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myOtaku.com: Sesshomaru 101

Saturday, August 18, 2007

   hey it's been forever
hey yeall what have you been up to? well ok here is what happen over the last week or so ok 1 i started school again and it is fun i guess and we had a big storme was awsome but we have this little wood shed next to the house and a lighting bolt strock it and it cought on fire it was awsome!any was my great-grandpa is in the hospital cause he had a strok he was doing good but he took the turn for the worse so i well be in the hospitel most of the d ay oh! i forgot well at my school we have 3 flat screen tvs on the wall and on was on cartoon network! so during lunch and inbetween classes i wached naruto lol well i am waching inuyasha and i is kinda funny i might go to mt friends house tomarrow afternoon idk yet but HAPPY BIRTHY INUYASHA 939~ well i ahve to go now i'll talki to u later

spreading wings guess what,i got simpel and clean in it japaneese version well that all bye

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