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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/03/07:
Hmmm...very well then.
Ultimate Final Fantasy VII Quiz: Which Character Are You?
 VINCENTYou are Vincent. You are dark and mysterious. You rarely, if ever talk about your past, because your own failings haunt you. You continue to punish yourself, not realizing that what happened was not your fault. You can be a deadly enemy or a valued friend, but others will never truely understand you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/03/07:
I go from Sephiroth, to Cloud and now I'm Vincent. Not sure what to say about this one.
Result Posted on 07/02/07:
Result Posted on 07/02/07:
That works
Result Posted on 07/01/07:
There's one thing I could argue with this result but the rest is more or less right. I'm a loner end of story.
Which Final Fantasy (VII, VIII, IX, X) swordsman are you?
 Squall Leonhart.Quiet, independant and deadly, you are a force to be reckoned with. Although you have an bitter and angry outward appearance, you are kind hearted and long for companionship. You have a hard time trusting others and like do to things by yourself. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/01/07:
I'm most like Bahamut am I? I've got no problem with that
What Final Fantasy Summon are you?
 You are Bahamut, King of Dragons. You are above all those other miserable creatures, and anyone who dares defy you will see your instant wrath. You reside over all with no tolerance for disobedience. Besides, it's not like anyone COULD defy you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/18/07:
hmmm....That's about right
Result Posted on 06/10/07:
Some parts are indeed true others are not.
If you were in anime, which role would you play?
 You would be the Mystery. Quiet, reserved, and very dangerous when you want to. You keep to yourself and are forlorn, and very sorrowful. You long for happiness,but alas you think that it is too much to hope for. But don't give up, because you are still alive. Best anime matches: Kikyo(InuYasha), Yuki(Fruits Basket), Kira(Gundam Seed) What people would want to see from you: Open up and have some fun. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/10/07:
....*sighs* ok one's black and the other's yellow how about that? This is getting insane
What Color are your Anime Eyes? (with pics!)
 You have...BLACK anime eyesYoure driven and impassioned. You are obsessed with your ideals and nothing gets in your way. You think the world is injust and should be fixed. Naturally, you see yourself as the agent who will fix it. You dont seem to realize that everyone else thinks youre overbearing and arrogant. You frighten me OO. But youre probably not a bad person. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/10/07:
How may times will my eyes change color?
What Color are your Anime Eyes? (with pics!)
 You have...YELLOW anime eyesUpsetting the world order: its not just a hobby, its a way of life! You live to beat the system. You care minimally for other people, and care a great deal about personal profit. Other people...can be useful, but sometimes they get in the way. Youd rather be tied to an anthill than admit you care about anyone else (though affection may creep into your heart). You do, however, have a lot of fun. Chances are your loud, arrogant and rude, though this may just be a front. Youre also most likely slightly supernatural. Take this quiz!
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