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• Sephistrife14
• 1988-12-17
• Olney, Maryland
Member Since
• 2004-05-03
• Part time dog-sitter, behind-the- counter store (clerk?)
Real Name
• My real name is Thomas, but I prefer Tommy
• Award for most Likley to write Pulp Fiction and/or Soap Operas and the award for being the "Most Generous Donor of Salt + Vinegar Chips" (No, really. It's true.)
Anime Fan Since
• 5th grade
Favorite Anime
• .hack//sign, Zone of the Enders (more for the videogame)
• to do good in school, and become a video game programmer
• playin video games, reading, writing, horseback riding, and watching tv
• I can make my arm pop out of it's socket, and beat almost any video game on Earth. Does that count?
| Sephistrife15
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
I would have put a mood up, but I have too many moods to count right now.
You see, what happened was, I was at my internship, staring out into space, daydreaming. You know, just being bored, wishing Jatna would have some wierd impulse to call my internship and we'd talk. And, my supervisor, who's on the other phone goes: "Oh! I gotta go! The buildings on fire!"
And stupid me, I was so spaced out, I didn't even hear him! I just kept staring out into space, vaguely aware that my supervisor had made a noise. Then my supervisor taps me, while he's powerwalking to the other end of the store, and tells me to leave, because the buildings on fire.
And I'm like: What?! I look outside, and there's smoke coming from the roof of the building. And I go "Oh, shit!" And James, my supervisor, didn't know that Phil, another employee at DJ Hut (the store we work at) was in the bathroom.
So I tell James that, and he goes "Shit," and goes to get Phil. So while everyone's basically panicking, I casually grab my coat (although I was a little nervous) and leave. It turns out, that supposedly, the fire was coming from underground, where the metro was, or at least that's what it sounded like. The metro is basically an underground train system, used for mass transit. Anyway, it had reached the Chinese pizza place in the basement, gone up through Subway, and reached DJ Hut, on the second floor.
The fire department showed up and everything. They were smashing windows, and Chris, my other supervisor said that DJ Hut, was completely filled with smoke. That means that the records were probably gonna melt. I was a little scared, but I remained calm, and acted cool. Five minutes later, we're all standing outside, I'm looking around for a restaurant because I'm thirsty, sirens are blaring (rather loud and noisily), and James and Chris suggest that I should just go home, since it looked like, it was just gonna take awhile.
That was 45 minutes ago. So here I am, waiting in my Mom's office, posting this. I'm pretty bored, and I'll probably post round 4 later today. But until then, feel free to comment, and do whatever. Cya!
Thanx for reading Sephistrife15
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