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Thursday, October 6, 2005

   Hehe an update. ^.^ From the school library again. ^^' But I have to be quick in case, the old lady comes by and kicks me off... again. She�s so mean. >.< �Neyways. =3 Trying real hard to keep up in school. ^^ Has gotten sick quite a few times over few weeks. >. I also lost my wallet during last week! I was sooo scared, �cause I had my social insurance number, id cards and everything in it. And my friends were saying how someone could steal my identity. I wandered around forever trying to find it and three days later, this guy comes up to me on the bus and hands it back. I was like. O.O� ^____^ Thankies! Lol He wouldn�t take his reward for finding it though. ($10) XP And everything was still inside. =3 Other then that nothing real exciting happened this week. =/ But my and my friends are planning to go trick or treating! Haha, no were not too old. >.> lol XP I have yet to decide what costume I should get though. >.< Are you guys going out ta get candy? =) *Looks at time.* Man I really should get going on my math homework. >< Or teach will kill me. Lol Talk to you guys later. ^^

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Thursday, September 8, 2005

   Hehe ^^
Well me updating from Library at school. ^_^ I got a spare, so i got time to catch up on homework, eat and sneak on to update. =P Miss you guys. ^.^ I might update more often, every spare i'll drag my ass up here. ^_^'' I need to change my theme, how does Naruto sound to you? ^.^ I already got a banner from my hun. ^^ And no worries i shall visit your sites asap. Bear with me. ^^'

Umm... lesse...I got my drivers license this summer. ^.^ I study for a day and got my 19/20. It was really scary. -.-' And my dad tried to teach me to drive a few days after. That was very scary too. I was so close to smashing into the pedestrian sigh infront of my house. -_-;;; It'll take a while before i actually get onto the road. ^^'

School has started for me. =/... All my classes suck. And i can't switch out of them till next week. T_T I got me picture taken today, i hate how they touch your head and stuff. @.@ Ack! gtg! bell rang. Well ttyl! Love you guys.

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Saturday, July 23, 2005

Hey guys =3
How are we all doing? =P

Well, work is going to stink for the next few weeks, the friend i recommended to my aunt got fired only a month into the job. =( Poor guy. =/ I hope he finds another one soon, id ask but hes mad at me for reasons unknown.
i hope we get another worker in soon though, its still summer and its busy as hell at lunch. @.@

Yesterday i was walking down the street and spied a black case on the ground, i picked it up and took it on the bus with me openned it to find some CDs. Most of the i don't really like, but some of them looked really interesting. There is no way i can find who they belong to and i feel bad about keeping them... so im going to go around the shops there and see if anyone came around looking for a black case of CDs. If after three days i can't find anyone, i guess i'll keep them. ^^' Well got work tomorrow, gotta wake up early to take the bus cause my mom refuses to drive me. ( Gas too expensive!Waste gas driving you! Go take the bus!) ^^' Goodnight guys, ttyl. Love you Lionel.

7 Types of Intelligence - Which is yours?

brought to you by Quizilla


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Sunday, July 17, 2005

   Day off =)
It was great. I went shopping with my mother and grandmother. I went to Sears with my grandmother, and she brought a little purse. I got some food from Taco Time. ^.^ This little edible bowl with some salad inside. =P Yum. Then when we were going home i had a burger, and half a sandwhich and a Pepsi. Im having to eat more and more. @.@ But since its Stampede there are free meals all over Calgary. =D Yay! XP At home i watched Shaolin soccer. =P It was so lame, but i laughed so hard. =P

So tomorrow ish back to work and then Mon and Tues i get off. =3 Im gonna take my cousins and sister out to see Madagascar on Tues. =D I can't wait. =P K, see you guys tomorrow... or whenever. ^^" Hehe. Lurve you lots Lionel. Bibi. =3

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Friday, July 15, 2005

Well, nothing new has happened today. Work was tiring but then i got Saturday off! =D I can't wait, i plan on going to Stampede with some friends... but i haven't had contact with most of my friends except Colin, and he insists i pay for everything for him. >.> *Waves first* Cheap bastard! Maybe i'll just go with my family.^^' It ends on Sunday so it'll be the last time i get to go till next year.

Neyways... does anyone know how to expand on your profile thing? Like... it only goes up to 500 and then it stops. =( I wanted to put something up but the code was way to big. -_-;;; Help wanted please.

Blah neyways, gonna go sleep, gotta wake up bright and early tomorrow. LAter guys! I love you hunnie! *Muwahs* No quizzie today, perhaps tomorrow. =3 Biii!

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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

(> ^-^)>
Hey guys. =D Hehe, haven�t been back here in a while. =3 Been keeping busy with work and stuff. =P Its been going pretty good, I got my aunt to hire one of my friends and we have fun working together. =P Gonna get me pay check this Friday. =D

Kwaaa, Stampede opened and I went with my sister, I won a duck, a turtle and a whale. =3 I won a Sponge Bob Square pants but I gave It too the little guy sitting behind me at the dog show. He was so cute. =3 I am gonna try for a big stuffed animal next time. =D Ohhh I�m really too excited about Harry Potter coming out too! =3 I heard some copies were sold by accident in a Super Store in Vancouver. -__-; Blah, lucky ppl. =P My huns� gonna get me my copy. ^.^ I�m so happy hehe. =P Thanks sweetie, I gonna send you your present soon too. =P Hehe, I went out for din din today. =3 Cause my grandpa won 200 in a casino. >.> <.< And took us all out for dinner, except my uncle Leo who got sick from Stampede Corn dog. -_-;

Well gonna get back to chatting. =D I will be updating daily� well� almost from now. I visit your sites tomorrow �kay? Love you Lionel. *Muwahs* Ttyl guys.

Oh a quizzie for you.

kissy kissy
The understanding couple. You two have a mutual
understanding of each other. You know the high
and low points of your partner's abilities and
so you try not to push them and the same for
the way they act towards you. The more you
understand the more stable a relationship.

What Kind Of Couple Are You And Your Partner?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Saturday, June 18, 2005

   *Shuffles in and looks around*
Whaaa, hey guys. =3 Long time no see. lol Sorry, i took the time off ta study for my exams. They are all done now, so i can finally get back. =3 I missed you guys. So how have you been? Hope your enjoying your summer holiday so far. ^_^ I got my job back... though i am starting to regret accepting it again. My aunt seems to be having more and more violent moodswings. And if she embarrasses me infront of customers, as she does my fellow workers, im quittin and finding another job. Im not gonna take that from her. =/ Hmm... gonna go to the Zoo on Monday with DarkWizard. Who says that he'll go and try to catch a male peacock... why a male one i dunno. And he wants one of the chickies too... .... .... -_-;

*Looks at the clock* Aw, man its so early still, but im so tired. All that thinking. =P Hehe, i'll come visit you guys tomorrow. Promises. =) I love you Vici, and i missed you lots too Raven8763. ^.^ Must add your new site. *Huggles* See you guys later.

~*~Result nr 6~*~

Your power is: Transformation

Explanation: Unlike everyone else you
can change your body materia and transform into
anything (e.g. an animal). This can be used in
good purposes for infiltrating evil
headcuarters or adjust your physical abilities
by transforming and therefor do better in
battle. If turned to the evil side, a
transfomer could manipulate the "good
guys" by looking like their loved ones and
break them down.
As a person you are dissapointed with life. You
have not so many interests anymore and has
become depressed. Of course you can be happy,
but your happiness subsides quickly and don't
last very long. You isloate yourself from
people since you think they would only hurt
you, but some part just wants someone equal who
understands the pain. When you transform it
gives you freedom and you can be anything but
yourself. You often pity yourself but don't let
people come near and know what's going on with
you. But the thought of opening up and risking
being betrayed is too strong and intimidating
to even try.
Negative aspects: You carry much hate to
the world and yourself and in the long run this
could lead to dangerous thoughts
(suicide/cutting/killing) though the last one
is least likeable since you would probably just
have too much guilt.

What Power is Compatible With You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Quizzie makes me sound uber depresssing. T___T

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Saturday, May 28, 2005

Hey guys, well i finally got around to studying for a bit. =3 and Im sure im gonna pass my social exam with flying colors. =P Math i'll have to work harder at. ^^; Today in art class i was using a hot glue gun, and while trying to becareful with it, but some fresh, not to mention smoking hot, glue slid down on my finger anyways. Lawd, it felt like my finger was being sawed in half and a blister the size of my nail had started to grow. @.@ I am never ever going near a hot glue gun again. -.-; Right now me just got back from tutoring classes and now trying to relax. =3 Hehe, heres a quiz for you and i hope you guys have a great weekend. =)

Fashions ugliness
Your wise quote is: "Fashion is a form of
ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter
it every six months" by Oscar Wilde.
You are a very sarcastic person with a sharp
tongue. You may not be the one always talking,
but your mind is nevertheless critizing. You
tend to have a cynical view on life itself and
be somewhat withdrawn with who you really are.
Society now is in your eyes corrupted and you
wonder how the world will survive. And people
are in your mind very ignorant and blind to the

What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED
brought to you by Quizilla

I like da quote. lolz See yous laters.

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Sunday, May 22, 2005

Hey guys,
Waaah, im sucha bad person. -.-; i haven't been studying at all. *Sweatdrop.* Ive been sleeping and going shopping. Must start studying on Monday. ^^; Cause tomorrow i am going to the zoo... awww i haven't been there for sucha long time i just wanna go for a bit. ^^: I lurve animals and hiking and stuff. =3 Just wish my hun could have come with me. =/ Its the first time my parents will let me and my sister go to the zoo by ourselves. =3 Im excited. ^.^
Hehe, =3 Im gonna go sleep early so i have lots of energy for tomorrow. See you guys later. ~.~
I love you Vici. Bye. =3

Your connection with darkness is through your
interest in vampires. Theese occult beings
fascinates you. Their lives are just something
you would kill for, and if you would have the
opportunity to be sired, you would. Living a
mortal kind of life is just so ordinary and
boring. You aren't necessarly evil just because
of this interest/obsession, you just can
connect with them and their lifestyles. Though
people have a hard time understanding this and
chances are you're a social outcast. Perhaps
you hate your life and therefor developed this
interest, to escape reality.

What is your connection with darkness? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Hmm... this girl from my school wants have some kinda operation to get permanent vampire teeth.


Well,i like reading about vampires. ^^;

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Friday, May 20, 2005

Alwight! Long weekend. =3 I get Friday off too. =P In any other case i would be slacking off and playing videogames, but now i have to spend all that time studying. -.-; Damn it all. lolz Oh well, i just hope i get a good mark for all this. I finished reading my book. =) Awesome book, you guys should check it out. =D Its scary as hell. Tomorrow i am going to go shopping with my friend Justine. =P She owes me a lunch and im thinking maybe Taco Bell. XP Hehe... im so bored. @.@ Im gonna go watch tv or something. ^^; Later guys, enjoy your long weekends.

red i see red
You are a klutz. You don't have a really good
balance.^_^; You have a really bright attitude
and like to party. You see past the all the
looks on people because since your not perfect
you don't see why you should judge others that

Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only
brought to you by Quizilla


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