around another time. Love muchies guys, take care. See you in a bit.
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Saturday, April 8, 2006
Hey guys,
I had the turning 18 blues, it was a depressing depressing. Something to do with not wanting to grow up, wanting to be a kid forever and such.
-_-; Im over it now though, its no big deal. All thats changed is that i have to pay more to get into the Zoo. XPI could pass for a 16/17 year old anyways. Well at least, thats what my friends say.
Speaking of my friends, my best friend brought me a piece of banana cake and stuck a candle in it. We lit the candle in the washroom and i made a wish and blew it out. If my hun is reading this, you know what i wished for. <3
Anyways. My work sched was bumped up to 9:00 a.m, from 10:00a.m. I don't know why. I don't ask cause my aunt hates it when i ask questions, but at least my pay went on to 7.95... hell, wish they would bump it it 8.00 but i can't ask for too much. ^^'
Well gotta run if i wanna be awake for work tomorrow, don't want to fall asleep on the job. Goodnight.
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Hey guys,
I had the turning 18 blues, it was a depressing depressing. Something to do with not wanting to grow up, wanting to be a kid forever and such.
-_-; Im over it now though, its no big deal. All thats changed is that i have to pay more to get into the Zoo. XPI could pass for a 16/17 year old anyways. Well at least, thats what my friends say.
Speaking of my friends, my best friend brought me a piece of banana cake and stuck a candle in it. We lit the candle in the washroom and i made a wish and blew it out. If my hun is reading this, you know what i wished for. <3
Anyways. My work sched was bumped up to 9:00 a.m, from 10:00a.m. I don't know why. I don't ask cause my aunt hates it when i ask questions, but at least my pay went on to 7.95... hell, wish they would bump it it 8.00 but i can't ask for too much. ^^'
Well gotta run if i wanna be awake for work tomorrow, don't want to fall asleep on the job. Goodnight.
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Thursday, April 6, 2006
Hey Guys. ^.^
Feeling so much happier today, though i had a bad day, i don't know why, but my moods just keep raising and falling like crazy. I don't know how tomorrow's gonna be like.
Today was very embarrassing. o_o I kept knocking things over in science class, ranging from red and blue litmus paper to stomach acid. Nobody was hurt! No worries... but i should really learn to be a bit more careful. -_- Yes.
I am starting to gather ideas for a next short story. I love writing but i need so much inspiration. I might be a bit rusty, but i will post some stuff up anyways. ^.^'
*Looks down at Chem Homework.* *GROANS* Why God?! WHY?!
Sorry for the short post. But i will see you guys tomorrow for sure. Love yas.
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Its been a long time. O_O How is everyone? Sorry i haven't been visiting. -.- Life has been changing a lot and i have had some troubles coping. But, anyways.
Lionel and I celebrated our 2 anniversary on March 11th! ^_^ Time goes by so fast. Still love him lots. Of course we have had our problems, but we got threw them. I think its just me and my constant moodiness. =/ Getting old and cranky. ^__^ Whooo 18th soon.
Hmm...Now everyone around me is worrying about what to do after high school. A bit scary actually. @_@ I am hoping i will be accepted into some college and become a kindgergarden teacher. <3 Not my dream job, but at least it is a job that i have chances of getting. *Shrugs*
Well its bed time. ^^ I will be back tomorrow. I promise. =3
Thanks to Jesus of Suburbia for reminding me i got a place back here. =3 *Hugs*
Night everyone.
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Sunday, January 1, 2006
Happy New Years Everyone! Best wishes. <3
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Saturday, November 5, 2005
Hey guys
Schools been stressing, but its all good. I hope you had a good halloween? I didn't really dress up... i grabbed a teddy and pranced around with my pjs on when ppl came to the door, guess i was a big baby or something. >.>
This kid came dressed as a Cherrio Box, his dad said he was a "Cereal Killer." Hehehe, so cute. ^^ Got a whole lot of candy and i got sick today, cause i ate so much. @.@ At least i managed to get my social test done though eh? ^.^ I hope i did good. =)
Hehe, well guys im off. But if you like, me and my bf (whos an awesome writer) have co written a story and maybe you guys would like to check it out? We'd love some constructive citizim (Ye gads, where have my spelling skills gone off too?) I hope you guys enjoy. =D I don't know how to make a link to the site here... but bf's site is Vicious2, on my friends list. ^.^ Well, night guys, talk to you later. ^.^
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Friday, October 21, 2005
Keke. Lookit! Im updating again. ^^ Ahhh... school was real sucky. My friend who always hangs out with me during my spare skipped school again, so i had to sit with this grumpy guy. -.-;; And his friend is a real racist. =( He doesn't seem to like Chinese people. Me and my friend (the one who skipped) were talking about her boyfriend a few days ago, in the library, in chinese, cause it was personal and there were ppl around. And he was sitting the table next to us. He looked up and said: Hey, this is Cananda, your suppose to speak ENGLISH.
Gah, we tried to ignore him, but he is really persistant and so loud. >.<
Hmmm i guess its almost bed time for me. =) Did another quiz:  HEALER
You are the Healer, a kind, compassionate person who has dedicated their lives to the service of others. Healers are like nurses and doctors. They only wish to help other people, care for the wounded, and in general bring light and joy wherever they go. They specialize in herbs and natural remedies, and may travel from place to place, healing the sick and injured.
Color: Yellow Animal: Lamb Gem: Amethyst Symbol: Flower
Who would you be if you were a character in an epic fantasy? (beautiful pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
Well see you guys tomorrow. ^.^
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
Hey guys. =D
Hmmmm... i really need to update more. D= Me ish lazeeee. Anyways...
Lookit my site! So many new things. =3 Hehe, i got two banners from my hun and one from Dan Dan. ^.^ All so nice. ^.^ Thankies so much. *Huggles*
Hmmmm I am still thinking about how to change my site. ^^" Maybe i should change to Nruto theme. =P But i'll miss Pucca. ^^' What do you guys think? =)
Well, i will try to update again tomorrow... lol Maybe. ^^' See you guys later.

Vincent is a former turk who was the subject of several experiments by the psychotic Hojo and was imprisoned in the
basement of the Shinra mansion for thirty years. He is very mysterious, but also very intelligent.
Which of the Advent Children Heroes are you? *With pics and fairly detailed results* brought to you by Quizilla
Ohhh wanna see this! =D
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