myOtaku.com: Sesshies Gurl
Saturday, April 2, 2005
Mood: Sad
Music: Heaven 911 remix by DJ Sammy
Yeah, i like got a twist of mood right now. I was writing this poem for my cat that died and i started to cry -_- so here it is:
I love you s0o0o much,
I wish i could *HuG* you right now,
But I knoe I c@n't,
Because y0ur n0t h3r3,
@nd I w1sh I could talk tou ,
and t3ll you that you'll be w1th m3 4ever,
bUt I can't,
cUz uR w1th G0D now,
I rememburr hold1ng you that nit3.
AfTer that,
I Cried,
Cuz I knew u wurrn't com1ng b@ck,
G0D t00k you frum me,
I h0pe urr UP there right n0w,
w@tching ovurr m3,
b3cuz I c@n't st0p thinking about y0u.
I mi$$ you s0o0o much and I luv you ,
@nd I alway$ will.
I <333 you, Marshmallow
(2/23/04 - 6/19/04)
Yeah thats my lil poem. Its crappy an all but i'll miss the lil' guy. leave me comments and i'm gunna go to bed now. nite everryone.
<333 Krisitn
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