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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Dracula's daughter cont..
Jason sighed heavily, her words held more truth than she knew, the vampires he had contracts with were a merciless bunch, if you failed then you were killed and the target would be given to someone else. He thought to himself that at least Seline was left with a friend instead of neither a friend nor a brother.
“You speak the truth, had I refused I would be dead, along with your brother.”
They arrived at the burial site, he lifted up the blanket to reveal the man’s body, he was laid to rest in a peaceful and honorable way, the way a friend would should he happen to find a dead close friend of his. On the man’s chest was a piece of wood with a few words on it, it wasn’t much but it seemed to be a short message, there was some space at the bottom too.
My dear friend, I am sorry it came to this
But my reasons were just
Had I not killed you, Seline would be alone.
We would both be dead, leaving
Her with no one
I am sorry you were the one to die of
The two of us,
For her sake I would have gladly
Laid down my life for her.
“I left some space at the bottom, in case you’d want to leave a message for him.”
Seline’s voice was now barely above a whisper.
“Thanks…” she trailed off, then pulled out her dirk, and engraved into the wood. It was only one word, but it meant the world to vampires.
She glanced back up at Jason and gave a weak smile, then stood.
“Thank you, for bringing me here.”
Jason bowed his head slowly as she spoke to him, he looked up again to meet her gaze, she was trying to hold her feelings back, he could tell.
“It was the least I could do for you, and for him.”
Seline nodded and then began walking through the courtyard, getting to the very old crypts and markers upon dead ground.
The two graves she had stopped at were parallel beside each other, and both shared the same last name. That was not all they shared. As Seline bent beside both of them, she spook softly, dark tears falling down her face.
“Take good care of bro… Mother…Father..”
She composed herself a few minutes after, and stood other, and both shared the same last name. That was not all they shared. As Seline bent beside both of them, she spook softly, dark tears falling down her face.
“Take good care of bro… Mother…Father..”
She composed herself a few minutes after, and stood once more, then left the cemetary, heading towards her apartment.
Jason walked with her, staying at her sde the whole time, he stopped her in the street on the way to her home.
"Would you rather be alone? If so then I can find something else to do."
Seline looked over to Jason, her eyes holding a deep pain.
"It does not concern what I want, but what you want, Jason. Although, I would enjoy your company."
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Tuesday, November 9, 2004
Dracula's Daughter contiuned...
Excuse me for a minute, I need to tell you all that this post of the story will be longer than most, the reason being that I want to get to the good part, (Niki’s, and Kerostar’s parts as well.) I also thought that I should tell you all that the first couple of parts are all my writing, the reason being that I started the story with two characters, and now there are 5 or 6, so bear with me as I try to fly threw the beginning of the story, which I like to call part one, but I think I will do giant post until I get to the good stuff.
Well continue reading, this part is still good too, ;P
Jason watched as Seline stood and walked away, discarding his gun as she did so. It bewildered him; most people would have tried to kill him as soon as he uttered those fate full words.
He retrieved his pistol and ran to catch up with Seline, this probably wasn’t the right time but he wanted to make things better, also he wanted to make sure she felt better.
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry, it may have been my duty, but it to Jason, her eyes glittering. She was wringing her hands in nervousness at what he said. Still, her mind was curios, and she wanted to say good-bye to him one last time. She owed it to him for all he had done for her, all that they had shared in memories and thoughts
“Could you? I’d appreciate that.”
Jason nodded; he turned in the direction of where he had laid her brother to rest, knowing that she would follow him. He knew the way there exactly, it would only take a few minutes, but he used the time to talk to her on the way.
“So, you’re not mad at me?”
Seline raised a brow,
“Well, everything must end in time. Plus, you were doing your orders, you might have been killed if you didn’t follow them. Or, someone else would have killed him anyway.”
She sighed, her brother hadn’t always been one of the most “popular” vampires on the street. It didn’t help that his reputation wasn’t much better.
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Monday, November 8, 2004
Dracula's daughter contiued...
Jason was overcome with fear as Seline disabled his weapon as it sat in his hand, he knew it was pointless, he had to tell her.
“It was for my protection, more than to kill you…Seline…I’ve got something to tell you…It’s about your brother, Well…I killed him, as a part of a contract, your probably going to want to exact revenge on me, aren’t you”
Seline just stood stalk still,
“You did WHAT!?”
Seline took deep breaths, and leaned heavily against the building, as if the whole world had just turned upside down.
She had turned her brother a few years after her transformation had happened. It was so she wouldn’t be lonely.
Sliding her back down the wall, blood appeared on the bricks as her bare back slid by, but Seline didn’t care. She was still practicing the art of holding her emotions in check, but killing part of her family is a very different matter.
Jason watched as Seline slid down the wall next to him, it pained him to see her like this, he hadn’t wanted to do it, but it was a job. He handed her his pistol, dropping it lightly into her lap.
“I truly am sorry, Seline, it wasn’t meant to happen. But, if, you wish, take my life, to avenge his.”
Seline sighed and threw the gun to the side, and shook her head. An eye for an eye was never her thing, it only created a chain reaction. Plus, she didn’t really resent Jason, he was mostly nice to her. She just stood up, and walked away.
“I do not wish to take your life. You were only doing your ‘duty’, after all.”
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Friday, November 5, 2004
Dracula's daughter continued...
Seline walked in to the Dracula’s Daughter, feeling the beat of the music pulse through her very being. The loudness and obnoxiousness of the rhythm pierced her mind together perfectly.
Stepping inside all the way, he legs encased in a pair of slender sued boot, matching the midnight sky, walked into the crowd dancing. Her skin was a healthy tan, odd for a vampire.
Her eyes were a pair of garnet hazed orbs, with hair to match, which flowed straight to the small of her back.
Her body was in-prisoned in a pair of black boot cut pants, and a suede halter, that was a deep chocolate.
She began to dance in sensual movements. Her hair flying freely in the crowd, and her eyes dazzling in the lights of the deep club.
Dracula’s Daughter was the womb of were people thrived in an alluring atmosphere, and low-talking. Seline scanned through the crowds, and smiled.
Plenty of food for her to pick from, but who to choose?
Suddenly someone run straight into her, she looked into his eyes and saw that it was Jason, then he ran off out of the club.
Seline turned right back around, then smirked, muttering something to herself, close to “Ever clumsy Jason…”
Yet, she first sat down at the bar, not interested in him for the moment she ordered a vodkan drink on the rocks, and looked around. She pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a small drag out of it, and blowing it into the already stuffy air.
She began to slowly sip her drink giving thought to what Jason wanted.
Seline finished her drink, and went back to the dance floor. She looked over her options of what Jason worried about, and could only think of one reason that he would want to run from her.
Jason was a patient vampire, he’d probably be waiting outside all night.
Seline thought that it would take a rather long time to try either patience’s, but she wasn’t about to waste her night in just one bar. Stepping outside slowly, she scanned the streets, then noticed Jason, it was now or never.
Seline used her mind to move her quickly, much more quickly than she could have ran, and before he knew it, Jason was there in front of her.
She looked down at the gun precariously but slid one finger down its barrel. She gave a devilish smile, and then leaned against the wall, farther from him.
“So, you’re expecting to kill me with that?”
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Thursday, November 4, 2004
Story time, La la la la la!
Hello to all,
Today is the day, the story starts to be posted.
So sit back and enjoy reading:
Dracula's Daughter (I think)
Nicole (me)
Krista (Kerostar)
Niki (Niki)
anyway on with the story
The Dracula's Daughter was full as alwayss, the beat of the music could be felt through the floors, patrons were either dancing or sitting with their drinks. It was a typical night, the vampires there remained concealed from the public eye, one vampire in particular sat at the bar nodding his head to the music.
His black hair was long, down to his chest, his eyes's were red and his skin pale. Before he was turned he had a rare blood defect, leaving him deathly pale most of the time, even in his afterlife.
When he stood he was around 6' tall, and he loved to wear black, particulary leather jackets, jeans and a t-shirt and boots.
Under his jacket he had a handgun in a holster in case he needed a wepon where his own strength wouln't suffice. The mans name was Jason, and he was a mercenary for the most part, hired to do near any job, mainly ones that involved killing.
Jason could feel the movements of all the vampires and humans alike, it was something he had taught himeself to do over time. He felt the movments of one inparticular, heading for him, she did not seem to have an offensive movment pattern, nor that of a client, it was going to be a social conversation.
He turned to face her before she had spoken, her name was Amilia, information she had offerd freely, she asked the same from him, he looked up at her, his red eye's catching her silver one's,
"Jason, mercenary for hire."
A noise attracted Jason's attention, he looked over to the dorr to see Seline standing there in the doorway, scaning the room.
His eyes widened, he hadn't expected to see her again!.
He got to his feet and started to walk away from the bar.
"Sorry, can't stay and chat Amilia, I have other business to attend to."
He ran through the crowd, he accidentally bumped right into Seline, the two made eye contact. He ran knowing that Seline wouldn't be too far behind.
Once outside the bar he ran untill he got to the wall of a building opposite the Dracula's Daughter, he leant against it and slid down to recover from the run, maybe he was safe.
Perhaps she didn't know yet what he had done. For he was sure that if she did he would already be dead by now.
He pushe his hair to either side of his face and reached into his jacket. He pulled out the handgun that resided there.
He checked it was fully loadedd and sat ther ready for when Seline made her exit, he neededd only to wait, then he would find out if she knew.
Jason watched the door intently, soon it would open and Seline stepped out, he got to his feet quickly with the gun still in his hand. He pressed against the wall even more, he kept his eyes firmly fixed on Seline. He knew what she was capable of doing to him, and he wasn't going to give her that chance. HE tightened his grip on the gun handle but kept it by his side, so that it was there when he needed it.
That's it for today, more tomorro.
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
ha ha ha ha ha ha grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Hello to all,
Grrrrrrrrr, is all I can say.
It's another stupid people day.
There seems to be alot of them recently.
Well I have to rant so if you don't want to read it the skip this part.
Yesterday, I talked about a party,
Well, at this party there was a person named jess, (only niki and Kerostar know who I am talking about, but oh well)
She then procceds to tell everyone when we get back to school all these lies about what happened at the party...
Sorry for that...
I'll tell you some,
-one,, I had found her cell on the floor earlier that night, mind you she was already smashed before 8 o'clock. Then I said to three people that I put it up on the shelf so that no one would step on it. At school she said that she woke up and found it in her bra..........
Something is horribly wrong with that concept....
-second,,, She said that her alcohol count was 14/15 and if she had had that much then she would have had alcohol poisoning, and also would have had a hangover the next morrning..... blaaaa.
-thrid,,,,, She lies all the time.........AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Well that is it about the rant against jess.
But the party was fun anyway,
oh, and the whole forgetting my bf's name thing was stupid because It was 3 o'clock in the morring so drop it guys, (that's right I am talking to Niki and Kerostar.)
I was reading a book and I got the names mixed up. It happens right???????
Well, on to new business, I will start to post my storys, well, there arn't all mine, but they are at the same time.
I am writting it with Kerostar and Niki, and the other one is just Kerostar and my self so now you know what I mean.
well, I am going to write it out in another post so I will end this one and start on the next.
Domo Arigotto
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Monday, November 1, 2004
Partied to hard on Saturday
Hello to all,
I apoligize in advance for the bad spelling.
Well on the weekend I went to a party, and I was totaly smashed, and now my friends are telling me that I said some things that I now regrett.
Niki and Kerostar know what I am talking about.
I think that I was drinking to forget and yet everyone is telling me what I wanted to forget.... bla....
My bf wasn't there and that was sad....:(
But I made due with what was there (wink wink....)
Anyway so how does everyone like my little quizy thingy???
I thought that it would be fun, but It took me so long to make it up!
Sooo sleeppy.....
Anyway, I think I am going to visit some of my friends sites now, to see if they posted anything, so do the quiz and stuff, and hope that you all hade a good weekend.
I found a great LEstat pic,
here it is

Domo Arigotto
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
Still don't know
Hello to all,
I still don't know how to seperate the text from the background. Blaaaaaaaaaa.....
Well If you can help me it would be nice. One person tryed but didn't give me much instructions on how to do it and I still can't figure it out.
Anyway, slightly depressed today...
Alright alright alott depressed today.
The reason being that I think I just lost my best friend whom I have known since jk.
Everytime I call she always has someting else to do, and or is out with her bf.
Before she had a bf we were the best of friends, but now She never has time even to talk to me on the phone once in awhile. :(
I haven't seen her for 2 months now and we live in the same city.
Before that I hadn't seen her for 6 months.
I don't know, I could just be parinod or something but, I am not happy about it. to say the least.
Some times I fell like a stalker cuz she never called me I was the one who always called. I am sad and I dan't think this one will ever go away. Life sucks, why do I bother.
I have no motivation to do anything anymore, blaaaaaa.
Well, sorry for this depressing post, sorry if it has brought you down as well.
No deep thuoght of the day today, just maybe help me out with my problem.
Domo Arigotto
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Quiz for all you Vampire Lestat fans!!
Here is a quiz for the vampire lestat fans on the otaku. Personaly I love the vampire lestat but well, not only that.
But just add up your scores, a's b's...etc. you know the drill.
So have fun.
1)Your favourite colour is:
a) Blue
b) Green
c) Red
d) Purple
e) Black
f) Pink
2)When faced with the decision of what to wear for the evening, you choose:
a) Black leather
b) Something comfortable
c) Black velvet
d) Something casual
e) Anything black
f) Pink frills
3)Your favourite gemstone is:
a) Sapphire
b) Emerald
c) Garnet
d) Amethyst
e) Onyx
f) I'd rather wear plastic
4) Your idea of a great night is:
a) Shopping, then a rock concert
b) Curling up with a book
c) Discovering the joys of technology
d) Night clubbing
e) You don't care, so long as it's night time
f) Go out at night? You must be joking!
5) Your favourite animal is:
a) A lion
b) A panther
c) A puma
d) A meerkat
e) Anything sexy yet dangerous
f) A sheep- a fluffy one with pink bows
6) Your choice for an eternal companion would be:
a) An impulsive brat
b) A quiet, sensitive type
c) A witty, deep intellect
d) Someone who just wants to have fun
e) Anyone, just as long as they have fangs
f) A sports jock who thinks you look fabulous in pink
7) Your room/house most resembles:
a) A luxury suite
b) A library
c) A technological wonder
d) A mess
e) A museum of Gothic art
f) A birthday cake- pink, frilly and neat
8) Your choice of viewing material would be:
a) Film clips for The Vampire Lestat
b) A Company of Wolves
c) Blade Runner or Time Bandits
d) The Rocky Horror Picture Show
e) Interview with the Vampire
f) Babysitter's Club: The Movie
9) Your most desired vehicle:
a) A big, black, noisy Harley
b)You'd prefer to walk
c) Your own private jet
d) A limo
e) You'd like to fly- minus the plane
f) A pink comby van
10) If you learned a language, it would be:
a) French
b) Latin, so you could read all those ancient books you always wanted to
c) Russian
d) A whole variety of exotic swear words
e) All of the above
f) Who wants to learn a language when there's flowers to pick?
11) Your preferred pet would be:
a) A dog
b) A cat
c) Your own personal slave
d) A Purple People Eater
e) You don't know about *having* a pet, but you're perfectly happy to *be* one....under the right circumstances....
f) A goldfish named Fluffy
12) Your choice of reading material would be:
a) Your own autobiography
b) Anything, so long as it's a book
c) Other people's autobiographies, grumbling all the while
d) "Captain America Battles Sludge Man"
e) The Vampire Chronicles, and related slash
f) Romance novels
13) When something pisses you off, you:
a) Burn something
b) *Really* burn something
c) Burn someone
d) Sulk
e) Wish you could burn something
f) Cry into your teddy bear
14) You wish you could be:
a) A superstar
b) Beautiful
c) Incredibly seductive
d) Armand's lover
e) A vampire
f) A pixie
15) Your ideal guy:
a) Loves to break the rules
b) Is incredibly sweet and good looking
c) Is intelligent
d) Is fun loving
e) Has fangs
f) Buys you flowers
16)Which of the following makes you want to *hurt* someone?
a) Little girls with golden curls
b) Guys doing mimes
c) Kidnappers
d) People who say they love you but won't give you the Gift
e) Do I need a reason?
f) These sad people who are obsessed with vampires
17) The qualities you admire in people are:
a) Never giving up
b) Compassion
c) Strength and ruthlessness
d) Perseveranse
e) Immortality
f) A love of pink
18) Your ideal holiday destination would be:
a) New Orleans
b) Paris
c) Miami
d) A world trip
e) Anywhere that appeared in AR's books
f) The annual Bananas in Pajamas convention
19) Your most ideal career plan would include:
a) Acting, writing and singing
b) Finance/management
c) Modeling, or something with computers
d) Reporting
e) Anything, so long as it's a night job
f) A florist
20) Which of the following makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
a) A big, black, noisy Harley
b) A candlelit library
c) Black velvet
d) A bottle of bourbon
e) A coffin
f) A cute widdle bunny wabbit
Your Score
Mostly a's: Obviously, you adore Lestat. And what a worthy occuppation..of course, you could say I'm biased..:)
You appreciate the aristocrat in him, but love his rebellious side. Your idea of the perfect guy no doubt includes someone who lives on the wild side, isn't afraid of non-conformity and has a rather large streak of the exhibitionist. You probably like the finer things in life, but living on the edge appeals to you. And nothing sounds better then roaring around on the back of a Harley...and going *shopping*!
Mostly b's: Apparently, you're one of the hordes of Louis-worshippers out there, and most probably you'd rather curl up with a book then go partying throughout the town. Sensitivity is high on your list of qualities essential in a guy, and having someone to cuddle with on a quiet night in sounds positively delightful. You're probably a hopeless romantic...and ready to be lost for hours just staring deep into the portals of his soul and thinking of words to describe *those* eyes. Image just isn't important to you.
Mostly c's: Ahh, an admirer of Armand. Welcome! Your appreciations are for intelligence and someone who knows their way around a computer store. I hope you also like a challenge...because this is one *deep* guy. You're likely to fall head-over-heals for him, then spend the rest of your life just trying to pin him down. Your idea of fun is seeing what beautiful music you and your computer can make together....and hopefully for your sake, your tastes run a little on the exotic side. You'll probably bond well with Armand....(I'm sorry...I couldn't resist. :))
Mostly d's: You're a Daniel-lover. Hi! Having fun is what matters to you. The world may think that's *all* you care about, but really there's a lot of emotion hiding under that devil-may-care exterior. What you look for in a partner is a quirky sense of humour which matches your own, and somebody to share your wild romp through life. You don't care what others think of you- hell, if you want to sit in a tree in a park and sing Bohemian Rhapsody, that's your business, right?
Mostly e's: Decisions, decisions! A vampire-lover to the core, it would seem..and you have no particular favourite. You're probably possessed of a very Gothic streak, and have this strange aversion to all that's 'light'. You're rarely seen in anything but black, and it's even rarer for you to show your face after dawn. Your life quest is to worm your way into the select circle of true vampires, and everything else pales in comparison. No doubt the phrase 'get a life' is something you hear quite a lot...
Mostly f's: Quite frankly, I'm surprised you got this far. Anybody who managed this score is obviously on the wrong page. Vampires just aren't your style. Of course, I'm grateful I held your interest long enough for you to get here...but I think you'd be a lot happier if you wandered off to play Barbies with your sister.
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Today is a good day!!!
Hello to all,
Well today was a good day. As the title of this post sugests.(Spelt that wrong)
I can't exactly tell you what made this day so good, because even I don't know.
Anyhoo, (to take a catch fraze from Niki) Lmao (also from Niki)
This week is going by so slowly.........
But I don't have alot to post today, except that the next backgroudn will be.......
Vampire Lestat.....
Thanks to all who voted!!!...
Now I shall keep it on till november. Heehee.
Well that's all,
Domo Arigotto
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