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Monday, April 24, 2006

There are times...

There are times when,
Times when i wan't to run away,
Wheni wish i was nerver born.
There are times when,
times when i am happy
when i lough.
Times people make fun of me,
when i do something.
There are times when,
times whe n i'm here,
when my friends are with me.
~*~*~*sesshomaru 101~*~*~*

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G yes

My life is rated G!

Your life is rated G!

What is your life rated? (MPAA Scale)

Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes

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Sunday, April 23, 2006

hi people i aM BACK!!!!
Geta- clogs made of wood with two straps

Hakama- split leg garment for men

Ju-ni-hitoe- worn by ladies in the superial court and by the brides at princess weddings

Kamishimo- formal dress for males in samurai class

Kimono- Native Japanese costume

Kosode- under garment worn by men and women

Obi- the belt that holds the kimono in place
Obiage- shawl that you tie over the obi

Obijime- the sash that keeps the obi in place
Tabi- split toe socks worn with kimono

Uchikake- top garment worn on kosode ( brides only)
Yukata- a summer kimono worn without under garments ( also as a robe)

Zori- sandals made of straw

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

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ello people cant stay on long sesshomaru434 hope u feel better so whats up not much here will my cosin is reading everything i type so bye

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

do u know wham inuyasha4 comes out?

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ello people not much going on just another day of school. who likes school right now i am looking at anime pics got yelled at for being on the computer to much it loads so slow.... will g2g bye

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006


i has been hot hot hot and hot i can"t stand it help me we cant open the pool yet. i think this wether is going to kill me. i can't update next weekend because i am going to see my unckl(sp) in springfild and i have nothing to do down their. ok i dont get this we will go to springfild M.O. but we go to wal-mart are enthing place else because of gass will at lest i play with ruby( there dog)will beside that nothing is going on will g2g ^.^

~*~*~*~*sesshomaru 101~*~*~*~*

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ello people do u know eney good fanfic of the inuyasha show???

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