Sere Tuscumbia
Monday, September 14, 2009
I'm better, whoo! Crazy mental breakdown appears to have been caused by the meds that were supposed to make me better. I have since quit taking them.
No need to worry--move along!
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Thursday, August 13, 2009
The absolute worst secret is the one you have to keep because no one would believe you if you told them. So I'm telling whoever finds this, haha, because it doesn't matter whether you believe me or not.
I'm not okay. I feel like I'm at the edge of a cliff, and two more steps will send me to my doom. I can't take it anymore.
I hear things. I hear people talking when no one is home but me, or when my parents are asleep. No radio on, no music, no TV, no computer. There is no machine in this house that can replicate what I hear.
I can't understand what they're saying.
I'm scared.
I'm lonely.
I miss you.
I just want someone to hug me and tell me everything will be okay, that I'm not going insane.
I don't want to be alone.
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Funny what you notice.
I just watched lightening almost touch down on the street in front of my house, and the thunderclap afterwards rattled the glass in the front door.
We have a squirrel living in the tree out front, and it is so poofed up today that it looks more like a gopher with a huge tail rather than a squirrel. I find it rather cute.
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Friday, September 26, 2008
What am I to you?
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Thursday, April 24, 2008
Yes, another one.
And another big, fat GET THE HELL OVER YOURSELF. You do NOT reel them in and then hurt them. Since when is it your fault when someone else decides to go along with something that they know is a bad idea?! He has a crush on you, so what? You made an innocent comment and he blew it out of the water by telling you that he wanted to pursue you.
While I think you're a shallow bitch occasionally (dumping one boy to go with another, and when the other dumps you, immediately latching onto another guy is silly and you know it. You don't need to be latched onto someone and you KNOW it. You only think you need to be latched on to someone because you've hopped from person to person ever since before I met you, and don't remember how to be single. Don't worry. Give it time. You're not ready for another relationship yet. And even if he only likes you as a friend, unrequited love is a billion times worse than just being single, honey. I'd know.), I also know you're very sensitive, and self-deprecating, and if anything goes wrong, it automatically has to be your fault.
Well, its not. Boys like you because you're a funny, attractive, smart girl (who can kick ass, to boot!), not because you're some evil seductress who enjoys taking guys and breaking them. What they do is their own fault -- you can't be the minder of every guy you come across in the hallway.
So quit moping about how you're such a horrible person, and tell him straight up that he's a gigantor fucktard and it will do him no good to "feel the worst I have ever felt, like my insides got torn out and stomped on". Because that's just dumb.
In other news, my life is SNAFU. Work sucks, social life sucks, love life sucks, and I'm beginning to think I need to invest in a vacuum company I suck so hard.
Har har, Sere, that wasn't funny.
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