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myOtaku.com: Sesshomaru 101

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

hello people it is almost the weekend ya!!!!ok people what do u like to tack about i have an idea ok yesterday me and my friend were going to sit in the back of the bus(were the boy's sit) will we were on are way back (we have bullies) this guy steps in the aile and somebody puchies me(have know idea who it is) and he (the guy)falls and i almost fall on top of him(TT.TT) ok i thought it was my friend (it only took a sec to relaise(sp) it wasent. so i sit all by my self in the front seat (i always sit with sesshomaru434(have to sain seats))and my friend is mad at me i told her i know it wasent her. she became happy when her dad said(cell) they are moiving back were thy were in the old house(she still rides the bus tho wich is good so i can talk to her still!!!o.k we are still friends still oooo we yous to hate each other in 1st-4th grade.

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