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myOtaku.com: Sesshomaru 101

Sunday, July 8, 2007

ok i a still working on my site and i have typed up more of my story and i am hating my computer right know. so how are of u people. me i am doing good i soccer camp the 16-20 in the mornigs and i have to go to the hospital monday and i am hating it already T.T ok so here is my story by the way it is not the best just to let u know:
My name is Tessa. I am 15 years old . My mom and dad died when I was only
3. I have been in the St. Peter's orphanage for most of my life and was
raised my nuns and thought by nuns. See the St. Peter's orphanage was a
all girl orphanage so I never new what love was but that was about to
change . See when a girl becomes fifteen at St. Peter's you become a nun in
training or you have to leave and find your place in the world so I took my
chance an left.

When I was about to leave the orphanage Sister Kate stopped me.
"Are you sure you want to leave Tessa? Me and the other nun's would love to
have you stay."

"I am sorry I want to find my place in the world." said Tessa

"All right." sister Kate said

As I was walking down the street I was bump into a guy. "I'm sorry!" I said I could feel my self blushing

"No it was my fault." he said

"Bye." he said. "I am sorry but I am late for a important meeting."

As I walked down the street I saw this little Tea room. I saw a small table
in the very back. I guess I will take that one I thought ...
A girl about 15 or 16 with short brown hair and deep blue eyes.

"Hi my name is Ellen how may I help you?"

"I would like to have a small cup of green tea please?" I said

"It will be ready in 5 minutes." Ellen said

As she walked off I realized that I had no home to go to tonight. As Ellen
came up to my table with my tea I asked her: "Do u know any cheep apartment?"

She smiled and said: "Ya, I do hold on I will be back in two minutes, that is when my shift end and we can talk with out me being in trouble k?"

“Ok.” I said

When she walked off I got up to go to the restroom by the time I got back she was sitting there waiting for me. Ok she said there are 5 sets of apparent complexes. The cheapest one is called The Cooper Apartments. It is$30 a month it has 3 bedroom a living room/ kitchen. It also has a pool u can go to in the summer. I will show you if you want me too it is only two miles down from here? “Yes thank you“I said she got up and I followed her.
As we walked down the street she pointed out stores that she went shopping and told me about her roommate she shared an apartment with. When we got to Ellen’s apparent there was a girl about 17 or 18 she had dark brown hair almost black that goes down to her neck she had brown eyes. She was sitting at the kitchen table with papers in front’s of her.
“Hey Taylor this is Tessa. I met her at work. I was showing her some of the complexes in town and I thought of this idea maybe she and have the extra bed room and she can pay part of the rent is that sound good Taylor?”

“Ya that sounds good.”

“Tessa is that ok with u?” Ellen asked.

”Yes,” I said Happily . “but I could I pay part of the rent if I have no money?

“I could see if you can get a job at the tea house with me.” Ellen said
“That would be great!!!!”

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