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I have two beautiful girls :)
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All of them :) 
Go back to school and become a Marine Biologist studying sharks
reading,writting,watching anime,, beign with my kids :)
I have a talent for trouble :) and being evil :)
| SesshomaruMistres
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
*Looks around* Holy shit i'm alive :)

Hello everyone, yes i'm alive :) Sorry it's taking me so long to get on here, but i've added an extra day i'm availble for work and man. is taking advantage of it :( I also took some hours off a couple people at work, so now I only get 2days off work instead of the normal 4days... which makes a BIG difference *looks at house and shakes head*. Well anyways, enough of that, I have new layouts I hope to get up for L'oloth and ICS (hopefully more people will visit L'oloth if I change it). I would love to add a fan art and fan fic to L'oloth as well, this will be better for a lot of people because it won't be limited to Inuyasha. Please be sure to send those to me, click my email link in the menu :) I'm trying to work on the ICS forums, but as I said earlier i'm limited on my time... I hope to see some more people sign up for the ICS forums :) I reply more than then here, sorry :( I will get to as many sites as possible today and tommorow :)
ICS News: I will allow one more week for entries in the ICS Layout Contest, then it's time to put up the poll :) YAY i'm sure people will be happy to see the poll return. I'm taking my girls to see CARS today, it will do me some good to go to work and be waited on for once :) Hope you guys like me new theme, it's Hikaru No Go, an awesome anime you can see on YouTube :) It's 76ep. long :( Question for you: Have any of you seen Hikaru No Go, and if you have what do you think about it? I love it actually, I miss Sai though he was soooo funny :) Take care *hugs*
Comments (11) |
Saturday, June 3, 2006
Real quick update for the ICS Members

Hello everyone, just thought i'd let the
ICS Members know
that I have been working on your members
please click below to see if i've
finished yours. If you don't like it
please email me and
let me know what you want
me to change, thanx :) If you like it
just make a comment
saying you like it and i'll put
it up for you :) Take care *hugs*
Members Information
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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Triel with power? Cross your fingers and hope I get the job :)

Hello everyone, sorry I haven't been on lately :( I have some good news... well good news for me, not so good news for updating online. I might be getting a management position at work :) Though if I do get it, it might mean that I will have little to no time to update here :( I'm sure that once I get used to the schedule I will be able to find time, I hope if I do get it you can be patient with me. Here are a few of the updates I have made to L'oloth and ICS:
ICS News
1. I have added a forum, though it is still under construction... feel free to leave a comment :)
2. I have added AMV's for most of the Inuyasha Characters, I will try to change these once a month :)
3.I have added the Fan Art and Fan Fic links (these are under construction as well, please send me any Inuyasha Fan Art or Fan Fics you might have).
4. A new poll has been put up, please be sure to cast your vote :)
L'oloth News
1. I have added new AMV's
2. I'm working on the Fan Art and Fan Fic pages
I hope you enjoy the new changes, and I look forward to seeing any fan art or fan fics you send in :) Question for you: Who is your fav. Naruto pairing? My actual fav. is Sasuke/Naruto, but I also like Hinata/Naruto. Take care *hugs*
Comments (13) |
Thursday, May 25, 2006
I'm Back :)

Hello everyone, i'm back :) I've been back but i'm sick and didn't feel good enough to get on here, sorry :( I had a wonderfull time at Kings' Island :) The kids had soooo much fun, and they love roller coaster YAY :) Hubby and the Mother-In-Law don't like them unless their tame (what fun is that I ask)? Tomb Raider was my fav. it was awesome :) I took my camera, but I didnt take any pics lol... Mother-In-Law took them all so you'll have to wait to get those pics. I'm still not feeling good, so the changes to L'oloth and the ICS will have to wait :( I have another entry for the layout contest, but that too will have to wait another day or two :( I'm going to go around to a few more layot sites and see if they'd like to take part in the contest (I don't like the idea of only three layouts in a contest). I will do my best to get to your sites today, but it all depends on how I feel, I hate the idea of not getting to your sites when I update... i'm not on that much anymore :( I used to update and visit everyday, and now if i'm lucky I do it twice a week, sorry :( But I do hope that your all doing well :) And if you find the time, both L'oloth and the ICS are in need of Fan Art for the new changes :) Question for you, do you just watch Naruto on cartoon network or do you go to YouTube to watch more than once a week? And for those of you who go to YouTube, what episode are you on? Me, YouTube is my life *L*, i'm serious though, without I would have such an anime withdrawl it isn't funny :) I prefere anime in Japanese and YouTube has it :) I'm on ep. 151 of Naruto, and I can't wait to watch the new Bleach eps. on there as well :) Take care *hugs*
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Fan Art/Fan Fic needed... L'oloth and ICS quick update

Hello everyone how are you today? I'm doing okies so far :)
I want to make this short,
cause I have things I promised the kids we'd do today :)
L'oloth News:
First I changed the music to L'oloth (hope you
guys like it), I completely
redid the Current Anime section
(you can now watch the first ep.
of any of those anime on there
by clicking them). I will also
do the same for the Watched
Anime when I return from
King's Island :) I also added
comments to
the AMV's section, and I will be changing the
AMV's later on as well :)
Please notify me if you wish to be a member or an Admin
ICS News:
I will be changing the ICS
Members page, and Members site
page to make room for a
Fan Art and Fan Fic page, you may start sending me any
Fan Art or Fan Fic you want, though
I cannot say when it will be up.
I will be sending emails to the members for
new information to put up.Take care *hugs*
Comments (10) |
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hello everyone how are you today?
I'm doing okies so far :) Hope
everyone had a good mother's day :)
I had to work :( But my kids
got me some neat things before I
left for work YAY :) As
the title says OVER
Thanx so much everyone :)I found a
couple new anime I haven't heard of
on YouTube YAY :) So I plan on
watching at least the first
eps of them to see if i'll
like it or not :)
ICS News:
The layout contest is still open for any
and all to enter :) Please click the little
Sango button above this post to
go to the ICS :)
L'oloth News:
I probably won't be able to make the
changes I want to this site until
after I get back from vacation :(
But feel free to click the dancing
Itachi button above this post and check out
what I have :) I'm still looking for
members and an admin if your interested :)
Question for you:
Do you prefere Gaara as the
villain or one of the good guys?
Well duh I love villains so I like him
better as a villain :) Take care *hugs*
Comments (14) |
Friday, May 12, 2006
New Theme :) Hope you guys like it :)

Hello everyone, how are you? I'm doing okies so
far, one week before i'm off to King's Island
hehe i'm like a kid I can't wait :) I just thought
i'd stop by and show you guys my new theme
GAARA :) I love all villains and
Gaara is one of the best,
though he turns into a
sort of good guy later on *sighs*. Well I have to
go to work today so I won't be
able to visit many sites
I'm sorry for anyone I don't get
today :( Please be sure to
check out L'oloth and the ICS, I have a poll
up on both sites now and would like your input :)
Question for you: who is your fav. Naruto villain?
Mine would have to be.......
Itachi Uchiha hands down hehe take care *hugs*
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Tuesday, May 9, 2006
New Contest for the ICS :) You've voted and so it shall be :)

Hello everyone, how are you today? I'm doing okies I guess, it's a wonderfull day outside and I wish I could enjoy it :( Damn you housework :( Oh well on to other things...
It seems that you guys want a layout contest this time around :) Sounds good to me, rules...
1. Please make sure your layout has only anime, or vid. game characters in it
2. It can be any type of layout that you want, though I prefere DIV, or Table myself.
3. Be sure to EMAIL me all the information (index, CSS, splash, extras such as avatars, banners, buttons, ext. ). Along with all the pics preferably labeled to make it easier to put the puzzle together :)
4. Be sure to put your credits in the layout, our name with a link to your site, where you got your brushes, the pics, ext.
5. Let me know if it's okies if I put them up for others to use on L'oloth or ICS... if you do NOT give me consent to let others use your layout I will delete them after the Contest
6. If you have paint shop or photo shop and want to know how to make a layout to enter in the contest email me and i'll help you or give you an Url to a couple sites I know that have layout help
7. If you think I need to add any rules to the contest email me or put it in a comment below :)
More ICS News ~ No one emailed me or left any comments about wanting to change the members info to put up a fan art/fan fic section on the ICS :( I was a little sad to see that no one did this, but I am going to put up a poll ( on the ICS ) asking if you want to add a fan fic/fan art page... I will only leave it up for a week, so please be sure to vote later today.
L'oloth News ~
I will be changing a few things on L'oloth, the Members Recommendations page will have some changes in the next couple days, and I will be adding a couple more pages to L'oloth as well, though I won't say what they will be until after i've finished them :)
Regular Update ~
It seems that I will have even less time to update on theO :( Hubby will be going to 1st shift soon, and leaves me available to work all week :( Though I am not sure if I will, I think i'll only ask to work Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday... I think that's all I want to work :) My daughter will be graduating Preschool tommorow :) They're going to have a little ceramony followed with cake and drink, I may be the only one who can go :( But I will tape it for the other family members to watch :) I will try to get to your sites a little later on tonight or tommorow :) Question for you: What is your favorite anime song?
Hmmm I will have to say my fav. anime song Fukai Mori from Inuyasha :) Though a few Naruto songs are close behind :) Take care everyone *hugs*
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Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Poll for the new ICS Contest is now up :) Please Vote :)

Hello everyone how are you? I'm doing okies I guess. Below this post you'll find
1. The Poll for the ICS - What do you want for the next ICS Contest? I put everything up except for Poems since that was the last contest we did, I don't mind if you vote for something we've already done... i'm sure some people might like a rematch :)
2. A picture of how my members info for L'oloth turned out, and what I will need if you'd like to join L'olth and have your info like mine :) I also have a question for the ICS members: Would you like me to change the members info on the ICS to how I have the members info on L'oloth?
I'm thinking about changing some things on the ICS, i've started by changing the theme to Miroku/Sango ( i'm not done with it yet, I was busy yesterday ), and if anyone is interested I would like to ask you guys for some new graphics to put up, you'd of course get all the credit for your work. I would make new graphics, but I have no paint or photo shop available to me :(
In other news, it seems that the whole family will be able to go to King's Island this year YAY *jumps up and down for joy* We finally get a vacation WOOOHOOOO :) So I will be gone May 19, 20, and 21, but I can assure I will have fun :) I will try and put up some pics of our vacation when I can :) *Thinks* no one has ever seen a pic of me have they? I think EM is the only one who has, well for those of you who haven't seen me, you should be able to soon :) Question for you before I go: Which anime would you say has the best plot?
Here I go with tough questions again *smacks myself* Bad me... I would have to say either Bleach or Naruto :)
Take care everyone and thanx for reading such a long post *hugs*
Triel ~ Club Founder ~
Favorite Anime ~ Naruto
Favorite Manga ~ Saiyuki
Favorite Hero ~ Ichigo (Bleach)
Favorite Villain ~ Lord Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha)/
Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)
Website ~ theOtaku
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Monday, May 1, 2006
L'oloth and Inuyasha Coer Soir updates

Hello everyone, today I said I would be adding new members to L'oloth... however there are a couple things that I need from you guys before I can add you. I hope you guys don't mind, and if you'd rather not give any information that's understandable and I will simply add your name and a link to your Otaku site. Here's how my members info turned out (hope it works on here)
Triel ~ Club Founder ~
Favorite Anime ~ Naruto
Favorite Manga ~ Saiyuki
Favorite Hero ~ Ichigo (from Bleach)
Favorite Villain ~ Lord Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha)/
Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)
Website ~ theOtaku
If you like the way it looks and would like to have yours like this then here's what I need:
1. wallpaper or BG that is as close to 1024 x 686 as possible ( it can be of any anime/manga/ charcter(s) that you want )
2. Avatar of no larger than 100 x 100 ( they can be any size gif. and of any anime/manga/ character(s) you like ).
3. The Url to any site you want up if other than your Otaku site
4. Name of your fav. Anime(s) ( No more than two please )
5. Name of your Fav. Manga(s) (Same as above)
6. Name of your Fav. Hero(s) (Same as 4.)
7. Name of your Fav. Villain(S) (Same as 4.)
If you choose not to have a BG or Avi I will simply add my BG and an Itachi Avi, I can and will change anything on your members info please be sure to send an email with the changes you want :)
Inuyasha Coer Soir News:
Tommorow I will be putting up a poll for you to vote on the next Contest, also if I get a few votes on a fan fic contest then I will consider putting up a fan fic page for the ICS. Though it will be limited to fan fics of Inuyasha ( you can have a cross over fan fic put up as long as one or more characters from Inuyasha are in your story ). My daughter has a carnival I have to attend today so I may not be able to visit sites today, but I will try to make up for it tommorow after I put up the poll :) Take care *hugs*
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