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myOtaku.com: sempai cat

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Hisui (07/02/04)

Hello! I like your site. Your avatar is really cute. ^_^

BlackMagicianGrl (07/02/04)

Thnx for signing my GB. I'll also add you as a friend. Sorry it took a while, I've been busy. K, off to sign like 8 more GB entries^.~

belldandy ff (07/01/04)

ei! thanks for signing my gb. it seems i have to thank chui chui for this. you're one of my friends now. like your site esp. your pic. it's cute. well, hope we can be good friends. bye for now!

Trigun Rocks (07/01/04)

Sure I'll b ur friend but whatda mean by the avi thing? Well see ya laters


gkelch82 (07/01/04)

Thank you for sining mine.I thought i should retune the favor. So --hi--. Later and thanks for that quize site on your site.

emoboyinlove (06/30/04)

hey i added you to and um yeah i do need a pic umm maybe like of zabuza or garra or or or ... cappy i love cappy

DeathBug (06/29/04)

I usually don't sign Guestbooks; I think adding a person to my Friends' list is much more effective. However, because you asked, and because you're just so darn nice, i'm here. Sighning your Guestbook.

I think this signiture is over now. Yep, it's over. Now, at the end of this sentence. Period.

Animerocks (06/28/04)

Cool site come to mine and sine my guest book if you like.

Seifer sama (06/28/04)

Hello. You asked me to sign your guestbook, so here I am. You have a pretty nice site. I like the blue. Blue is a great color. ^^ Well anyway, thanks for all the comments you left on my site. I appreciate it. Well, later.


wolf isis (06/28/04)

hi! thanx for signing my gb and adding me as a friend! i did the same. i like ur site too! later! ^^

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