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| Sesshomaru 101
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 06/19/06:
Result Posted on 05/25/06:
Your Birthdate: July 3
You are more than a big ball of energy - you are a big ball of hyper.
You are always on the go, but you don't have a type a personality.
Instead of channeling your energy into work, you instead go for fun and adventure.
Witty and verbal, you can have an interesting conversation with anyone.
Your strength: Your larger than life imagination
Your weakness: You tend to be pretty scattered
Your power color: Lime
Your power symbol: Lightening bolt
Your power month: March
Result Posted on 05/17/06:
he he he
What kind of wings does YOUR soul have?(anime pics!!)
 Your soul has crazy wings!You like to jump off the walls alot, and havin fun is the name of the game, according to you. Your a very good friend with your personality, but sometimes you scare them with you happy-go-lucky type of behaviour.Your wings give off a hyper type of feeling that surrounds you. When people come up to you, they can't help but be a little hyper with you(or alot =D)! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 05/14/06:
Who would you be as an anime girl? Your anime life! (girls only and with anime pics.)
Result Posted on 05/14/06:
What Is Your Inner Soul Trying To Say? (For Girls and Guys; Contains Pictures)
 Description: Your inner soul is calling for help! Everyday you wonder why you are still here when there is nothing left. You use to once be a happy, loving soul, but it was damaged by 'them' and seems like it never can be fixed again. You've been hurt, abused, and damned far too much for you to handle it all anymore! No one understands you because theyre too scared to get to know you! You want to finally give up; just escape and rid of all your pain. You want people to understand, you want comfort... You tend to bottle up all of your emotions and problems, hoping that theyll all go away But you long to reach out and tell that one special person all of your feelings and troubles! But you never seem to have that person to talk to, or they just dont seem to want to hear you! You like expressing yourself in many ways; whether it be through your emotions, words, art, or even physically. You also enjoy nice quiet sceneries that just dazzle your mind with awe. You want a normal and happy life. You always feel this sense of loneliness clouding over your head, though surrounded by several people. None of them know you; you feel as though no one can relate to you. You want understanding, you want that friend, and you want that perfect life! Your sanctuary would probably be any place where you can be alone and hide out, such as your bedroom... You may be tough at times and try to prevent yourself from crying on the outside.... But your heart is always crying on the inside... Try to loosen up and have some fun! Never start frowning because you never know who's falling in love with your smile :) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Quote: Spiteful words can hurt your feelings, but silence breaks your heart (unknown) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Poem Verse: But finally, after all the tears, Ive drowned After all the cuts, blood still runs down The distance between us is hurting; my heart seared, But the closeness was what really killed me, what I really feared (DieColdHearted) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Symbol: A tear (sign of strength, yet it contains pain) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 05/09/06:
Result Posted on 05/08/06:
What anime guy should you be with?
Result Posted on 05/08/06:
What Fullmetal Alchemist guy will you date?
Result Posted on 05/05/06:
Who is your InuYasha soul mate? pics(for girls)
 Your guy is Sesshomaru! He is protective and can be sweet and affectionate when he wants to be, and only around certain people like you and Rin. He will be there and keep you contenet with him. He can be mysterious at times, but you can always tell what he is thinking. You will love eachother forever! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/30/06:
a different kinna quiz! yessss. | *YoUR DaY* | What did/will you do today?: | homework | What did you do yesterday?: | play on the computer | What did you do the day before that?: | school | And the day before that?: | same thing | *CeLLuLa PhOnE* | How many people are in your address book?: | 4 | Do you use text messaging?: | yes | If yes, how many are in your inbox right now?: | 0 | For each message write the person who sent it's name: | 0 | Look at your call log - From whom are your received calls?: | friends | And your dialed calls?: | same | How about your missed calls?: | same | *AOL INsTaNT MaNagER* | How many sections do you have on your buddy list?: | 2 | What are the names of the sections?: | mail and address | How many people are on your buddy list?: | 4 | Do you have people that you don't even know or talk to on there?: | no | *a FeW BaSIc QuEsTiOns* | Name: | Nora | Age: | 13 | Do you drive?: | no | What do you drive?: | ... | Where do you live?: | right here | Where do you go to school?: | yes | What is your mascot?: | hawk | Do you like school?: | yes and no | Are you gay?: | no no no no no no no no and no | *RaNdOM* | What did you wear yesterday?: | my cloths | Is that something you normally wear?: | yes | Why were you there?: | ... | Why do you want to go there?: | .... | ..Or if you've already decided.. where ARE you going?: | japan | Your toenails?: | ... | Are they always painted?: | no | Are YOU emo?: | no | Is it long or short?: | long | Real or highlighted/dyed?: | real | Which is your favorite?: | ? | Which is your favorite to watch?: | anime | Is that.. cool?: | yes | Eat healthy?: | yes | Least favorite food?: | spinish | Least favorite color?: | pink | *ArOuND tHE hOuSE* | What color are the walls in your room?: | pink | What about the bedding?: | same | Do you have a 'game room' type room in your house?: | yes | If yes, what's in it?: | ps2 | How many phones are in your house?: | 3 | How many tv's?: | 3 | Do you have a pool?: | yes | Any pets?: | no | Do you share a room with anyone?: | no | Do you share a bathroom?: | no | Oh, how many bathrooms in the house?: | 3 | Who do you live with?: | grandparents | I think I'm tired of doing this so you probably are too...: | no | Have a nice life!: | ok u to | Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d | |
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