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myOtaku.com: Sesshomarufan

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Busy Shcedules make for really bad relationships
Song: Sunday, by Sunday- by Saliva

This next week is literally gonna be hell. It's thanksgving week and the store is gonna be packed with people. A prospect that I'm not looking forward to, but I didn't tell my boss I'm off from school, so she scheduled me for the late shifts, thinking I had school....hahaha. Ain't I a stinker.

The little spat between me and Alyssa got resolved. We figured it out and decided that I will NEVER do that again, because I should never be ashamed of my own girlfriend. But here's another dilemma....we both work. We have really busy schedules the next week and we'll have virtually no time for each other. I'm kinda upset by this, because I wanna see her. I talk to her everyday, but it's actually getting to be with her that makes me happy. Maybe next semester I will have more time to be with her.
Comment Corner:

Jacob- Yeah, it would be. Thanks for the pat on the back bro. 'Preciate it.

Alrighty everyone, have a nice day. Glorify God in all that you do.

God Bless

�For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit,�

1st Peter 3:18

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