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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
thanx for all the possitive feedback everyone. i think that will help. ohh and good news you all know quizilla well no? i stumbled upon a story/quiz called a vampire story and the writter of this story has given me the honor of drawing the characters for it. my username of quizilla is VampiressRinaa if you wish to stop by my site there. so i shall be writting and drawing for a few days finally given something to do to keep my mind off others. now i have things to do besides my research and paperwork. *thinks of the mess at home* *sighs* staying up til the early hours of the morning i might as well be a vampiress lol. anyway glad you like my theme and thanx again for the possitive feedback. i shall post again soon and maybe have my music up......that is if my player will ever work. it's being a bit of a how shall i put this........jackass. well until my next post all.
take care,
may you all have good luck
*disappears into the darkness*
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Monday, April 16, 2007
hmmmmm odd. i posted earlier today and it didn't put it up. rather odd wouldn't you say? what i said before was my spring break was not exactly very eventful but nice to say the very least. I just stayed up to long working on a few things. ^^; staying up past daylight writing papers and doing research will be the death of me one of these days. Over the small vacation i started to write a story that i think is rather important in my eyes. I am one who sees things for what they are and looks past the sugar coated things the media and whoever else tries to give you. You see in this story i'm writing i'm trying to get a huge point across but i'm doing it in a way that will make them want to read it. At least that's what i'm hoping. *sighs* as fait would have it i'm having a bit of trouble writing it. Always my luck no? In any case i think it will turn out ok. I'm not sure if i'll post it though. I haven't decided as of yet. I might have to just so people will read it. I'd love to get it published but i'm not sure i could do so. In an unrelated subject i started watching a new anime. Well it's new for me because i haven't had the time or been in the right mood to watch it. Hellsing would be the name. I've watched the first two episodes and i think i'll end up finishing it by the end of the week. if that long. i guess i'll leave it at that. i'll ttygl?
take care all,
may you all have good luck
*disappears into the darkness*
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Monday, April 9, 2007
i guess i'll start by saying i hope everyones easter went well.mine was rather strange in some departments but i'm not getting into that right now. i changed my theme again and my profile. i will also be putting music up when i can get it all downloaded. a good deal of it will be final fantasy stuff so if you don't like it feel free to turn it off. things are slowly starting to get back to the good strange they once were. there realy isn't much to report so i'll leave it at that. if anything happens i'll be sure to tell you all.
may you have good luck
*disappears into the darkness*
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Sunday, April 8, 2007
happy easter all
may you have good luck
*disappears into the darkness*
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Saturday, April 7, 2007

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Friday, April 6, 2007
hello everyone. My spring break is now only a few hours away. it's currently 10:18am where i am so when it's 3:00 i can go home and do whatever the hell i want! i finally get a much needed vacation. well it's only a week but still it helps. so what are you all up to? i should be on later and i might change my theme i might not it's hard to say. if my quizilla account will work and i can get someone to write me back i might put up some fanart. i'm not making any promises though. ^^; like i said before things are kinda insane here right now so it's hard to say. if you wish feel free to pm me i'll answer as soon as i log on. well i guess i don't have much more to say then that for now so i'll ttyal?
may you all have good luck
*disappears into the darkness*
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
well i have only 3 days left until my spring break starts so for the first time in a while i'm kinda happy. the fight thing is slowly going away i think so i'm not as worried as i was. i'll be on a lot more so that means i can make random videos and put them up or just hang out online and chat more. i don't really have anything else to say besides the break thing so i'll ttyl?
may you have good luck
*disappears into the darkness*
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Friday, March 30, 2007
here i am again. i'm a little better then i was in the last post but there are many things i still question. as you can see i've changed my theme again. it's a little more fitting for the mood i'm in. i'll explain when i can. i can't say to much because i'm currently at school. i might start putting quizzes back up i'm not sure. i'll do what i can for the moment. at least it's friday finally. which means spring break isn't to far away for me. the sooner it's here the better it is for me. i'll be able to stay online more and talk to you all which will help me in the long run. well i must go because my free time is almost up. so until next time everyone.
may you have good luck
*disappears into the darkness*
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Sunday, March 25, 2007
sorry everyone i couldn't get on here any sooner. to try and get rid of some stress mom took me up and the parkway to hike. which kinda worked and kinda didn't. as for the quiz result thing i see you all can see something in me that i could not. the result i had recieved was number two. i think that's good though i should try and be a better person. the people you all said i would be most is sora and kairi. it's kind of funny really. i myself thought i had been in the darkness to long to be called something like that. once your in it for as long as i've been you lose track of who you really are. well anyway i guess i'll leave this where it is. i won't get to deep now.
may you have good luck
*disappears into the darkness*
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
hey everyone. how are you all? things are still somewhat hellish here. problems just keep adding up. i'm not sure what to's just...i dunno how to explain really. although i will say this i got so po.ed today that i couldn't see anything but black and red sparkles. i'll tell you about that when me and mother take care of it. anyway before it starts boiling under the surface again i have a question for you all. i want to see if you say the same about me as the quiz said. tell me which one sounds like me if you would. it will help keep my mind off all of this madness going on. i'll put the results under the post. I'll put my answer of what i got tomorrow.
may you have good luck
*disappears into the darkness*
result 1)You are strong and want to save the world and your friends through the bonds of friendship. You are generally easy to get along with, but if someone makes you mad, they better run. You care about others and would go to any lengths to make sure they're all right.
result 2)Mature, mysterious and thoughtful. You excel at thinking things through before you act and analyze things carefully before you do anything. You have one fatal flaw, which is your fear of the darkness in the real world. You fight as hard as you can against it, and while doing so you open up a new part of yourself. People who anger you stand no chance against you. You are strong and know what you're doing when you act upon an idea.
result 3)Easily excited, playful, and optimistic. You enjoy life and want to live it to the fullest, along with the most important people in your life. While you are not terribly strong, you possess an inner strength that is powerful in its own way. You are polite and show nothing but kindness to others.
result 4)Fiesty, fiery and easily angered. You tend to get upset when things don't go your way and you usually are told off for this. You have many important duties in life that need to be taken care of at any cost. You make scenes and cause trouble, but in the end, you just want to be noticed.
result 5)Fun-loving, cheerful and easy to get along with. You take more relaxed pace in life and tend to go with the flow. You accept things as they are unless they upset you, then in that case you'll work hard to make it easier for everyone. You come to the aid of those in need of it, wanting to protect espeically those close to you with the strength you have.
please one chose one.
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