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Saturday, March 12, 2005
Day one, second year
=) Hey guys! ^.^ Its Saturday! =D Im so happy lolz, school was blllaaaahhh. =S And im also having some friend problems. =S My friend Orry has been depressed, but he lied to us about the reason and now he's ignoring us and being all moody. Grrr... >.> *Waves fist* I sent him an email telling him how i feel about all this yesterday, i just gotta wait and see what he says on Monday cause i am too scared to talk to him on MSN. ^^;
He made my friend Justine cry last night while we were having a sleep over at my house, i got so angry.>=( It was the first time anybody had ever been allowed to have a sleep over before, it got kinda ruined. >.> Though it was kinda boring anyways... cause i didn't know what to do... i offered to watch a movie but shes not really into anime. lolz. And i had titanic too... but i hate that movie. ^^;
Today shes gonna stay until 12:00 then im gonna take the bus to my grandparents house and play some Jack and Daxter. =) Well gonna go eat some stuffs to eat, i love all yous. =)
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Friday, March 11, 2005
Happy Anniversary
Today is Lionel's and my one year anniversary. *Big Smile* Wow, a year can go by fast, eh? =) Lionel is my first boyfriend... and the last I would say, because there is no other man in the world that could replace him. He is all that I will need for the rest of my life, the person I’ve been searching for. All I have ever wanted in a relationship is someone to really love me for who I am, personality wise. Not just looks. Someone who would make me feel loved, safe, warm, needed. And I wanted him to somehow to not mind my flaws, even though I have so many. Lionel is all that and more.
He makes me feel really happy whenever I talk to him, and sometimes, well, most of the time all I look forwards to on days is just to be able to sit down and talk to him for a couple of hours. The things he says to me are so sweet, and he makes me feel really special. I never thought anyone could care for me this much. And I hope I make him feel that way too, i care about him more then anything. He is the most important person in my life, my whole world. If I ever lost him…I don’t know... my life would be pretty meaningless.
Even though some of the people I have told about my relationship say that its stupid, because internet relationships never last, and its dangerous. I have nothing to fear from Lionel I trust him with my life. And he knows I would never hurt him.
Its been a childhood dream to marry my first boyfriend. And impossible as it seemed. It seems possible now. I don't care what my parents say, or what anybody else says. We'll get married one day sweetie.
Lionel, I love you so much, and I hope this post gave you some idea of how I feel...You can’t imagine how much you mean to me, how you make me feel all the time. With everything we have been through together, I can’t imagine us ever being apart. I hope I make you feel this way too… You’re my one and only. *Smoochies and Huggles* I love you forever and a day. Happy Anniversary Hunnie.
(Side note: Thanks for sticking by through all this guys, it’s a bit sappy I know...but its how I feel... badly expressed on paper. ^^;Im sorry i didn't come around to visit yesterday. =S SO much school work...I promise to visit today alright? Love you all too. lolz. Ttyl. ^^)

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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Hey guys
Sorry i haven't updated for so long...
Today went ok, school sucked... i have a social test tomorrow, but i am in no mood to study. *Sweatdrop* Everything just seems kinda messed right now, i don't know how to desribe it. =S School and home causes stress, and I keep thinking that my friends are getting tired of me, actually... i feel like everyone is getting tired of me, because everything I do or say is wrong in some way. I feel like i am always trying to get everyones attention, but i have nothing to say, i know i am a boring person but i don't know how to change. So now i dunno what to think. @.@ Confused yet? I had a bit of a break down while talking to my bf over MSN... that was a little scary... i wasn't expecting it... Im really sorry Vici, for making you worry. =S Urg... i just hate this all right now. lolz... im gonna get some sleep... im sure i'll feel better in the morning. Or something. I'll update again tomorrow k? ^^ Later guys... take care.
Side Note: Im sorry for all my complianing and stuff, makes me feel a little better spilling it all out. =P
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Monday, February 14, 2005
*Passes out boxes of chocolates.* Ne, Hope you guys have a great day and get a card and/or rose from the person you like. ^.^ Too bad its school tomorrow though... *Blinks* Oh damn... i forgot all about my homework... *SWEAT* And my dad is leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow! *Grins* Ah, a month of freedom. =P Naw, i'll miss the old man. Hope he has a safe trip. Well, have fun guys... ^^ *Huggles*
Love you lots and lots Lionel. ^^"
(Sorry about th crappy post... my eyes are burning, i neeeed sleeeep... *Snore*)
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Happy Chinese New Years!~
Wah, I just managed to throw this new look on in time for New Years. ^^; Schools been real busy... so i didn't really have time to do much. =P But today was a day off, because the grade nines are coming to tour our school. ^.^ Gonna go to a Dragon Dance at the festival on Saturday i hope.
Wow... its so late right now... i can't think of anything else to say... =P Um...gonna go sleep now, tomorrow we are having a big party during class... wanna look alive for it. =P Talk to you guys later, love you Lionel. Bye.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
First day of school really sucked. =( My Math and Art classes were ok... but In Social my teacher looks and acts like the Grinch. And Chinese is probably the worst... =.=; Because i have this thick English accent when i am talking Manderian... so the other asian ppl there tease me, even the teacher was poking fun at me. =( Damn that sucks... >.> Note to self: Drop the stupid course. Maybe i can take German or French instead. =.=; I miss my old semester so much... =(
I remembered what i was going to say yesterday! =P My dad is going ta China next month... we will be rid of him for almost 4 weeks... So... i can relax for a while. ^^; Haha... i dunno, i think i'll miss him... but at the same time i won't. ^^;
Well...just finished up some last minute homework... now im gonna go read some manga, or just listen to some really loud music. ^^;
Goodnight guys, I love you Lionel
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Monday, January 31, 2005
*Yawn* Waaah... so sleepy
Hey guys,
Waahh... School tomorrow... *Sulks* I don't wanna go, but my parents are making me. Stupid parents.. XP At least i get to see my friends. =P
Um... my dad gave away our hamster yesterday!!! *Cries* I miss it so much... he is so mean. But at least now we are getting a tiny turtle... ^^;
Ok i forgot whatelse i was going to say... o.O Im so brain dead. ^^; Um... Im half way done my stars... WoOT.
Now i shall go to sleep cause i can't think of what else i was going to post up. ^.^; Maybe i'll remember tomorrow. =P
Well Goodnight guys, I love you Lionel. Ttyl! ^^
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
New look... for now. ^^;
Hey guys,
I was tired of the old look... so i decided to change it. =P Its DN Angel now, ive started to watch the anime. I actually did this one by myself... before it was just my bossy God-bro taking over and doing it all for me... not that I didn't like it.^^;
I still can't find a new avatar to fit in with everything... =( And even if i did find one i dunno how to make it fit. ^^; If you guys find anything you would like me to change... go on and tell me... i need ppl's opinons. =P
Anyways...um... nothing exciting happened past few days... i am almost done my stars... only 7oo some left... but i ran out of star paper yesterday and tomorrow i gotta go buy more and a large jar to put them in. =P
Well gotta run... im so tired... gotta get some sleep. ^^
I Love you lots Lionel, ttyl yoy guys later!
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
1000 paper stars
Hey guys. ^^ The Science exam went okay... basicly... my science teacher took one of our old exams and put it into the final exam with a couple of new questions.*Rolls eyes* And i got all worked up over nothing. ^^;
Um...Today i jus went shopping myself, walked around and then ate lunch. Then I went to an anime store and saw this container full of oragami stars, i remembered hearing this guy had folded 1000 stars for this girl he liked. So i decided to buy some star paper and i am now trying to fold 1000 stars for Lionel. I am having a bit of trouble though... ^^; So far my stars are shapeless blobs... T_T Im not gonna give up though... maybe i can make it in time and send it to him in time for our anniversary. -^_^-
Right now... i am on MSN and lookin at quizzes... i haven't posted one up in awhile sooooo...
 What is Your Ideal Anime Weapon? Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
=P Gonna go watch sum tv now, then go sleepy, Night night guys. I love lots Vici. Ttyl! ^^
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
So much for studying...
Well, tomorrow is my Science Exam and i was planning to study all day today, so i woke up early and got my stuff out. But i had to finish up a Lit Log for English so that took me an hour and then i was so tired i went back to sleep... *smacks head against wall.* Im so lazy... now i am in panic because i need to cram so much... *runs in circles.*
Must memorize all these terms then... somehow cram in the eqautions and the layers of the Earth... *Swirlly eyes* Maybee i should just go to sleep and hope for the best... =(
Ah, well hope you guys are well. ^^; And good luck on your exams if you have any... me go study more now... so i'll see you guys lata. ^^
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