sephiroths angel
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
hey ppl. i know it's been awhile. sephys here don't worry lol. =^-^=V i've got good news. a friend of mine taught me how to make AMV's^_^ so i made my first one on friday. it's FInal Fantasy X-2 with Aerosmith's Dream on.^^ ohh and i also made one for you guys. sorry it's just a slide show but it is a x-mas vid at least right? i tried to make a good one for you all. i'll try and make a better one for you when i have some free time. ohh and before i go i must say one thing..........
may you all have good luck
*disappears into the darknss*
1st vid i made....
Final fantasy
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2nd vid. (zhe x-mas one for you all=^-^=V hope ya like it
my x-mas vid to all my friends=^-^=V
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Saturday, December 9, 2006
hey everyone. like i promised here is the first one.
heart of darkness
dark and stormy covered in fallen rain
solome cumulonimbus float over head dumping their pain on the world
running down the streets splashing in the puddles of tears
it's slowly catching up with every step. your heart beats faster
you dare not look behind you
with every step you take it gains by two
it chases you with a saticfied maniacal grin of pleasure
you can feel it breathing down your neck
something that was always close always calm has turned aginst you
you scream but there is no sound you yell but you have no voice
running from something you've never feared before
suddenly you feel it grab you by your arms embracing you tightly
it slowly fades inside you becoming one with your heart and soul
it laughs evilly as it takes control and cieses everything you once held dear
it unleashes your worst nightmares and makes them a reality
where did this monster come from? what is it you ask?
inside lurking under the surface of light in your heart is darkness
it's like a stray. you feed it once and now it stays
it hungered for more it saught an exit from it's prison of light
it found a way through your nightmares, your sorrow, your anger
you unleashed this monster on yourself. giving in to the darkness inside
and yet it was out of good intention. to help someone you hold dear
a friend that was taken by the living darkness of nightmares
you trap yourself in the darkness in order to help a friend
noble yes but is it worth it?
letting your dark thoughts take control?
only you know it's not the real you unleashed on this world
you scream and yell as you fall to the ground trying to control yourself in the least
your friend is released yet here you remain traped in the darkness of your own heart
you think you can't show your face again don't you?
giving into the darkness like that. beating yourself up about it
you say you don't fear the darkness but do you really mean that?
then a gate of light opens infront of you
running through the heartless darkness trying to get to the gate
then your heart is released from the harsh corset of shadows
you become a whole person again
your friend standing infront of you holding out their hand
you look at the ground ashamed of your actions
they say it's ok and you look up at them
grining ear to ear they look at you waiting for you to take their hand
you wonder how they could trust a person like you
someone who embraced the darkness living inside
they don't question you at all because they know you did it for them
they help you to the light gate
you still think you can't show your face in the world of light again
so you pull away falling to the ground again
"i can't i can't. i can't show my face there again." you say
"not after what i did."
they look at you with a smile and giggle
they say you've done nothing wrong. all you did was help them
what's so bad about that? they ask
you look up at them and they hold out their hand again. "you coming?" they ask
finally you smile too and take their hand
you go through the light and are home
the ocean lightly crashing aginst the shore the sand beneath your feet
your dark ---blade disapears. you really are home
back on your island where you belong
still the champion of the island
still the one your friends look up to
back in the light your still you
your perfect nightmare is over
~sephiroths angel
Angel of Darkness
The one that fights in the shadows
protecting those in both light and darkness
black wings gentley embracing the fragile skies
gaurding those who need gaurdains
defending with all their power and valor
and yet you hate us?
You see us as inpure beings sent from hell
on the other side Lucifer sees us as unfit for his humble abode
in his eyes we are to pure or not "tainted" enough
to humans we are demons, to white wings we are the essence of all evil
we do nothing but protect and yet you hate us so?
what did we do wrong?
In the heat of battle we gracfully fight
not only for our freedom but for you
for the ones who hate us. in hopes we can repent
but in truth we have commited no sin
the color of ones wings matters not
in nature we are no different from the white wings.......well at least we don't desive you
Courage and spirit runs through us as well as hope
as light collides with dark the true nature of them shows
what kind of monster some white wings can be
white isn't always pure black isn't always tainted
nor does it matter how many wings you have
so what if I have but one wing?
Swords clashing feathers falling
a rain of crimson, black, and white slowly fall
an age old battle raging once again
many have lost their time. their vaulable time
we are the ture ones. the ones you can trust. so why.....why hate us so?
what do you want me to say sorry?
One can't help what they were born as
we are what we are ragaurdless of what your thoughts are
every living thing has a purpose and ours isn't to be beaten and pushed around
I will fight and I will stand for what I believe in
even if I'm the only one standing. so be it we don't deserve this!
I am one of them. one of the angels of darkness otherwise known as a fallen one
I have no shame in it why should I?
so what if my wings are black and not white so what if my hair is silve and not blonde
you tell me what's wrong with that
now look at us then at youselves and tell me what differences do you see?
we are as you are. you are as we are. we are one and the same
we are like the sun and moon or earth and sky
in this kingdom is where we shall stay until you can stop desiving youselves
in our kingdom of darkness. we have become your darkness your shados
we will appear when needed. we will fight when summoned
we are the angels of darkness the fallen ones
we are the warriors of the night
we are the angels of darkness
I am the angel of darkness
~sephiroths angel
so tell me what you think. you like?
may you have good luck
*disappears into the darkness*
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Friday, December 8, 2006
hey ppls. there wasn't any school today!^^ the first snow of the year and it's gets me out of school=^-^=V yay! lol well anyway i don't have to much to say but i'll have my poems up either later today or tomorrow. also if you don't mind go to my friend shakira lookalike's site please^^
may you have good luck
*disappears into the darkness*
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Thursday, December 7, 2006
hey guys and gals. i wokw up thinking today would be a bad day....well i was wrong. sure school kinda sucked but while i was riding he bus home i got an early xmas present. my friend Dovey started shouting it's snowing! so i started string out the window. it kinda brought back in time seeing the first snow of the year with my departed friend. i wasn't sad though i was happy. she always loved the snow. i remember when i was over and i had been sunny all day then all of a sudden it snowed a lot. we had snowball fights and made snow forts and everything. ^^ it was fun. we were kinda acting like little kids but we didn't care it was fun. then we ended up getting so cold we had to go inside so we sat at the windows just staring at the snow. sadly that's only a memory but a happy one^^ well anyway i gotta go so ttyl k?
may you have good luck
*disappears into the darkness*
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Monday, December 4, 2006
ok everyone welcome to my christmas theme! isn't it awesome? lol well since it's the month of giving i shall give you a laugh and post up my version of the 12 days of christmas! but remember it's sephy style's weird as hell! lol well here it is
The 12 nights of christmas
on the 1st night of xmas,
my friends gave to me
a dragon then my sister bit me
on the 2nd night on xmas,
my friends gave to me
2 shurikens,
and a dragon then my sister bit me
on the 3rd night of xmas,
my friends gave to me
3 pet snakes,
2 shurikens,
and a dragon then my sister bit me
on the 4th night of xmas,
my friends gave to me
4 shiny knives,
3 pet snakes,
2 shurikens,
and a dragon then my sister bit me
on the 5th night of xmas,
my friends gave to me
5 shimmering swords,
4 shiny knives,
3 pet snakes,
2 shurikens,
and a dragon then my sister bit me
on the 6th night of xmas,
sora gave to me
6 friggin headaches!,
5 shimmering swords,
4 shiny knives,
3 pet snakes,
2 shurikens,
and a dragon then my sister bit me
on the 7th night of xmas,
my friends and sora gave to me
7 faeries a casting,
6 friggin headaches!,
5 shimmering swords,
4 shiny knives,
3 pet snakes,
2 shurikens,
and a dragon then my sister bit me
on the 8th night of xmas,
my friends and sora gave to me
8 gundams shooting,
7 faeries a casting,
6 friggin headaches!,
5 shimmering swords,
4 shiny knives,
3 pet snakes,
2 shurikens,
and a dragon then my sister bit me
on the 9th night of xmas,
my friends and sora gave to me
9 black cats attacking,
8 gundams shooting,
7 faeries a casting,
6 friggin headaches!,
5 shimmering swords,
4 shiny knives,
3 pet snakes,
2 shurikens,
and a dragon then my sister bit me
on the 10th night of xmas,
my friends and sora gave to me
10 fires a scorching,
9 black cats attacking,
8 gundams shooting,
7 faeries a casting,
6 friggin headaches!,
5 shimmering swords,
4 shiny knives,
3 pet snakes,
2 shurikens,
and a dragon then my sister bit me
on the 11th night of xmas,
my friends and sora gave to me
11 black magic spells,
10 fires a scorching,
9 black cat attacking,
8 gundams shooting,
7faeries a casting,
6 friggin headaches!,
5 shimmering swords,
4 shiny knives,
3 pet snakes,
2 shurikens,
and a dragon then my sister bit me
on the 12th night of xmas,
my friends and sora gave to me
12 final fantasies,
11 black magic spells,
10 fires a scorching,
9 black cats attacking,
8 gundams shooting,
7 faeries a casting,
6 friggin headaches!,
5 shimmering swords,
4 shiny knives,
3 pet snakes,
2 shurikens,
and a dragon then my sister bit me!
well what do you think? you like it? the poems might be up tomorrow k?
may you have good luck
*disappears into the darkness*
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Saturday, December 2, 2006
hey everyone? sorry i haven't posted in who knows how many days lol. things have been kinda weird but ok none the less. i might be putting up a poem or 2 here soon. maybe i'm not sure though. i might put my newest one up but it's not wrote from my point of veiw. well i don't really have much to say right now so i guess i'll ttyl k?
may you have good luck
*disapears into the darkness*
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Thursday, November 23, 2006
hey everyone! i just came by to wish everyone a happy turkey day make you laugh at my new blog lol. i saw it and had to put it up. well anyway hope everyone has a good turkey day and stuffs their faces lol. ohh and don't let seph or any other final fantasy person come to your turkey day dinner. this is what happens....  this would be last years turkey day -_-; lol well anyways i'll ttyl k?
may you all have good luck
*disapears into the kitchen*
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Monday, November 20, 2006
hey everyone. what's up? i know i have to tell you what happened a few days ago. well to put it plain and simlple everything broke and went to hell. well maybe not to hell but you know what i mean. the washer,dryer, (i think the microwave), and car broke. the dishwasher burped up a tsunami of bubbles and flooded the kitchen! also my sister's and my cat got in a fight. (mine won! ^^V) lol night beat alphonse everyone cheer! lol al got jealous cause night has a tail so he started attacking him. he finally pissed him off and night gave him his ass on a silver plater lol. ohh anf to let everyone know i'll be changing my theme soon BUT i'm keeping the avi^^ this weekend was ok. i got to lay around and play final fantasy X the whole time. =^-^= that's what i call a weekend. playing ff and listening to music. well anyway you all know now so i'll ttyl k?
may you all have good luck
*disapears into the darkness*
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Thursday, November 16, 2006
hey everyone. what's up? just posting so you know i'm here. a few things happened yesterday that has me kinda stressed but i'm fine don't worry. this post is kinda short but ohh well lol. i'll tell you everything later k?
may you have good luck
*disapears into the darkness*
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Monday, November 13, 2006
hey everyone. sorry for posting late. i'm finally here. well long story cut short i've had a ok day. got annoyed by a punk in gym. i've got to finish some notes for a huge test in science. while i'm thinking about it the test is tomorrow! aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm lucky it's a science test^^ science is my best subject so i lucked out there. then i have to write the reveiw sheets for my alchemy students lol. if i can find some spare time i might write another story or poem i dunno. i might draw. if i do i'm gonna try and draw Bahamut my favorite dragon. (and the best dragon i might ad lol) well anyway i'll ttyl k?
*disapears into the darkness*
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