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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Hello to all,
Well the dance at my shcool smelt.
They only played one song that was good and they cut it short. Bla.
Well I got a good pic of my friend when she was dancing with the guy she likes.
Hehe Kerostar and Niki know who I am talking about.
Sorry for the breaks in the days, my mom figured out how to put a password on the computer and I have to try to hack into my own computer. Blaaaaa.
Well to day during spare was uneverntfull, but the good thing is that on the weekend I am going to my friend Kerostars party. Hehe
That will be fun. It's a Halloween party and I love Halloween, so it is all good.
Well I hope you all injoyed my joke last week. But his week I have nothing.
But wait I think I do....
What should next weeks background be???????
My friens want to see my lovly Vampire Lestat backgrounds, (Mmmmmm, vampire lestat.....Stuart Townsend....mmmmmmmmm)
Ohhhh, sorry.....
Well lets have another poll.
Vote for....
Witch Hunter Robin....(again) Heehee
Vampire Lestat......(drool)
Anything you guys think is cool...
Hows that for choice...:)
Anyway I have to go now but please vote for the background of your choice...
Domo Arigotto
Sorry for the long post... dam I just made it longer. Lmao
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
School dance tonight!!!
hello to all,
well tonight is my schools halloween dance, blaaaaaaaaaa.
I haven't been to a schoolo dance since grade ten when all shit broke lose, and it was a terrible terrible scene..... but away from that scene,...
So I hope that everything goes all right.
Also I had a great day at school, that girl wans't anywhere around, and that made my day happy.:)
Instead of a deep thought, we will have a joke today.
If you are deeply religous don't read this!!!! sorry to all who are.
A little boy named timmy is praying at his church, the priest comes up and says
"Timmy do you want to see a magic trick?"
Timmy "Yes, sir I do"
Priest "Okay then go to my office and wait."
So Little timmy goes back to the priest office.
Priest "Timmy for this magic trick I need to to bend over the table and pull your pants down."
So little timmy does what he is told.
Priest "Timmy can you feel my thumb in your ass?"
"Yes, sir" timmy repiles
Priest holds up both thumbs for timmy to see,
Priest "Look timmy magic."
Sorry to all who actualy read that, my friends thouht tat it was a really funny joke.
Anyway I am off
Domo Arigotto
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Ahhhhhh, stupid people again!!!!
Hello to all,
Sorry for that it is just I was at shool and these really nasty(word subed, cuz I don't want to get into trouble.)
Horrible girls come in and start kicking people off the computers.
When In reality they weren't even using them.
Any way...
Well, tomorro I think that I will start posting the story... cuz I have my friends permisson.Lmao I was going to anyway but that isn't the matter.LOL :P
Well so far WHR is winning the vote for my next update.... Hmmmmm.
Well, I think that's enough for now...... but what I forgot to post my deep thought of the day.
Welll here it is:
Real knowledge is to know the extent of ones ignorance...
Think about that one people. Heeheee.
Domo Arigotto
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Monday, October 18, 2004
Bla, school smells!
Hello to all,
Well another day another usless mind filled with usless knoledge.
Sorry for that it is just school sucks, in every way.
Anyway I was thinking that I would like to post a story that me and a couple of friends are working on and see if you guys like it.
I think I will ask them first though.
well, I have to go now but I was thinking of changing the background soon.
Please vote on which it should be:
Vampire Lestat
More Witch Hunter Robin?
Well instead of a deep thuoght it will be a vote.
Domo Arogotto
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Quizes galore
Hello to all again,
Check out the quizez that I have taken.... Cool eh... eh.... LMAO!!!!
Anyway, you can comment on them if you wish...
Domo Arigotto
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Finally I figured out how to put pics up in the post,thanks to Niki ;). Lmao next thing is the art.. Urggggg.
Anyway do you like the pic?
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
Turkey day
Hello to all,
Tosay is turkey day.... (gobble gobble)
Soo sleepy form to much turkey, well actually tomorro is turkey day not now.. but everyone is celebrating today... To much turkey..
Well I don't have a deep thought of the day today.. I mean tonight.. zzzzzzzzz. (snore)
Sorry so sleepy.
Finally my computer works.
Everyone say yeah, yaaaaaaaaaa
well, gtg.
Domo Arigotto
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
hello to all!!!
Hello to all,
Toady is a happy day... I am at school right now so this post will be short.... stupid school...
Anyway hope everone is doing good, cuz I am, can wait till halloween I love halloween, it is my fav. time of the year. To bad it is on a Sunday this year. Well that doesn't really matter if you love halloween does it,... but isn't that an oxymoron?... Haloween on a Sunday....
Ohh, no now I am rambling.. sorry.. anyway I gtg cuz teachers and all that. LMAO...
Deep thought...
What always eats and never stops, but if it drinks it dies...
Think about that one people.. LMAO..............
Domo Arigotto
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Monday, October 4, 2004
Ahhhh, stupid computers, always dieing on me, I am a computer jinx.
Anyway, sorry for not posting, all weekend, computer broke.... damn...
Updated my site a bit, how do you like the new background?, I still haven't figured how to keep the background still. oh, well.
Well if anyone can help me on that please help!!!!!
I just put a new background on and I can see it all on my computer but, can you see it on yours?, it shows robin crouching down,... if you cna see it all please tell me.
Here is a deep thought of the day,
Do chickens think that rubber humans are funny???
If you know the answer please comment.
Domo Arigotto
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