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Tuesday, January 6, 2004
lol..sorry guys...schools been hell..Im tired, stressed, and I look like death..lol In other words I haven't gotten enough sleep..lol..Im so use to waking up whenever I want that I get so grumpy when the alarm clock rings..lol.. the first time that I heard it, I freaked out cause I didn't know where it was coming from. But I got up anyways! ^_^.My depression has gotten better...lol..my God brother and my best friend tried hard to help me..lol I love them a lot. And you guys helped too! ^_^ Thanks. I'll see you around..love you all! ^_^
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Sunday, January 4, 2004
I know its nothing new to you guys, but I feel so depressed. I can't control my emotions properly, Im the over emotional type... -_-; I don't like to cry, because crying is weak, so all I can do is turn on some music really loud and drowned in that, lol, im gonna go deaf soon. I need some better music..music that doesn't depress me even further.. -_-; lol yeah thats my life... Im gonna go watch Return of the King soon....hope that makes me feel better... see yous
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Saturday, January 3, 2004
Ya , thats me..lol.. its so true..
 You represent... anger.
Mad at the world, eh? You have a tendency to... freak out easily. Overly emotional about everything, you're most prone to bouts of cruelty and moodiness. Other people may be afraid of the fact that you explode so easily, but at least you're honest... even if you're honest about not liking anything.
LOL whatever
Your soul is bound to the White Rose: The Pure.
"I've been waiting in the dark for a long time, shining my beacon of hope through the shadow. If you see me, don't you hide your eyes from me."
The White Rose is associated with purity, honor, and chastity. It is governed by the goddess Artemis and its sign is The Cross, or Agape.
As a White Rose, you are a person of your word. You may have a strong moral code, but regardless of your virtue, you always stay true to yourself. To you, love is the most pure of emotional forms and it's just a matter of waiting for it to bless you. Some people may say you are too idealistic, but it's only because you don't want to mess things up.
What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, January 2, 2004
Hi all!
Topic of the day: MacDonalds Workers.
Hehehe.. I know its strange.. but I just wanted to say something. Whenever I go to MacDonalds, I try to be extra nice to the poor ppl there.. because they have a harsh work life. My friend's mom manages a MacDonalds, and he also works there, he says its HELL. He goes home greasy and smelly from frying fries, every body's grumpy, and he gets the occational "bad" customer that makes life oh so hard. Seriously some ppl can't wait an extra three min's for their fries -_-; For those ppl out there: GET A FLIPPING LIFE. I hate those stupid MacDonalds commercials..where the workers are all happy and smiling, saying " How may I help you?" In that grossly exzzagerated overly happy way. Television LIES! Omg.. never thought I'd hate TV for that...0_0
I know that other kinds of jobs are just as harsh, and I feel for you... but this one was fresh in my mind since I went to MacDonald two days ago...be nice to them they need it.
Thats it ppl. This goes out to Chris.
See Yous.
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Wednesday, December 31, 2003
I forgot today is New Years eve... o_O OMG! HAPPY NEW YEARS PPL!!! ^_^ Yeah Im a dunce, but a happy dunce! ^_^ BEER FOR ALL!! * Hands out beer* HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEARS! ^_^
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Hi guys, hope your having a good day ^_^ My day's a little better, I haven't been thinking much lately that's why..^_^ I think I'll enjoy this moment of peacefulness while I still can.. before I have to go back to school...@_@ I, deciding on a New Years Resolution (SP?)... I think I'll lose weight..or study harder in school..( Most unlikely)... Hm... Or maybe learn how to cook! ^_^ I tried to cook fried rice one time.. burned it all and it burst into fire..@_@ Sorry getting off topic here... are New Years Resoution suppose to be a secret? @_@ Oh well whatever.. I'll come on later to talk see yous.
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Tuesday, December 30, 2003
A rant
Im back, and I've been thinking... ( Oh my god! RUN!) about stupid stuff..just randomly laying in bed looking at the dark ceiling and letting my mind wonder.. and love was on my mind... I hate that word.
I dunno why.. the word "love" confuses me, makes me uncomfertable, and scares the living shit outta me, and on occations makes me extremely pissed off..( which means ppls noses tend to break) I can't get into deep thoughts, I'm not a deep thinker..but this, I gotta get some answers on or I'll be thinking about it forever. I sometimes watch couples walk down the hall all happy and "in love" then the next day or so you see them raging at each others throats and threatening each other..or one ends up dumped and they cry in a corner... what the hell is going on? How can somebody..anybody do that? Just dump their boyfriend/gurlfriend and walk away to find another... where the heck did all the past feelings go? Its not that Im a heartless monster who doesn't ever feel anything...I've liked someone before, and I still do, but I hate him as well.. I hate him for making me feel the way I do.. does anybody understand me here? I dunno if any can understand me. Im getting angsty..-__-; On a happier note... um.... well I have no happier note.. I'll come up with something later.. see you alls.
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Monday, December 29, 2003
I tried drawing today... the face shape turned out O.K, I really liked the hair.. but the eyes and the nose were all off and stuff..-_-; I can't seem to draw clothes well ethier... maybe I should just stick to writing.. nothing more to say.. I'll post something later today.. see yous.
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Saturday, December 27, 2003
I got lotsa good presents for Christmas this year, including a CD player Pirates of the Carribbean! But I envy my cousins who got Final Fantasy X-2 and Eye toy. I hope everybody got what they wanted..what didja all get? Care to Share?
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Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Merry Christmas!
Merry Chritsmas everyone, and a happy new years to all! * Hugs everyone* Hope you get lotsa nice presents.
What did you all get? Care to share?
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