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helping animals
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SsTeEmPpHaAiNcIaEt mixed in with sempai cat! :P
Duhh...*drool* O_o
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7 years. pokemon or dbz
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flcl, ai yori aoshi, trigun, kenshin, yu-gi-oh, case closed, inuyasha, and yu yu hakusho.
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Sunday, July 11, 2004
back again and next weekend on saturday i'm going to an amusment park. oh and hiei lover, i decided hiei has evry body. i think, that ther are different hieis. inuyashaiscool taught me that. like my hiei is a whiny baby. i don know what your hiei is like, and if you hate me i understand. well, ja ne for now,
Xx~sempai cat~xX
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Thursday, July 8, 2004
hey i'm goin to wildwood new jersey, and i'll be back on monday!!
Hiei: i will rule wildwood! MUAHA!!
ja ne!
Xx~sempai cat~xX
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????????? so bored... i love hiei.... mine.. look at the cirtificate..... *sigh*... ja ne...
Xx~sempai cat~xX
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Tuesday, July 6, 2004
A Yuugiou survey-type-thing....sorta | Who is your favorite character?: | joey | Why did u choose him/her?: | he's cute | Do you even LIKE him/her?: | YES!! | Why?: | well, what a stupid question! he's sexy! | Does he/she have any enemies?: | marik, dark marik, dark bakura, rarehunters, uh... ? | Does he/she have any freinds?: | yea yugi and bakura and tristan and tea and mai and serenity and me! | Does him/her have a goldfish named Spanky?: | no i don't think? | If you saw your favorite character, would you be a normal or rabid fan g/b?: | rabid as in...? | Are you getting tired of this survey yet?: | not really | Do you like Dr.Pepper? (dont own it): | yea | Do YOU hae a goldfish named Spanky?: | it's name in monyoko | Quick!You see Kaiba walking on the beach with some speedo's on.whatdoudo?: | shield your eyes!! | Are u glad this survey is done now?: | i don't know... O.o |
A YGO quiz thingy. brought to you by BZOINK!
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Monday, July 5, 2004
my fanfic site is dark yami my big bro gave his site to me, k? ja ne!
Xx~sempai cat~xX
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hi! went to a cookout yesterday and goin 2 1 today. ja ne!
Xx~sempai cat~xX
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Sunday, July 4, 2004
how can you not read my posts? i can read them, whats wrong with them?
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Saturday, July 3, 2004
hello! ^o^
these are people u should meet, dark yami, Exodia7677, chui chui, and, uh... that's it. ja ne!
Xx~sempai cat~xX
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Friday, July 2, 2004
 Your Inuyasha! You are a punk, you like to pick fights and hate being in school, your grades are slipping but you don't care, you are having to much fun to actually do anything about it!
What Inuyasha Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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back to fanfic!! yay!
the beginning of the end: part three: ON THE BIG DAY!!
hiei: *whispering to self* maybe, if i kill everybody...
me: hiei.. i told you not to plan to wreck today!! see? i've got the certificate.. neh! *sticks tounge out*
hiei:hmph. jerk.
me: hey! i heard that mister! *drags by ear*
hiei: watch it! i'm fragile...
me:no you aint!
hiei:*puppy eyes*9o9 pleeease don't make me do this!!
me:i really don't think you have a choice. you can't hurt me for it. well, ...just get ready. o__- ok?
hiei: no!
me: *snatches millenium rod from marik and points at hiei*you will, get ready.
hiei:yes ma'am!
me:i'll be in my room.
hiei:*sneaks into my room looks through a hole* move the towel... oop.she spotted me! *holding a piece of wood with a hole in it*
me: your even dumber than i thought... your pathetic.
hiei: O.O i'll be in my room.
1 hour later:me: are you ready?
hiei: ALMOST!!!*comes out all ready.
me:that's why it took you so long... you did it!!!
hiei: no, the cat did it.
me:)O___O( dahhahahahaha!!! ahem... okay, go!
hiei: walks into the room.
me:sucker.*secretly looks into room* laura and marik! zedstef! rarehunters the marik fangirls! the hiei fangirls!!
hiei: get away!! i'm trying to be nice for yusukes sake!
yusuke: don't put me in this!!!
me: go sit down!you too hiei!
hiei and yusuke: okay...
me where are the 4 flower girls! okay here they are... sana, laura, (hamtaro laura) numbuh 3 and... where's starfire?
starfire: up!
me: sigh* oh, get down here.
hiei: ive been standing here for 20 minutes, where is she!!!
someone: here she is!!
me: let the torture begin... MWAHAHAHAHA!!! *gets all quiet* da da dada da da dada!let's have some real music! *plays usher's yeah*
hiei: oh gosh... well, dance!! *evryone get's up and dances*
me:hey, laura! how's it goin with you and marik! mariks been having some "minor difficulties"
me: O.O oh.
me: now i may kiss the bride! hiei: hey! *kisses* AWWWWW!
to be continued!!
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