myOtaku.com: Sesshies Gurl
Monday, July 28, 2008
Upon going through my old e-mail account, I came across an old friends' InuYasha fan fiction. When I read it, it brought back so many memories. I was quite saddened that I can't seem to find her anywhere, so I wish I could talk to her again.
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Saturday, July 5, 2008
Saturday; June 5th, 2008; 2:16 A.M.
Well, I'm revising my old InuYasha fan fic. Making it more "modern" you could say. I'm on Chapter III at the moment, I'll possibly be done with Chapter IV by the time I go to bed. I'm ever-so-slowly trying to work on my Death Note fan fic. I'm not sure when I'll even been finished with Chapter I. Oh well, good ideas will come into mind for it soon. Tomorrow is the last (English dubbed) episode of Death Note, so I'm pretty excited for it! Yeah, I'm an anime nerd again. Oh well. I've actually been watching my InuYasha boxsets and movies that I have currently. I'm not trying to FORCE myself back into it, but it came back naturally. So yeah.
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Thursday, July 3, 2008
So, I've started becoming obsessive over Death Note. So, I guess my anime obsession has returned. :)
I've started watching InuYasha and Trigun all over again.
I even started watching some Da Capo.
I've also started drawing & writing again.
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Friday, April 14, 2006
Okay so...
I'm sorry I really don't keep my promises on returning.
My anime obsession has not been very strong.
I'm totally trying to get back into it though!!
....i need help @_@
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Monday, December 19, 2005
Mood: Tired, hungry, irritated, happy, sad, depressed...
Yes, today I'm just a giant ball of emotions. <_<
Though, last Thursday I did recieve my internet back! Huzzah! But I still have much to do on my computer to fix it:
-Screen resolution (Jeezus, the resolution on my comp screen is too damn big @_@)
-Sound card/ DirectSound (-_- Won't lemme listen to music)
And yup...
I get out of school Wednesday, so thats good...

& thanks little inufan for the Christmas card. ^^
Merry Christmas to you all!
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