Round 3!!!
The winner of the last round was Irvine! Yeah! Don't mess with Irvine, bitch! Also, for those who didn't see the results of the last battle, Wedge won that one by a mile. Biggs got one... maybe two votes, and that was it.
The next round is between Zell and Ward. Growing up as an undisciplined "rich boy", Zell joined the Balamb Military Academy at the ripe age of 13 to follow in his grandfather's footsteps as a proud and powerful soldier. His honor and integrity fits his military ideals like a glove. Though he may be short tempered, Zell does posess a thick sense-of-humor. Through his rough attitude and stagnant experience, Zell is a martial arts master and powerful warrior. As for Ward, he sports a scar from an old war injury.
He looks rough and tough on the exterior, but he has a kind heart. He follows closely with his comrades, Laguna and Kiros.
Zell, wields nothing but his own two fists, and Ward wields a (seemingly very heaby) harpoon. Well, vote away.
Decide who wins.
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Monday, May 30, 2005
I've gone to so many parties this weekend!
Acutally, it was only two, but they were both awesome! Two nights ago, I went to a birthday party, and it was out in the middle of nowhere. It was a beautiful neighborhood, but I have, like, no idea where we were. My friends uncle was djing for us, and there were like 30 people there.
The first half was alright. We played football for a little while, and set up tents. We also started a fire, and were playing with it for a little while. Then when it got dark, we started playing with various firecrackers, and after, like, an hour of that, we played manhunt. It was awesome. This one kid, Micheal, we couldn't find for like 45 minutes, and we was in the most often checked spot, too. We all felt so stupid.
Then, Mike opened presents. We were all bored for forever, and then around 2:30 in the morning, we started blowing things up. Every explosion after 2:30 looked like a nuclear one. It was so great. No joke either.
All the adults got drunk, too. They were yarking (barfing that marks a sound like "yaaaarrrrrrrrrk") all over the place. Two of us stayed up, to make sure they didn't hurt themselves severly. Later that morning 3 or 4 of us watched Braveheart, and after that, we all went home, little by little.
That's about it for that party. Then, today we had a cookout for Memorial Day. It was so crazy. First, my friend Micheal showed up, and we played Area 51. Then, Kenny and Slaughter showed up, and they started playing Air Hockey.
Then Daniel, showed up, then Martin, then Elias. Soon, we all split up. Martin and Elias started playing Halo, Slaughter and I went to Slaughter's house to pick up... something, and Kenny and Michael went to Kenny's house to pick up controllers. Eventually, we all ended up back at my house, and we started playing Crimson Skies. Me and Martin sucked horribly at it.
Then we played Halo 2 for awhile, and then we did all sorts of stuff randomly. Martin kept talking, and he started playing with the fire extinguisher, and Micheal and Laura and Holly started playing DDR. Oh, yeah! Martin brought his sister over, and his sister brought a friend with her, and her friend was hot! I mean, seriously!
Like, I've seen better, but damn she was fine. Anyway, they started playing DDR. After several sprays from the fire extinguisher, everyone left except for Micheal and Elias. Then, Michael got bored, and me and Elias started playing Battlefront. Then, Daniel came back for, like, a minute, and then he left, too.
Then Elias had to leave, and here I am writing this to you guys. I might put up another round of the Final Fantasy battles, but probably not. My hands are getting tired from typing. I had a great weekend! Cya!
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Sunday, May 29, 2005
Final Fantasy VIII: Round 2
This time it's Irvine versus Norg. Irvine is an expert marksman who can use special ammo to attack enemies. He puts on airs and attempts to convince those around him that he's a misunderstood loner, an image he uses to his advantage when courting female students. However, when placed in a pressure situation, he tends to shed his tough exterior and quickly loses his composure.
On the other hand, Norg's vast wealth has afforded him a virtual fortress known as the Norg pod. The Garden Master locks himself inside the pod, and uses the pod's left and right Orbs to cast a variety of magic at his foes.
In order to win, Irvine would have to balance the acts of attacking the central door where Norg would be hiding, and attacking the Orbs so that Norg wouldn't be able to use the Pod's magic. Sounds easy, right? It would be, if Irvine had some help, but since this is a one-on-one battle, I think Irvine's going to have some trouble.
It may seem unfair to give Norg his Norg Pod, and give Irvine, just his guns, but still. It would be too easy and obvious of a battle, if it was just Irvine versus Norg.
Vote away. Decide their fate.
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Friday, May 27, 2005
Final Fantasy VIII Battles
I'm starting the Final Fantasy VIII battles today, and the first round is between Biggs, the comically funny Galbadian soldier in blue versus Wedge his commanding officer in Red. Who will win this (probably) hilarious battle? The careful, cautious Biggs, or the shoot-and-ask-questions-later Wedge? You choose. Decide their fate, in this first staring battle.
I got Area 51 yesterday! It's so awesome! You HAVE to get it if you have a PS2!
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Thank you for voting again!
I kind of screwed it up and tied it myself, and no one had voted after I did, so... yeah.
Cloud is the winner!!!! From the almighty swordsman of Final Fantasy VII and the main star of the upcoming movie Advent Children, to the killer of Sephirtoh and the ex-mercenary leader of AVALANCHE, Cloud has pulled through once again, defying all odds, swinging his mighty sword, and defying all who oppose him. Cloud wins!
But don't worry. There will be other challenges for Cloud. Next, I'm going to do Final Fantasy VIII battles, then Final Fantasy X and X-2. And I might even do a Final Fantasy villians battle. Finally, the champions of all of those will duke it out. (Keep in mind, this is all speculation. I haven't even figured out the line-up for the FF8 battles.) But either way, there will be more Final Fantasy battles so don't be bummed out. Stay tuned!
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
At a Loss
Yo! Could someone please cast in a vote... or two... or three, For the Final Fantasy battle thing? It's a tie so far, and I'm at a loss as far as what I'm supposed to do.
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Monday, May 23, 2005
(Guess I kind of left this hanging.)
The final round of the Final Fantasy VII battles!!!
Cloud versus Vincent!!!
There's Vincent, the gunman and former Turk. In the past his body was augmented by Shinra and he gained the power to transform into an ageless monster, an burden he must carry in life.
And then there's Cloud, a mercenary once hired by the anit-Shinra group "Avalanche." Cloud became entangled with a much greater battle for the life of the planet itself. He fought for the world, and at the end of a bitter struggle saved the planet. While various versions of his past were intertwined with his memories, Cloud managed to regain an understanding of who truly he was in FFVII.
Cloud using close range tactics with his Ultima Weapon, and Vincent with his monstrous transformation in Chaos and using long-range tactics with various guns, who will win this battle?
The sword wielding titan, or the angel of death?
You decide! Decide thier fate! Choose who wins this final battle!
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
New Advent Children Trailer and E3 Report
The new E3 Trailer for Advent Children is out. It's currently at Gamespot on their AC Media page, but be forewarned, it contains huge spoilers.
Also, Sony unveiled the super-slick Playstation 3, and Square Enix held their pre-show press conference.
For the Playstation 3's technical demo, a newly-animated version of Final Fantasy VII's opening movie was shown. Unfortuanetly, this doesn't mean a remake is in the works as the demo was just that: a demo. You can download the clip at Gamespot. For a couple of screenshots of the demo, as well as pictures of the PS3 itself, check out
Next, a bit of exciting news. Before Crisis is heading to the United States! Specific release date information was not revealed, but the game will be available to mobile gamers in the States sometime in 2006.
Finally, Gamespot (getting sick of this yet?) has posted their first impressions of Crisis Core for which a concept trailer was recently shown. Interestingly, this game seems to feature Zack as the main character, and also apparantley includes a remake of the "five years ago" bit from the original FFVII.
After that, (I'm sure your getting tired of reading this post so I'll try to make this quick) on and are more information on Dirge of Cerberus.
And last, but DEFINITLEY NOT LEAST, the english version of the official advent children site has been updated ALOT. I don't know the exact web address, but they have a link for it on the home page of or you can look it up on google. I'm so excited, I'm having spazms.
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
Pages (15): [ First ][ Previous ] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [ Next ] [ Last ]*Sigh*
I'm so bored. I could be doing lots of stuff right now, like mowing the lawn, or doing my homework, or reading my book, but I don't feel like doing that. Everyone is lazy today. I asked my mom's boyfriend Ray if he could finish up the backyard (there's really not that much left) and he said "sure." So, what is he doing? He is sitting in front of the tv, in his shorts, watching tv. And then, my mom complains that I'm lazy, when I already mowed the front lawn. 2/3s of the backyard (even though SHE was supposed to do that,) and there SHE is sleeping away on the love seat, right next to me as I type this. Who's lazy now?
And I'm stuck on videogames, too.
I can't get any farther on any of them. I'm so bored. (And defeated.)
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