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Monday, November 29, 2004
Hiei-chan Plushie!!!!!!
OMG!!! I got the CUTEST plushie today! It's hiei-kun, and I put a santa hat on 'im to celebrate the holidays! I really wish you could see, it's SOOOOO kawaii! Gotta go, ja ne!
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
YAY!! Just 2 tell u, i NEVER take quizes over again. That's like, cheating, right!?
![Hiei](http://images.quizilla.com/L/LonelySpirit/1057948670_cturesHiei.jpg) Hiei
Which Yu Yu Hakusho Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
![hiei](http://images.quizilla.com/I/inuyashakagome/1053487693__double021.jpg) OH WOW!!!!!!!!!! you're Hiei! you're the kick ass fighter! you're super fast and can use that cool ass dragon of the darkness flame attack. although... you hide your true feelings and pretend not to care about anyone but yourself... that sounds like *coughinuyashacough*...
The Yu Yu Hakusho Character Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
![Hiei](http://images.quizilla.com/F/Ferrett/1066175451_HieiinWind.jpg) You are Hiei. Named the Forbbiden Child, and thrown off a cliff near birth. Kinda rude, sorta mean, but you have a soft spots for your friends and family, though you do hide your emothions. And if some one helps you, you help them, according to yuor strict hornor code.
Da Yu Yu Hakusho Caracter Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, November 26, 2004
Donate Hugs!!!
Giv e Hiei a hug! I love this hug thing!!! I know I'm s'posed to do it w/ my username, but... who wants to hug me? wouldn't they rather hug hiei-kun? I thought so!!! :D
![Hieifriend](http://images.quizilla.com/K/Kurame/1058828257_Hieifriend.jpg) (Hiei's surprised you actually got this result!)
Congrats! You'd make an excellent friend for
Hiei! You know when to stay out of his way and when to not! Go you!
Could you be called Hiei's friend? (With pictures!) brought to you by Quizilla
![hiei/kura](http://images.quizilla.com/Y/YoukoGirl/1059325066_tureskuxhi.jpg) YOU ARE----what are you? You're like a Fan Girl.. but not quite.... oh well Hiei likes you, and that's all that matters riight? I'm glad you agree!! Damn there's nothing else to say, are you disapponted that you don't have a definition for your personality? Grr.. well I'm not exactly the... sharpest tool in the shed, or crayon in the box... etc......In concusion.. YOU'D MAKE A GRREAT FRIEND FOR HIEI!!
How much does Hiei like you? Or love, or not at all.(FOR GIRLS) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Wild Wind
Hey peeps, I'm listening to Hiei and Kurama's duet (YYH) on my sisters player. She's the one w/ the com, not me. :( She didn't even pay for it! Anyway, go Hiei-kun! Kurama... is like, gay. Srry all you Kurama fan girls, but HELLO! In the jap version, his voice is done by a GIRL! I got Sims Unleashed! I'm so happy! My sister has a kitty named Hiei, and I have a puppy names Sesshie-chan. Gotta go, bye!
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Monday, November 8, 2004
YYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!! I did this prodject for LA and it's likethis mini GN, but it lloked really crappy in pencil so I scanned it a school (finally!) and im putting it up, and ill get a good grade. YYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
Arual is PISSED OFF! Arual doesn't like the 3 president runners, all very ugly, but Arual DIDN'T WANT BUSH TO WIN! ARUAL WOU'LD RATHER HAVE ROCK!!! Rock nice..., BUSH STUPID!!!!! (all VERY old, too) Sesshomaru should be prez, makes more sence, HE'S NOT OLD (umm... only like 3000) AND UGLY!!! And he has fluffy, fluffy nice! *puuuuuuuuurrrrrr*
darkness rules
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YAAAY!!! TODAY WAS QUIZ DAY! Not officialy but i took a bunch of quizes! Wanna see? GOOD!
theOtaku.com: What Anime Stereotype Are You?
theOtaku.com: Who Is Your Inuyasha Mystery Date?
theOtaku.com: What Inuyasha Villain Are You?
![Which Yu Yu Hakusho Character Are You?](http://www.yuyuhakusho.com/personality/Hiei.gif)
theOtaku.com: What CLAMP Heroine Are You?
darkness rules
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
God I'm bored! Oh well. This is my first post thingy whatcha-ma-call it so ... hi... bye...
darkness rules
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