Current mood:
Today is kind of the first day of my spring break which makes it a good day already right? Well I found something new to beat on super smash bros. melee which is great. (I haven't beat it yet but still I thought I had everything in the game.) The best part however is the fact that my pattern for my cosplay came today =^-^=V I had a Akito spazz when I realized what it was lol. All I'm waiting on now is the wig to get here which it should be here around in the middle of next week. Somewhere along in there if I had to guess. (I still don't see why I can't dye my hair for it
I mean my hair used to be bright red so why is blue so bad? Some people used to call me Gaara's twin sister. *points to gaara's hair*
see it was that color....well it had black underneath but that's not a bad thing.) Sorry that was a hair dye rant won't happen again lol. ^^; so before I rant again I'll change the subject.
I heard that it was going to get cold where I live again.....which means no more sitting outside in the sun drawing. T_T I'm not a very cold resistant person so the cold is bad. (Dark says I need to stop being a snake and learn how to be human) I guess the cold will give me a chance to catch up on my videogames but still sephy no likes the cold. Well I have to go now because I think I'm being draged out of the house to go to the store so cyas and
Take care,
may you have good luck
*disappears into the darkness*