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Saturday, January 31, 2004
Today was a little better for me... everybody in my family was kinda moody today... so I went to play FF10 downstairs and ignored them. Then half way through fighing a boss battle my mom told me I had to go to the dentist to fix a cavity...and shes surprisingly good lair ...I was acually going to get my wisdom teeth pulled ...which included three needles stuck into my gums, and a razar blade....>.< Now I can' talk and I haven't eatten anything all today except for two soft cookies and a bit of porriage.... And my fevers going up..a small taste of hell... I gtg sleep now before I pass out on the keyboard see you.
OH! Shinigami, lol that was fun..lol...hope you didn't get into any trouble! ^_^;;; I hope we get to RP agian soon!
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Friday, January 30, 2004
Life sucks im gonna spend the night brooding agian....I have nothing to say, so I put up a quiz.
 Your wings are DRAGON wings. Massive and covered in scales, they shimmer with strength and magic. They are the most obvious display of your power - though it runs equally throughout your heart and mind. You are uncompromising and grave, with a profound sense of justice. You have firm ideas about what is right and what is wrong and set out to fix what problems you can. You realize that you are more capable of dealing with life and evil than most, and as such you see it as your responsibility to protect those who cannot defend themselves. You have existed since antiquity and as such you are wise far beyond your years in this lifetime. While you strive for fairness and peace, if someone should steal from your cave of treasure (though not all that glitters is gold) or compromise the happiness of you or one who is close to you - they have signed their death warrant. You have a mighty vengeance and will unleash it upon such people immediately and mercilessly. Arguing with you is useless...you rarely back down and are known for holding firm in your beliefs. Sometimes you feel intensely burdened with the troubles of others...acting as a Guardian can get so wearisome. But you never give up...you see it as your life's mission. Often very introverted, you can be so smart...it's scary. Such a combination of intelligence, creativity, power, beauty, and magic is often intimidating to those around you - who are also unlikely to understand you. Arrogant, proud, overserious, and sometimes a bit greedy or obsessed with whatever treasure you choose to pursue...you have enchanted people for centuries, and will continue to do so.
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla
See you around
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God took a life yesterday and Im in depression...I can hear you all now: AGIAN?! God shes always depressed.
Well, Im sorry about being a downer..that post yesterday made ppl sad so its gone, if anyone saw it and got sad or whatever im sorry. This is the first time that a family member of mine has passed away, I mean...sure my great grandmother and everything has gone...but...this is diffrent...this I dunno how..even through I never got to know her... because the baby left before it the ever got to see the world, thats right, "it" didn't even have a FUCKING gender yet...so ya. I can't say if I am mourning over a him or a her. I can't handle these new emotions of loss yet..I dunno what to do with them...im sorry if this post if depressing too..I can't help it..its what I feel..well..half of what I feel...lol you don't wanna know the other half, so Im leaving.
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Thursday, January 29, 2004
Here I am again and I've just recovered from having a brick tossed at my head...T_T
lolz..Im stuck at home and totally bored....but its better then school...lol... I haven't been outside for three days! Geez..Im getting really pale ...0_0 And since I was so bored, I put up some stuff on my site! ^-^ The Chocobo song is back up! ^_^
<(^-^)> <(^-^<) (>^-^)> <(^-^)> DANCE!
lolz....hm... well thats all for today... Oh ya!! My computer was talking to me today!!! ( NO! I am not crazy...maybe..) It was hissing and it sounded like someone was killing a cat over the speakers...@_@ I freaked out soooo damn bad..lol.... well thats it I put up a quiz for you guys hope ya like it! ^-^ ByE!
 Rain: You are the sound of rain. You have two important sides. There is your strong, powerful side and your calm, gentle side. Both are very important. Rain also reflects a bit of darkness in your personality. It isn't bad, just shows that along with the good, you also can see bad, which can come in handy. (please rate my quiz)
What Sound Are You?(now w/ pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Cool eh? lol
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Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Im back Im back!! * Gets hit in the face with thirty diffrent vegetables and a brick* @_@ I love you guys too...@_@ Just in case any of you are wondering about my rather long absence.... I was dealing with family problems.... nothing more needed to say lol... Well..lets see... other then that nothing has really happened...lol.. my friend has joined myotaku...she doesn't have anything on her site..but maybe later you guys can go check it out! Its on my friends list: Hopeless Dreamer..lol shes really nice! ^-^ Um...Im gonna go check around your guys sites now...see you laters! ^-^
PS: I heard that they are coming out with a Real Life DBZ movie or something and can anybody guess who's Tien?
Orlando Bloom! ;__: Hes gonna be bald with a third eye....;____;
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Monday, January 26, 2004
Sorry guys
I won't be on for a long time..maybe three days or so...Im sorry! ;_____; I got something to do...lol..see you guys later! *HUGGLES AND KISSES TO ALL!*
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Saturday, January 24, 2004
Im not feeling to well today.. all last night, my head was throbbing painfully and I couldn't sleep.. then when I did get to sleep I dreamt about having a headache and going down stairs to get Tylonal.... 0_o Eventually the pain caused me to wake up 6:00 in the morning and I stumbled down stairs to get some...Tylonal....0_o OHHH! I can predict the future!!! ^^
People do wierd things in their sleep, like sleep walk and sleep talk.. creepy an't it? How can you stand up and still be able to sleep? o_0 The wonders of the world! ^_^ See you laters! ^_^
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Yeah, as I predicted I failed very VERY badly...but hey...no ones perfect..just have to take Science 10 agian in Grade 11...with the lil' Grade 10's poking fun at me for... * breathes in hard* Im okay...
I got lost today...when I got on the bus....it was so scary! I was riding riding riding...all of a sudden I didn't know where I was anymore! I ran up to the bus driver asked if the bus headed towards Sandstone and he said "uh no.." I was SCREWED! I was panicking, got off the bus ran around... found a Number 2 bus stop took that back to some street..waited ten minutes in the misty snowy fog... took a number 3 to the terminal.... got off..and went home....I almost died!
I'll be back later..bye bye
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Thursday, January 22, 2004
OKay okay so...unlike the title says..im not dead yet..lol... but I will be tomorrow....* Starts ripping out hair* Tomorrow, I hope I will be dead so I don't have to take my god-damned EXAM!!!!! * Runs around in circles crying* OMG IM GONNA FAIL!I went to the library today, to study with my bestfriend..whadda ya know? Instead of studying...my friend was GAWKING at hot guys..... It seems that those Skater dudes get alot of attention from girls these days...not that I have anything agiasnt skaters of coarse... but STILL Im sitting in the corner trying to figure out how to do Physics and shes gigging and pointing and telling me to pay attention cause " Hes so cute." If it wasn't a library I'd start shouting....*sighs* OKay now Im sitting here in front of my computer....looking at a Kenetic equation..and It doesn't make any sence to me.... * falls over* Well Im doomed... I have to go bang my head agianst a wall now..*sighs* Sorry I needed to get that out... I'll go away....bye bye...T_T
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NOTE TO SELF: NEVER EVER put up depressing posts ever ever agian. So I'll be constantly happy real or not.... lol I might get annoying. Um I dunno what to post..so Im gonna go now..if anybody wants to ask me something or tell me something...im all ears! See you guys later!
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