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Aimlessly wandering...
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Bleh... Why do YOU wanna know?! *suspicious glare*
umm... drawing? XP
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since I could friggin' READ
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Ooookay, you asked for it: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Trigun, Slayers, Naruto, Gundam Wing, Yu-Gi-Oh, Rurouni Kenshin, Hikaru No GO, One Piece, .hack//Sign, Ranma 1/2, YuYu Hakusho, InuYasha, Escaflowne, DNAngel, Outlaw Star, Shaman King, Cardcaptors...
to start my own manga, and if it would turn into an actual anime, that would be awesome
internet, music, anime, drawing (I think XP)
umm... I'll let you be the judge of that
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Itachi: Let's not and say we di-
Sasuke: P00000000000000000000F!!!
Itachi: ...*facefall* Ugh. Whatever. First day, next scene of story. SIDDOWN, SHUT UP AND READ IT. >p
The next day at school, Rowan was getting way too many uncomfortable stares for his liking. He shoved his hands in his pockets. {{So I was accused of murder… I wasn’t guilty, right? What’s everyone’s problem?}}
He sighed, also noticing that the halls even went silent when he walked through them. He glanced around, now having ideas whir inside his head. {{Hmm… Maybe none of those preps or stupid jocks will glare at me any more… This could actually be in my favor…}}
Rowan sulked as he walked to the row of lockers, stopping in front of his. He froze as he heard a feminine voice say behind him, “Why’re YOU still here? You killed someone, and they still let you come to school?”
Rowan instantly knew who it was. He groaned, banging his head against his locker. “Go away, Jasmine.”
Rowan turned around to see, sure enough, Jasmine standing there with her arms crossed. She smirked, and continued rather loudly, so everyone heard her, “So how did you do it? Do you mind sharing how you murdered your neighbor?”
Rowan rolled his eyes, turning around and turning the combination to his locker. When he got it open, he slid a few extra books inside, still carrying his backpack. He closed his locker, then turned around, still seeing Jasmine blocking his way. Rowan rolled his eyes, glaring at her and snapping, “Jasmine, get out of my way.”
Jasmine scoffed, and shot back, “Oh? What if I don’t? You gonna strangle me?”
“Don’t tempt me…” Rowan turned, about to shove away from Jasmine, when he heard another female voice say from not far behind him, “HEY! Leave him alone!”
Rowan whipped around, as did Jasmine, both of them looking at the new girl that had just cut in their conversation. She looked a bit embarrassed, with a hint of red on her cheeks. She was wearing a purple sweatshirt and light blue jeans, and her brown eyes were glaring at Jasmine, although the bright red tint stayed across her face. She continued uneasily, softly brushing her blonde pigtails over her shoulders, “H… How would you like to be accused of something you didn’t do, and still get the basic aftermath?”
Jasmine growled, turning to the new girl and snapping harshly, “New girl, nobody hit your buzzer.”
The girl’s eyes suddenly darkened, and she shot back, “Nobody hit yours, either, Preppie. And my name is Charra, not ‘new girl.’ Remember that.”
With that, the girl smirked, turning and continuing down the hall.
Jasmine scoffed, crossing her arms and walking the opposite way down the hall. Rowan looked in both directions questioningly, then shrugged, soon taking off down the hall that “Charra” had gone down.
Yay! New character! ^^ Also one of my favorites, besides Rowan (you'll see why soon enough ;D)
We went to the school's dumb open-house thing yesterday. I'm in the (two-person) Algebra class! *pose* I so smaaart! ^-~
Itachi: *snort*
Sasuke: *snicker*
...Shat ap. *throws lil Uchiha fans at them* And, RuneScape finally worked on my computer. In case anyone doesn't know what that is, RuneScape is an online RPG game that's annoying as hell to figure out. If anyone else is on it, please tell me! I just started last night! @_@ It's confusing. Very.
Oy, I think I'm done! *throws Cheez Nips at Sasuke*
Sasuke: ...*hissss*
Peas! *leaves lil Uchiha fans for everyone*
Quote of the Day: "Still love working for me?" "Oh, yeah, I'm having a blast. *tail frizzes*" --Psy and Anti Emperor, "Ask Anti"
EDIT: Hah. Checkitout.

Itachi: o.o' *slowly scoots away*
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