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myOtaku.com: Selena

Monday, December 8, 2003

It's almost Christmas!!!!! Which means I get to give presents and recieve them!! ^o^
Currently I am sitting at my computer in a sugar high! ^_^ I get sugar highs so easily it's not even funny.. I scare friends, family and teachers!
Anywhoz.. I was sitting on my couch at my grandmas house and my aunty was sitting beside me, and suddenly I turn and looked at her, she jumped and looked back at me, surprised at the big goofy grin on my face and shes like: "What do you want this time Vicky?" I asked if she could get me a dagger for Christmas. Her face was like 0_0. What the hell is wrong with a gurl getting a dagger HUH?! I am not gonna kill nobody, and I am not planning to commit suicide. -_-; Maybe I should ask for a gun or something, maybe thats better.
OOhhhhhh! I am starting social dance tomorrow! That means I get to swing some poor bloke around like a rag doll and get marks for it! YAY me! ^_^ Man... I feel kinda clammy now... the sugar is wearing off.... well, must dash I need more! See yous!

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