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Saturday, January 26, 2008
This is the avtar i want6ed to get but when I right click on the image the
"Save Picture as" option is grayed over. So phooey.

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Friday, January 25, 2008
My Day Off
Hola everyone. Hows life?
Today I haven't done much. Besides be bored. I got up. Was bored for a while. Went to mass. Got lunch. Went to OfficeMax. Got a pen. Went to the grocery store, bought food and Ramen(yays). Then I went on the computer. So here I am. And I am MAD. I can't find any good Neko wallpapers besides the one I already have but I'm a fan of change and want a new one but can't find one unless I want one of pathetic looking girls with tails and ears and tight underewear on, which I don't. So I'm at a loss for now. But does anymone know of a site with good Neko wallpaper?
[and in case you don't know Neko is a form of anime in which the subject is a cross of cat and human. Very cool.]
So yeah.
Thats it.
Later People.
~Sensei Mon~
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Thursday, January 24, 2008
Schoolio Foolio.
Yays! I got out of school two hours early 'cuz my dad(who is a teacher) is sick and had to leave early! So yays! And tommorow I don't have school! And I also had a dress down day today so yay!
Hee Hee. That rhymes. Fun to sing.
*leaps out of chair and starts singing*
Dress Down Day Today So Yay!
Come on, sing with me!
Dress Down Day Today So Yay!
Okay. I'm done. *twitches*
I am getting a different background but my site will still be kitty themed. Well actually, more Neko themed but who gives a **** about the difference?
Oh and BTW my sixth grade friend(aka Cloud Blade) is very senseitive towards swearing so no one swear on my site or on his site 'cuz he'll be all
"OMFG! He cussed!"
So yeah. Spare me the complaints.
Later People
OH WAIT! Reid, invite me over tommorow!
Kay I'm done.
Later People
~Sensee Reeyoo~
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I Feel So Happy!
Today was great! We got to write commercials advertising our school and then put them on a radio station and then after the best commercial is picked then they would pick four people with the nicest sounding voices to do it on the radio station and I was one of the people! So then we got to go to a studio and we spoke innto the massive microphones all professional-like and it was alot of fun(and we got to skip some of school). And then we now have Film and Drama class on Wednesdays which is awesome and then tommorow we have a dress-down day and on Friday we have the day off so uber yays! I so happy!
But I sympathize with you poor, poor, peeps out there who have to suffer Friday.
*hee hee*
Yes, I know, I am awesome at making other people realize just how BAD their like is.
Heh-heh. Just kidding.
Have fun. *hee hee*
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im at school.
hi. i got a new avatar but im going to change it back.
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Sunday, January 20, 2008
I don't know.
Tis' sunday. I'm bored. I have school tomorrow.
School sucks.
I wanna' be alive when the world ends.
That'd be very...interesting...
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Saturday, January 19, 2008
At Ryou-kun's House!
Hi! Here I am at Ryou's house. I just changed everything to kitty mode and maybe I'll get a photobucket so I can get pictures of my cats on heere! That'd be kool...So...I dont have anything else to say so bye!
Later People!
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Thursday, January 17, 2008
Do I even have a subject?
Well...Can people start actually commenting on what I say in my posts instead of just doing "Hope you have a nice day."
Or something like that.
So theres my complaint for the day. I think I did pretty well on both of my exams today so yeah...feeling good about that...
And can everyone go to IvoryDragon's site? Hes a real life friend of mine and a beginner here at theOtaku so I'd like for him to have a warm welcome. So yeah. Everyone stop by his site and sign the guestbook and get to know him. Hes really funny and easy to get along with so I doubt he'll make any enemies here (unlike me).
I'm off!
~Sensei R~
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Allo. Today (Wednesday) I have a day off! Yays! Yesterday I rented an anime called "Voices of a Distant Star" the dubbing actors were pretty terrible and the heads were drawn a little strangely but it's pretty good. It's about this girl who goes off into space in this giant Mecha thing called a Tracer to fight the Tarsians which are the evil aliens. The only way of contact with her lover down on earth is a text messages on a cell phone which take eight years to reach him. Her life is preserved in space while he grows older so while she's fifteen he's twenty four. Its pretty beautiful and alot of the landscapes and the space scenes are drawn wondefully. It's only a half hour long which made me really mad but its worth watching but I do not reccomend you buy it or rent it just watch it on YouTube or something like that.
So...I'm tired and most of today will be taken up by studying bgecause I have twi exams tomorrow. Well then. Tiem to go pick a new background!!
With love and tiredness
~Sensei R~
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Nuthin Much.
Well...I was really tired this morning and forgot my Oral report but fortunately I did'nt have to go today so I did'nt get in any trouble. I had two midterms today, one in Grammar and one in Science. Tommorow we have a day off! Yays! Yippe! Woot! And then on Thusday I have two more so wish me luck. I will also be changin' the background alot just because I like pickin' them out and thats the only reason.
I can't think of any thing else to say so yeah...
Later People.
~Sensei Man~
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