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Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Its the day before Christmas peoples!~_~ Everythings good ( even through everybody hates the fact that I have exsisted for this long) I think I'll be staying home today through, juss finish writing my chapter ( Yes peoples I got over my writers block..yay me!)And then probably sit in my room reading manga or go on MSN. (A losers life, it's an enjoyable one, eh?) Yeah thats my whole day planned out.. @_@ And I probably won't follow it... oh well... see yous laters.
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Monday, December 22, 2003
Its quiet around here.. I am just lazying around writing my fanfictions...wait.. my life isn't *suppose* to be this quiet.. what the hell is going on? * looks around* Ah, well... might as well enjoy it while it lasts.. its always calm before the storm.
I am having a MAJOR writers block.. I dunno what to write anymore... * rubs head* Writers block= A writers worst enemy. *sighs* maybe I'll walk to the park and find some ideas.. see you around guys.
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Not her.... *sighs*
 You are Kaoru Kamiya! You are mostly kind, but very quick to take offense. You are loyal and do everything posible to defend your family's honor.
++Which Rurouni Kenshin Character are You++ brought to you by Quizilla
I don't really like her that much... but beggers can't be choosers..
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Sunday, December 21, 2003
Sorry no more piccy its too big ^_^;
"When you start falling for somebody and you can't stop thinking about when you're going to see them again, I love that," "Women are beautiful. They deserve to be cherished and respected." And, he adds with a laugh, "They're a handful." - Orlando Bloom.
I really respect this guy, some of the guys around here don't think like this anymore ( note I said some, not all some guys) I can't help but love him. ^_^
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Well here I am and I feel like ranting on random stuff so..run! RUN!
* Ahemz* Yesterday my sister snuck into my room to tamper with my stuff....>_< I was so pissed off cause all my Christamas presents were in there, so I shouted at her abit, then my mom stepped in and told me that this was her house, and that my sister can go into my room when ever she wants and tamper with my stuff if she feels like it- after all she won't eat it...... I will move out as soon as possible. Stupid parents, and for all those who have younger sisters or brothers... I FEEL your PAIN!
My friend Brittany has started a Myotaku site, and I was wondering if you'd be interested in visiting! ^_^ Its on my friends list..Okie Okie. Shes really nice but is unsure of what shes doing and needs some comfort.
My god bro Brittany and me went to China town to check out Anime.. geez...the stuff there are so expensive!! I saw a stuffed animal for at least $35 and it wasn't event that big!! How I'm I gonna find the proper presents( Yes I am still Christamas shopping, pity me) if I can't even afford a pen! ( the pen was $9.90) * sighs* and my folks won't tell me what the hell they want! It's kinda hard to shop if you dunno what you are shopping *for*... see my life sux... at least it's winter break..I'm gonna go shopping today!
Well Im done..um yeah..
See you...
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 You are Meiling Li. You are one protective girl. You are very arrogant and hot headed but you know your place.
What Card Captor Sakura character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I've noticed I haven't put a quiz up in a very long time... here you go! ^_^
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Saturday, December 20, 2003
Winter Break!~
Yay!! It's winter break! * Dances around* That means shopping, going to amusement parks and going to friends houses! ^_^ Life is good- for now that is.
Question: In your opinon which Final Fantasy game is the best? ^_^
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Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Hello everyone! ^_^
Hey guys whats up? I was sitting on my bed looking at my old school photos ( I must say i don't remember being so small..) And came upon a picture of my most hated teacher.. Mrs. Berry who taught my grade four class.. >_< I remember one time in class we had to gather around for a story or something and I sat down next to her for no apparent reason.. ( I was dumb.. V_V) and at the end of the story she looked around for her paperclip ( apparently she had no money to buy a flipping bookmark) and she spotted it under my foot... ( I knew I was screwed..) She started screaming at me for stepping on her "bookmark" and sent me into the hall for the rest of the class... I cried my lil' eyes out that day.. I think she was racist to Chinese people.. V_V Has any of you guys ever had an experience with nasty teachers?
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Tuesday, December 16, 2003
I am currently sitting at my computer, typing out my Science project on weather. V_V I hate school so much.. then after this I get another project over Winter Break... ;_; Someone up there hates me!
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Saturday, December 13, 2003
Today was pretty odd, everyone I met seemed to be in a bad mood! Even my grandparents seemed a little put out.. It kinida scares me, it makes me wonder if I had done something that had offended EVERYBODY in the enitre world.. -_-; Yeah, well life sucks. See you.
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