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Thursday, November 29, 2007
new bg
i'm goin 2 get a new wallpaper cuz all the MCR ones ive seen are mediocre. possibly halo 3 or kingdom hearts since those are my 2 fave vid games. or a naruto wallpaper, that'd b kewl. 4 som reason i dont think Bleach would work...dont know why...
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i am so so bored. its 3:14 and i'm at skewl. my sister had 2day off and she's going 2 hav tomorrow off 2. grrrr . i also have a guitar lesson today and tunz of homework.
i'm mad. and im actualy usin apostrophes )O_O
*sigh* i got a major bloody nose 2day cuz my friend rammed in2 me and sent me hurling into another guy and my nose has been aching ever since. and that wuz four hours ago. *rubs nose* my other friend, the one that got braces yesterday, has been injured 2 times 2day, once real early in the morn and a kid w/ mental problems squeezed his mouth 2 try 2 get it open but only suceeded in making his cheeks got cut and making him cry. the second time the friend that gave him the bloody nose 4got about his braces and slapped his mouth lightly(enuff to make him cringe and clutch his teeth though). and that's my day.
*rubs nose*
~the sensei~
~omg tox~
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
rawr! am not!
You Belong in Summer | 
Energetic, creative, and very curious about the world...
You're not going to let anything hold you back, especially a cold day.
Whether you're chilling out at the beach or partying all night, you live for the warm weather. |
YEAH RIGHT!!i dont like summer that much but i lov winter. that result is not correct one bit.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
i am waitin 4 my bruv 2 b dun w/ basketball practice. i am tired. and hungry. my friend got braces 2day and he looks...odd...but eventually i'll get used 2 it. well then. i hav a whole fan club in the sixth grade. all of a sudden they r all into drawing. but im the best out of them all. definitely.
i am a japanese emoticon.
~the sensei~
~omgo tox~
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i am waitin 4 my bruv 2 b dun w/ basketball practice at skewl. i am tired. and hungry. my friend got braces 2day, theyre kolord red and blue. he looks...odd. but eventually i'll get used 2 it. hopefully. i am a japanese emoticon.
~the sensei~
~omgo tox~
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i am spacey.
You Are "Dizzy and Giddy"

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Monday, November 26, 2007
-i am bored-
i have nothin to do. its snow in out! som eight grader wants me to tell you that seany says hi. his name is seany, btw. he hit me w/ a ruler. im so glad its snown cuz i hav a huge hill in my backyard and i can sled wen i get home its snowin real hard. yays. i lov my avatar.
~the sensei~
~omgo tox~
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Friday, November 23, 2007
so then. 2dat is nov.23 and it is 11.08. yesterday wuz thanksgiving so we had a family that we are friends w/ over. heres a description of the family.
Mr.Wong: he is the dad. he is chinese/mexican. kinda funny.
Mrs.Wong: another chinese/mexican.is really nice but kinda annoyin and thinkns she can control my bruv's life.
gabriela: their twelve year old daughter. shes in my class and im friends w/ her.
mimi:annoyin secind grader.
ana: bratty annoyin kindergartner.
so then. i felt kinda sick from all the turkey and food and fake wine after wards so i only ate one slice of pie but i put a ton of whippd
cream on it. then we rented mission impossible
the first one. it was alright but it was kinda unrealistic. well...actually REALLY unrealistic.
i am tired.
i am leaving now bcuz i am bored.
~the sensei~
~omgo tox~
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
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we are da' best!
ok. over the weekend i wuz SICK. i wuz throwin up so i missed monday cuz i wuz sick. but all wuz well at skewl cuz we had a thanksgivin feast, even know its nov.20 and thanksgiving isnt till a few days but we had 2 hav it taday cuz we hav a six or sevn day weekend. so then. the feast wuz belly filling and an hour long. after that i watched little kids wrestle at recess. then we had math, then we cleaned our lockers and THEN[this is the best part] we played the girls in gym cuz the seventh grade boys music teacher was out. so we creamed them, all the while shrieking "PURPLE HAZE!!" so that wuz sweet and fun cuz later they brought in fourteen players and theres only seven boys in mah class so they had seven mor than us. we still creamed them. by then they were real ticked cuz they think theyre 2 kewl 2 loose 2 boys! but we still beat them. so now my energy is drained and my stomach feels a little sick, but not much. so that wuz my day.
any comments?
~the sensei~
~omgo tox~
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