myOtaku.com: Sesshies Gurl
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
This is our funny chat that me, my cuz hikaru, and my friend yoko had:
bobalybob-my cuzin hikaru
YoKoChAn423-my friend Yoko
Hikaru, Yoko, and Kurayami's RoAd TrIp
session 1:
SesshiesBabyGurl: FINALLY
bobalybob: finally
bobalybob: lo0
SesshiesBabyGurl: lol
bobalybob: lol
YoKoChAn423: ok sorry i wasnt at the comp
SesshiesBabyGurl: i'm finding it hard to believe...we're in feudal japan
SesshiesBabyGurl: i found that sad song on windows media player
SesshiesBabyGurl: i cried again
YoKoChAn423: yea it is sad
SesshiesBabyGurl: 'can't touch this na na na na'
YoKoChAn423: ok
bobalybob: da na na na na
bobalybob: na na
bobalybob: na
bobalybob: na
SesshiesBabyGurl: Yoko-thats going to be our road trip theme
SesshiesBabyGurl: lol
SesshiesBabyGurl: 'can't touch this'
bobalybob: yeah i can see it in my head
SesshiesBabyGurl: me 2
bobalybob: stop
bobalybob: hammer time
SesshiesBabyGurl: and then bryan and kyle pop-up in the back seat. we start to scream and swurve on the road
bobalybob: yeah
SesshiesBabyGurl: lol
YoKoChAn423: o.0
bobalybob: while the musics goin and me and him are dancing while you are freaking out
SesshiesBabyGurl: lololol
SesshiesBabyGurl: I can SOOOO imagine that
bobalybob: like nothings happeed
bobalybob: yeah
bobalybob: i have to tell him
SesshiesBabyGurl: yeah
SesshiesBabyGurl: then Inuyasha pops up behind u two so we all start to freak out
YoKoChAn423: wait whats going on?
SesshiesBabyGurl: 'no, kristin, LEFT'
SesshiesBabyGurl: 'no, RIGHT'
bobalybob: AHHHHHHHHHHHh
SesshiesBabyGurl: 'no! turn that corner!'
bobalybob: pushes kyle out of the car
bobalybob: lol
SesshiesBabyGurl: lol
bobalybob: the car rolls over and over
bobalybob: then it gos right side up
bobalybob: and the musics still going
SesshiesBabyGurl: Yoko:'You missed polk-a-dot!' *yoko grips sterring wheel* 'turn back!'
bobalybob: lol
YoKoChAn423: lol
SesshiesBabyGurl: 'i'm the one driving!' *starts to bitch slap yoko*
YoKoChAn423: i would so do that
bobalybob: yeah
SesshiesBabyGurl: bryan:'whose driving!'
bobalybob: LMFAO
YoKoChAn423: i love poke a dot
SesshiesBabyGurl: all of us:'...uh oh!'
bobalybob: uhhh
bobalybob: yeah
bobalybob: yeah....floors it
SesshiesBabyGurl: *everyone starts to scream-including inuyasha'
bobalybob: im going to kill us all
YoKoChAn423: i dont care whos driving just take me to polk a dot
SesshiesBabyGurl: lol
bobalybob: with fattning food
bobalybob: to polk-a-dot
YoKoChAn423: its good shit
bobalybob: yeah
YoKoChAn423: i love it
YoKoChAn423: its the bomb digitiest
YoKoChAn423: (sp)
bobalybob: me and kyle should do the music video
SesshiesBabyGurl: 'i'm driving! get ur fucking hands of the sterring wheel!' *yoko sits happily eating cheese fries while me and bryan bitch slap eachother and no ones driving and inuyasha is sticking his head out of the window
SesshiesBabyGurl: w/ his tongue sticking out'
YoKoChAn423: yay cheese fries
SesshiesBabyGurl: *all of a sudden we stop the car suddenly and cheese fries splatter everywhere*
bobalybob: yeah
bobalybob: lol
bobalybob: thats hylarious
YoKoChAn423: waaaaaaaaaa
YoKoChAn423: wtf my cheese fries
SesshiesBabyGurl: *kyle runs up to the car* bryan opens door-"what!?" kyle-'almost forgot-BITCH SLAP!' * so kyle bitch slaps bryan* *then they get into this big bitch-slapping fight in the middle of the highway*
SesshiesBabyGurl: lmfao
bobalybob: then i push kyle into a semi
YoKoChAn423: *grabs a glob of cheese and throws it at bryan and kyle*
SesshiesBabyGurl: LOL
YoKoChAn423: lol
bobalybob: kyle gets stuck on the front
bobalybob: and ends up in mexico
SesshiesBabyGurl: LMFAO
SesshiesBabyGurl: I can imagine that
bobalybob: yeah
bobalybob: then we would just leave
bobalybob: hahaha
SesshiesBabyGurl: *inuyasha jumps out of car, unsheathes tetsusaiga and uses the windscar on every car that passes by*
bobalybob: yeah
SesshiesBabyGurl: 'hry! get inuyasha back in the car!'
SesshiesBabyGurl: yoko-'dog pile!'
YoKoChAn423: lol
SesshiesBabyGurl: so we all jump on inuyasha, while yoko grabs the tetsusaiga 'oooo, big sword!'
SesshiesBabyGurl: 'no yoko! bring that back!'
YoKoChAn423: *Grabs sword and runs*
bobalybob: yoko....sit......inuyasha falls to the ground
SesshiesBabyGurl: oopsie...
SesshiesBabyGurl: lol
SesshiesBabyGurl: XD
YoKoChAn423: lolol
bobalybob: XD
SesshiesBabyGurl: kurayami turns around-"let me borrow this" takes the tokijin from Sesshomaru and runs after yoko screaming "GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!"
YoKoChAn423: ha ha my sword al mine
SesshiesBabyGurl: *then kurayami suddenly realizes sesshomaru is there"
SesshiesBabyGurl: brb, i'm laughing so hard i need to go to the b-room
bobalybob: well i have to get ready for bed
bobalybob: brb
YoKoChAn423: umm k
YoKoChAn423: HA! HA! my sword!
SesshiesBabyGurl: k, back
YoKoChAn423: inuyasha runs after me and hits me on the head
SesshiesBabyGurl: *Kurayami walks up to Sesshomaru and starts to sing 'can't touch this'*
YoKoChAn423: help me!!!!!! runs faster i think inuyasha is gonna kill me
SesshiesBabyGurl: *kyle walks all of the way back from mexico and throws a rock at bryan's head*
YoKoChAn423: lol
SesshiesBabyGurl: *kurayami, yoko, and everyone huddle in a circle while chanting 'fight! fight! fight'*
YoKoChAn423: hands bryan sword
YoKoChAn423: lol
SesshiesBabyGurl: *bryan swings at kyle but hits jaken instead*
YoKoChAn423: lolololol
YoKoChAn423: XD
bobalybob: k
SesshiesBabyGurl: *kurayami walks up to jaken and pokes him w/ a stick* "Hey, yoko, come help me poke this dead jaken!"
YoKoChAn423: kool
YoKoChAn423: grabs stick
SesshiesBabyGurl: *yoko grabs stick*
SesshiesBabyGurl: *walks up to jaken and pokes his eye*
SesshiesBabyGurl: "oooooo, jaken eye squooshy!"
bobalybob: starts to poke in other eye
YoKoChAn423: ewwwww look holds up stick with jakens eye at the end
SesshiesBabyGurl: lol
SesshiesBabyGurl: *yoko roasts it over fire and feeds it to kyle*
YoKoChAn423: lololol
bobalybob: HA
SesshiesBabyGurl: "Here kyle, its a deformented....marshmallow"
YoKoChAn423: lolololol
YoKoChAn423: XD
SesshiesBabyGurl: lol
bobalybob: throws pills at kyle screaming enlarge your peni$ with THIS ALL NATURAL PILL
SesshiesBabyGurl: LOL
YoKoChAn423: lol
bobalybob: FEAR MY FORKS
YoKoChAn423: no fear MY FORKS
SesshiesBabyGurl: Kurayami screams "Use the forx!"
SesshiesBabyGurl: "Us the force?"
SesshiesBabyGurl: use*
SesshiesBabyGurl: "NO! the forks!"
SesshiesBabyGurl: "Well, heres a spork
SesshiesBabyGurl: Kurayami starts to get in middle of circle and sings 'can't touch this'
bobalybob: lol
bobalybob: bryan starts to dance
bobalybob: i mean....hikaru
bobalybob: sry
SesshiesBabyGurl: everyone stares at her weirdly and then Sesshomaru starts to do the same
bobalybob: we end up all dancing
SesshiesBabyGurl: then everyone decides to join in!
bobalybob: lol
YoKoChAn423: feeds kyle jakens other eye ball
SesshiesBabyGurl: lol
YoKoChAn423: lol
bobalybob: lol
SesshiesBabyGurl: a happy ending? or not!
bobalybob: idk
SesshiesBabyGurl: *kyle bumps into yoko and she throws cheese at him*
YoKoChAn423: lol
SesshiesBabyGurl: "AHHH! my eyes!" kyle screams
YoKoChAn423: here i'll help *tries to poke his eyes out*
bobalybob: then starts to eat the chesse
SesshiesBabyGurl: "Open your eyes! only this could hurt more!" *yoko de-pantses jaken and shoves his but in kyles face*
YoKoChAn423: XD
bobalybob: kyle likes jaken
SesshiesBabyGurl: XD XD XD
SesshiesBabyGurl: lol
bobalybob: XD XDXD XD
bobalybob: yeah
SesshiesBabyGurl: *Kyle grabs jaken, looks from side to side, and then runs off behind the car w/ him*
bobalybob: ewwww
SesshiesBabyGurl: lol
bobalybob: but funny
YoKoChAn423: ewwwwwwww
SesshiesBabyGurl: yea
YoKoChAn423: im telling
bobalybob: well i have to go to bed
SesshiesBabyGurl: lol
SesshiesBabyGurl: but u can't touch this!
SesshiesBabyGurl: Don't turn that dial!
bobalybob: curls up on the highway and falls asleaep
bobalybob: lol
bobalybob: dont change that channle
SesshiesBabyGurl: *everyone begins to poke him*
bobalybob: thats it
bobalybob: get all the marmalade
SesshiesBabyGurl: "Hiiiikaaaarrrruuuuu"
YoKoChAn423: look a semi is coming
bobalybob: jerks awake and hits yoko in the face
SesshiesBabyGurl: "HIKARU!" yok finally screams and wakes him in head w/ tetsusaiga
SesshiesBabyGurl: yoko*
SesshiesBabyGurl: wacks*
bobalybob: then runs out of the way
bobalybob: yellin you cant touch this at the truck
YoKoChAn423: why did the side of the semi say billy bong bob?
SesshiesBabyGurl: *Sesshomaru knocks me out and drags me away*
bobalybob: eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww
SesshiesBabyGurl: "Yoko! help me!"
bobalybob: stares
YoKoChAn423: ok cuts off his other arm
bobalybob: then dances to cant touch this
SesshiesBabyGurl: *sesshomaru laughs manically and he reveals that hes actually naraku in dusguise*
YoKoChAn423: omfg the baboon
YoKoChAn423: runs and hides mehind bryan
SesshiesBabyGurl: *Kyle throws jaken at Naraku...
YoKoChAn423: behind*
bobalybob: i cant beleive he touched this
SesshiesBabyGurl: Only to find that jaken is completely naked!*
bobalybob: naraku runs off saying im blind
SesshiesBabyGurl: Kurayami and Yoko run in circles screaming *AHHH! My virgin eyes!"
bobalybob: hikaru-jaken,,,,hide your shame
SesshiesBabyGurl: lol
bobalybob: rolls kyle over him
bobalybob: lol
SesshiesBabyGurl: lol
YoKoChAn423: ewwwwww
bobalybob: well i haveto cover it
SesshiesBabyGurl: yah
YoKoChAn423: lol
bobalybob: sry i have to go and change that channel
SesshiesBabyGurl: *Sesshomaru jumps out of no where and looks at kyle with an eyebrow raised, then he pokes him w/ a pin and kyle deflates*
bobalybob: lol
SesshiesBabyGurl: lol
YoKoChAn423: lolololololol
bobalybob: thats hylariou
bobalybob: s
YoKoChAn423: XD
bobalybob: XD
SesshiesBabyGurl: i can imagine it too
bobalybob: yeah
SesshiesBabyGurl: we're all on the side of the highway
SesshiesBabyGurl: its all imaginable
bobalybob: yup
bobalybob: i thought in the middle of the highway
SesshiesBabyGurl: jaken and kyle were on the side
bobalybob: yeah
bobalybob: thats what i though
bobalybob: t
bobalybob: and we were in the middle
bobalybob: were like psychic
YoKoChAn423: throw fries *cheese fries for everyone*
bobalybob: yay
SesshiesBabyGurl: *naraku grabs binnolculars and spies on kyle and jaken while saying' thats rite mr. giraff, get all the marmalade'
bobalybob: lol
SesshiesBabyGurl: lol
YoKoChAn423: lolololololol
bobalybob: xD
bobalybob: lol
YoKoChAn423: XD
SesshiesBabyGurl: XD
bobalybob: XD
SesshiesBabyGurl: this should be a story, i'm keeping it!
bobalybob: yeah me too
bobalybob: ive been keeping it
bobalybob: lol
SesshiesBabyGurl: we need to make it 'hikaru, yoko, and kurayami's RoAd TrIp'
SesshiesBabyGurl: well, nite hikaru and remember-jaken is fugly and he'll be in tomorrows episode of ROAD TRIP
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