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Poetry writing, some drawing, mostly school work
Wouldn't YOU like to know? Me too.
To make it out of High School alive
Writting poetry, playing video games, drawing
...would my hobby be a talent? *me 5 months later*: No. Get a talent, bum.
| sesshomaru09
Hello. I am the mysterious wanderer of the Otaku. I'm more mysterious than a wanderer, because you probably won't find much wandering from me. (Me 5 months later: "...What? o_O" Anyway, I'm one that cannot describe herself. You must ask whtdragon, Code or umm...anyone else that might know something about me.
I need a new name for myself. Anyone who's willing to toss their ideas my way, just do so in your comments. I'll change this space once I have a new name. All submitions are greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
It's Been a Loong While...
Sorry, peeps. A bunch of stuff happened. Firefox got screwy on me and Opera doesn't like to sign into here for some weird reason. I'm confident I'll get everything sorted out. Maybe. I hope.
Well, everything that's happened is too complicated to put on here, but I'll leave it at everything's getting sorted out now and I should be okay. Maybe. ...maybe not...holy cow...
Also, I'm starting to put my poems up elsewhere. Go to and look me up. My username is Cloudular. I only have 4 poems up right now, but I'll put some more up tonight when I get home.
As far as school goes...x_x
Every single Chemistry test I've taken so far I've made 60s and 70s on. So right now I'm sitting at a solid 80, barely a B. ANd in American History, I've fallen behind at the last moment and probably failed my last test. That's the class I'm really worried about. Holy cow holy cow holy cow! HOLY COW! X_X
Oh well, I hope to get everything worked out soooon. Byes people.
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Saturday, September 8, 2007
Back With News, Front With No News
Enough said.
And umm...
Yeah, we had a BUNCH of Psychology homework, I worked my butt off for like 2 days, and because of that I didn't study Chemistry. I missed 25 out of like 50 questions because of that. Bummer, man...
On another note, I've been glued to EBA. My calculator has an EBA theme on it now, with a startup screen and everything! My calculator's a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, and its name is Tipse (standing for TI-Plus-Silver-Edition, pronounced "Tipsee".
Oh, and for now, math work is easier than finding my left pinkie, but the concepts are harder than threading a thin fishing line through a needle (Not threading the line through the needle eye, mind you).
Metal grids and washable cow tails.
I'll catch you guys later!
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Friday, August 17, 2007
Blah Blah...
These past few days have been a bunch of nothing. My friends came over the other day and made a flippin mess in my room that I had to clean up later, but whatever. I banned them from having food or drinks in my room though : P
I've played .Hack//Infection on and off. I did beat it, but my memory card got erased so no I have to beat it again. I plan on getting Mutation after I do though. I'm at the final boss, so it shouldn't take long.
Since I don't have anything else to talk about, here's how my memory card got erased. I believe it was Christmas of 2004 when I got a Christmas Demo Disc from PlayStation Underground. I messed around on the disc, not even thinking about the memory card still being in. One of the games that was on it was Viewtiful Joe 2. I was playing it, I sorta liked it, stopped playing it, blah. This disc also had Jak III on it, and that's how I got into the series. ANYWAY, one day at school a few weeks later (Yes, the demo disk stayed in my playstation for a few weeks and I never played anything else) I was checking my email, when I got one from Playstation Underground that basically said "OH NO VIEWTIFULE JOE HAS A GLITCH THAT WILL ERASE YOUR MEMORY CARD SRRY BOUT THAT THX BAI!"
I went home to check...
But it was TOOOOO late.
The damage was done.
All my data pwn'd.
And that's how it happened.
And now my satellite died again T_T
It's been having some issues with getting a signal, and I'm trying to listen to Sirius 20 Octane (Yay satellite radio)! Oh well, we'll get it fixed eventually...supposedly...Meow mix.
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Sunday, August 12, 2007
Stuff happened...not.
I did go to a birthday party though. We got one of the clerks at the mall to do the chicken dance, which was very interesting. Other then that, I got nothing.
School starts in a week from tomorrow. Yay. Do I want to go? No. Yay. So excited. I think I'll die from all this excitement. Hopefully. Then I wouldn't have to go to school. But then that makes me not excited. Oh wait. The excitement was just a bunch of sarcasm. It all makes sense now! Wow, I'm boring. Buttered cheese cake. Powdered tree bark. Melted steel bars. Rotfled lawl wtfs. Not only am I boring, I'm bored. Wheeeee!
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