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Thursday, December 11, 2003
Messed up..
Yeah, today was my fifth day of social dance class... it was total hell. I get nervous, even through I try not too, and my hands get all sweaty.. -_-; I'm screwed for the next week because my mom won't buy me freaking leather gloves.. god damn skool all to hell!! And people are giving me wierd looks when I put my freaking hands in my sleeves... damn them all to hell too.. *sighs* Yeah.. getting very grumpy I'm outta here. See you
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Wednesday, December 10, 2003
La la la... yeah, my lifes gotten to a point where I have nothing to say because it's boring... maybe I'll come up with something later... whatever, bye.
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Monday, December 8, 2003
It's almost Christmas!!!!! Which means I get to give presents and recieve them!! ^o^
Currently I am sitting at my computer in a sugar high! ^_^ I get sugar highs so easily it's not even funny.. I scare friends, family and teachers!
Anywhoz.. I was sitting on my couch at my grandmas house and my aunty was sitting beside me, and suddenly I turn and looked at her, she jumped and looked back at me, surprised at the big goofy grin on my face and shes like: "What do you want this time Vicky?" I asked if she could get me a dagger for Christmas. Her face was like 0_0. What the hell is wrong with a gurl getting a dagger HUH?! I am not gonna kill nobody, and I am not planning to commit suicide. -_-; Maybe I should ask for a gun or something, maybe thats better.
OOhhhhhh! I am starting social dance tomorrow! That means I get to swing some poor bloke around like a rag doll and get marks for it! YAY me! ^_^ Man... I feel kinda clammy now... the sugar is wearing off.... well, must dash I need more! See yous!
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Saturday, December 6, 2003
Man, I think I over ate today, I feel like puking all over the keyboard. But on a happier note, I got my Shonen Jump today! ^_^ I got Red eyes black dragon... but then so did my god brother and my other friend... 0.o; It's ethier a concedince(sp?) or we are all really lucky. Does anyone else know about Shonen Jump? ^_^ Jus' curious. I'm going to go Christmas shopping tomorrow, for people who I didn't think I'd go shopping for.. and then they go and buy me a present, then I have to go and buy them something or feel guilty... -.-; I've scraped my piggy bank clean and found about thirty dollars.. I really hope it's enough.. *sighs* I need a job. Oh yes, I found a website that'll give you your elvish name!: http://www.chriswetherell.com/elf/
My Elvish name is Eamane Elendil and my Hobbit name is Bramble Rose ^_^ Maybe when you have time you guys could go and get your names! ^_^ And maybe share with me. ^_^
See you guys later.
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Friday, December 5, 2003
There are so many people who are so fickin skinny.. yet they wanna go on a diet! >_< My friend Babi is starving herself to lose weight no matter what I say, she refuses to eat anything. And this guy in my class collasped while walking up to the teachers desk, he said he didn't eat breakfast or lunch... it's kinda scaring me.. people sould be eatting not starving themselves too look good. *sighs* It's really sad.
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I'm back from another shitty day.. *sighs* I know I am being depressing and all... but writing this all down makes me feel better..
After yesterdays little arguement those two boys keep calling me a man all through Science class, loud enough for people to hear... and then whisphers would come after that... everybody hates me. I need a real looong vacation. Luckily Winter Break is coming up... does anybody have any good vacation destinations for me? I need to get away from this flipping bullshit.
*sighs* See you guys soon.
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Thursday, December 4, 2003
Hey peoplez, man skool is getting more and more stressful, and stupid people all around me are is not helping... *sighs* today was very stressful for me... I was sitting in Science class, and these two guys were bugging me.. then one of them asked me why I didn't wear any make up. I said I didn't need any. They laughed and said that I looked really ugly because I looked so frickin plain... I was totally crushed. So I didn't wear any make up...did that really make a diffrence? Still a gurl. Then they started complianing about the way I dress..I was totally in tears when I went home.... I hate my so called friends... *sighs* gotta go see you guys soon. Oh yeah new song hope you like it.. suits my mood...
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Tuesday, December 2, 2003
Wow.. I haven't posted for suchca long time! Geez.. sorry guys... It's just skool been shitty, so many fricken projects and tests and quizes! *sighs* Does anyone know what a guy would what for Christamas? Like I asked my friend what he wanted he was like buy "whatever" (-.-;) stupid guys.... if you have any ideas.... please help me!!
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Saturday, November 29, 2003
Scared shitless
Hello how are you all doing? Good? Thats great, because right now I feel like jumping into the nearest hole and hiding. V_V; I'm totally scared shitless today. Me and my best friend Ruby333 were on the phone and we were talking and all of a sudden we hear other voices talking, and it wasn't anyone of our family member screwing around, and then we hear heavy breathing and then the phone hangs up and we had to call each other back and started to freak over the phone. In conclusion, I'm very paraniod and confused. *shudders and jumps at small nioses* AH! gotta run see you..
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Monday, November 24, 2003
 Hotohori: the narcisisc emperor who wants nothing more than happiness for his people
Fushigi Yuugi Suzaku Celestial Warrior Quiz (oh and it has PICTURES NOW) brought to you by Quizilla
Well not exactly what I wanted, I was so sure it's get Tasuki..oh well whatever.
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