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Thursday, March 4, 2004
Ah im back...
Im just posting to let you know...that im back... I missed you all... and thanks to my well wishers...my cold is feeling better...but...Im not .. ah...Im having trouble with something..and I have nothing to say in todays post...Im sorry..um.. I hope everybody is well...ah I know this is pathetic lol....but I wanted to post something... cause I said I would today... I'll post agian tomorrow..I'll leave you with a quiz...
 Love. You Truly Desire Love. You long for someone to hold you and take the pain away. You haven't been in much relationships or you need to work on how to handle them. You always seem lost in a daydream about the person you care about most.
What Do You Truly Desire? *PICS* brought to you by Quizilla
See you.
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Monday, March 1, 2004
Ah hey guys!
Hey guys..hope you had a great weekend...just posting from under my blanket and box of tissues..Im not feeling all that spunky..I..okay forget spunky i feel like shit..Im sore all over.. lol.. I will try my hardest to update tomorrow..but i don't think I can...so maybe Wednsday..or so..Ah... so...Im gonna leave you with a quiz! Enjoy and see you soon!
 Your H.I.D.D.E.N Emotion.You have the hidden emotion meaning your hiding your feeling from the world.You look normal, you act normal.People see you as a happy person.When inside you suffering of depression.You hide this feeling because you don't wont you family,friends to worry about you.Likkke me ,I hide my feeling of sad,lonely and depressed.Tip:
what's your level in emotion? UPDATED!!!,GREAT PICS brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, February 28, 2004
Hey everyone!
Today turns out to be a really really really good day! I found that my father (whom I have NEVER gotten along with) Is gonna leave us ( My mom, sister and I) In August!!!! He says he's going back to China for two YEARS! Thats two years of eatting whatever I want, sleeping when I feel like it, and going to friends houses whenever I want!!! FREEDOM!!! Its gonna be paradise! Ack..Im getting over excited..lol Sorry I didn't post yesterday...I meant to..but I was having a bad day and forgot. Hmm... man I ran outta things to say..ah..well Im gonna go celebrate by going to my Grandma's and playing Final Fantasy 10 I can't seem to bet Seymour... grr... See you all later! Bye!
 What Finding Nemo Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Um...maybe I should go see this movie
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Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Hey ppl!
Hey everyone! Im back from baking some muffins! *And* the school is still standing!!! *holds out bag for her friends* here are some muffins...but..im afriad I didn't get to help much.. They refused to let me near the stove and freaked out when I tried to slice an apple up for them...they said I was holding the knife "wrong" and i was gonna kill myself and took the apple and the knife away... so I was stick washing the dishes agian. Thats not very fair... You'd think I was a three year old, klutzy child!!! But then again, I am a three year old, stupid kid... Ah well.. Im gonna make stir fry next maybe they will let me do something!!! Um...yeah...im really bored sitting at home and doing homework, and I think I've lost my vioce..its become scratchy....arg....im gonna go visit all your sites then go to bed early See you alls!

My inner child is ten years old!
The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost in a good book, or giggling with my best friend, I live in a world apart, one full of adventure and wonder and other stuff adults don't understand.
How Old is Your Inner Child? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Hey everyone!
Im back!!! * puts up shield so nobody can throw stuff at her* HA! I missed ya alls! Schools been tough, sorry I haven't been posting alot..and my cold is killing me off slowly... Hehe tomorrow Im baking muffins!! Apple muffins... hmm...sounds wierd but probably tastes good! I've never baked muffins before! My group won't really let me near anything uh..that I might harm myself or ..others with...example: The stove...sharp stuffs... I have a talent of making um...a mess outta stuff... I'll save some muffins for you guys! If I don't set the school on fire first. Hmm.... nothing else to say... So how have you guys been? um..ya...I'll leave now... See you all later!
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Sunday, February 22, 2004
Is going to BURN the phone!!!
Im pretty pissed today...because my friends keep calling me,CONSTANTLY one after another!!!!! WTF?!?! My dad is getting very pissed because each time the phone rings its for me!! Seriously people if you wanna talk I have MSN I go on at 7:30 P.M EVERY SINGLE DAY! WHY ARE YOU PHONING ME SO MUCH?!?!?!?! Oh and of coarse when I actually go on MSN the FREAKS don't talk to me!!!!!! For pities sake!!! WHAT THE HELL?! Two phone calls from Felisha, one phone call from Lainne, one very stupid and PIONTLESS phone call from Colin and two from Brittany... the phone has rung five times in less then ten minutes between. I need to smash my phone cause its getting very very very annoying. Colin if you are reading this and you find it amusing to phone me...I swear I will gut you at school tomorrow. * Takes deep breath* Sorry about that I needed to get that out cause my dads now in a bad mood and I am very very severely pissed. Ah,....you can guess that can't you? Er... yeah...I'll go now...before I hurt someone....ah..see you all tomorrow....
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Saturday, February 21, 2004
*Angels start to sing* BOOYA!! Its Saturday!!!! * pulls out firecrackers* Alright im free from school for two whole days!! NO homework, no friends to deal with no nothing except going shopping and reading manga!!!! Or maybe going to an arcade and shooting zombies...ehehe.... hope you guys enjoy your weekend! BYE!
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I did it I managed to convince Lainne to stop trying to set me up...but I had to tell her the name of the person I like.. hmmm i've been trying to keep her from knowing for a year now... how sad .... not that I don't trust her ..just don't like telling people. ^^; Man my list of friends is growing longer and longer and its getting harder and harder to visit them all ..it takes me at least ten minutes to visit them..put down comments etc...@_@ Oh well its fun ^^ I hope you guys have a nice weekend school is over for TWO WHOLE days!! * Angels start to sing* See you guys later!! ^^
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Friday, February 20, 2004
Two for one.
Well all's good... I've been able to aviod Lianne somewhat, I refused to hang with her at lunch and she got pissed..-_-; Well..I found that the guy who she is trying to set me up with is named Tai.. erm.. I'll be avioding anybody named Tai for a while. Then during Social today I found that another one of my friends Felisa is trying to set me up with one of her friends named Issac...0.0;; Its like they don't think I am able to find a ...boyfriend on my own. I took your guy's advice...erm.. I talked to Lainne agian, this is the convo we had or what I can remember of the convo:
Me: Lainne?
Me:I don't wanna be set up with anyone....I perfer that you leave my love life alone ...please.
Lainne: Oh come on.You will never find a boyfriend on your own. Besides this is fun.
Me: Um..yes. I just want find the right guy on my own.
Lianne: Its been fifteen years.. you haven't dun anything.
Me: Yeah well...um... I just...don't do anything k? I don't need a boyfriend yet...okay?
Lainne: Whatever I know what Im doing.
Yes...then she turned around and proceeded to ignore me. It went exactly as I expected..ya..I don't know why I even bothered. So I determined to find Issac and Tai and ask them to please not listen to what Felisa and Lainne says...so far I have had no luck... -_-; I can't find them!! Man I'm sorry i've been ranting on my stupid problem for three days now you guys are sick of it...@_@ I won't mention anything of this after this post.. @_@ And to those who ask: WTF is the big deal?!
I know this seems like a small thing...but see...I already have a crush...a looong time crush and I won't be forgetting him and moving on anytime soon...I like him too much. Thats my reason...as stupid as it is..-_-;
Next topic: Its the weekend..hope everybody takes this time to relax from school and homework. I know I need it...see you all later..gtg visit all your sites...bye! ^^
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Thursday, February 19, 2004
Hey all
Im back! ^^ And yeah..my little problem from the post below hasn't been solved yet.. but I find that if I aviod Lainne and those who hang around her...as much as I can..I might be able to aviod all that stuff, until it dies down...yeah not a good way to handle stuff...but its my way...XP Um.. bored outta my skull right now... I have two pages of math homework..a math project thats due on Friday... a Social chart and question sheet due tomorrow, a Chinese test on Friday and foods booklet due tomorrow....@_@ Okay...teachers must think that we are robots cause this is impossible to do...@_@ I also have waaaaaaaay to many books in my back pak ( Four text books) Its so heavy.. Im afriad that if the wind blew too hard I would fall over...@_@ I hope you guys are having a better time then me...^^ Thats all I gotta say...um..have a nice day.. bye bye. ^^
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